Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Your Body Is A Reflection Of Your Lifestyle

I often go scrolling, looking for inspirational quotes to use for my groups. And while I was scrolling, I saw this one, "your body is a reflection of your lifestyle."It seems kind of harsh, or brash but the more I thought of it, the more I agreed.

The past year and a half is the first time I have ever made it a point to get my eyebrows waxed regularly, hair cut and colored regularly, and this year I added stop biting my nails and get them done regularly. Before this point, I had never really thought "I deserved it." I never thought, "I can do this for me. I'm worth it to do it." And often though that Only special people pamper themselves often.

That is not true. Too many times we put ourselves on the back burner for other people, or family. Especially moms. We put our kids first. But let me tell you you do deserve to be taken care of. Because just like in an airplane you have to take care of yourself first before you can help others.

And taking the context of this picture to the health and wellness side of it. It is also true. The less active we are and the more high calorie, fatty, greasy, sugary, fast and cheap foods we eat, the more the body will gain. This is personally what led me to gain my weight. Crap food and no exercise.

Keep in mind right now though, I exercise often, but where I lack in my control and 100% commitment or even sometimes 80% commitment, is my eating. This is why my body is strong but it is still holding onto some fat. I know where I struggle with that, and I know that if I just went in 100% I would lose the weight so fast...but that is not what I am trying to do. I am developing a healthy lifestyle. I am not dieting or following a strict plan. Which means my progress is going to take longer than expected. But that also means I'm making a lifestyle change and not a fast crash diet.

Take time today to think about how your body is a reflection of your lifestyle. In both personal care and health and wellness. Are you making healthier choices? Are you exercising often. Are you choosing to watch tv shows more than take care of you? Are you finding reasons why you can't take care of you? Do you spend a little bit of time just for you each day?

Next time you start to beat yourself up over your progress or just think you should be doing something faster than you are, sit back and thing about how far you have come. How much you have changed. Because that is what truly matters. That you are changing your old habits into new healthier ones. And that you remember how amazing you are. And darn it, go get a pedi and mani done, or get your hair cut, or a massage. Do something for you. Budget it into your finances so that there is no excuse why you can't take care of yourself. Schedule it into your calendar and don't cancel at the last moment. You matter. And honestly I have never felt so good both inside and outside because I am taking care of all of me. Not just some of me but all of me!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, September 1, 2017

30 Days Of Healthy Recipes & Book Club

I might be late in figuring out what I wanted to do in my exclusive health and fitness support group but I finally figured it out! I personally am recycling recipes way too much in my house and need some new ones to try so...Each day in my exclusive group I'm posting a new healthy recipe. Yep, since weight loss comes mostly from what you are putting in your body, might as well make it tasty!

Just a little sneak peek, today's recipe is a healthier alternative option to Potato Soup. I love potato soup. Rich, creamy and way too starchy, but swap potatoes with Cauliflower and you have a veggie loaded non starchy and way less cream and dairy. You can view the whole recipe CAULIFLOWER SOUP RECIPE HERE.


If you've ever struggled with diets, food, body image, or your weight, then The Goddess Revolution is your new handbook for life. Imagine how much you would fall in love with your life again if you weren’t so consumed by negative thoughts around food, your weight, and your body? Imagine if you could effortlessly find yourself at your perfect weight, in your perfect body, and feel happier and freer around food than ever before?

All women are born Goddesses – but we tell ourselves over and over again that for some reason, we don’t deserve to feel good. We berate ourselves in the mirror, refuse to accept compliments and use food as a punishment/reward system to mask how we are really feeling about our lives.

The Goddess Revolution is taking over as the new 'anti-diet'. This is not a fad diet or a set of rules to follow, but a revolutionary new way of thinking that will help women to end the war on their bodies, start embracing an incredibly rewarding relationship with food, and become happier and more fulfilled than they ever thought possible. Tackling very modern issues – including ‘fitspiration’ and the obsession with perfection caused by celebrity culture and magazine airbrushing – Mel speaks in a language that women can relate to. Written with passion from one Goddess to another, this book offers readers practical tips and powerful tools to give them back control of how they feel in their bodies and what they choose to put in them

If you would like to join my group, have unlimited access to over 600 workouts, exclusive healthy cooking show, and exclusive content plus get your daily shake filled with healthy superfoods to help fill in the gaps of your nutrition to get the vitamins and minerals you need, antioxidents, digestive enzymes, plus curve your cravings and feel amazing CLICK HERE TO ORDER your bundle that is still, unbelievably, 20% off and I will get in contact you to get you added to the group ASAP!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Stop Cropping Photos To Hide Yourself

For years I was cropping myself in my pictures. Only showing my "better" half. Anything above my waist I felt was good proportion and acceptable to be seen. But what do I have now? A bunch of cropped photos that don't show the whole picture of me. And I REGRET all the cropping I did to my photos. Basically every single picture between 2005-2008 are cropped short.

During the time of cropping I was in denial about our fertility problems. I assumed that if I just got pregnant that everything would work out just fine. I would lose the baby weight from breastfeeding and then I would be skinny. And that was what I wanted. To be skinny like all the other girls around me. I was jumping from diet program to diet program just to try and lose weight as fast as I could. And often times, I lost weight, only to gain it back, plus some. I had a secret stash of candy in my house. I cheated on the diets all the time. I had a serious addiction to eating doughnuts and over ate way too often. So my solution was to crop out the "fat part of me" and leave my smile.
Speaking of the smile. On the outside, yeah, I seemed happy, but on the inside I hated how I looked. I couldn't look at myself in the mirror without cringing. Far from what I wanted feel, sexy and attractive. I didn't even like to have my husband see me naked. Which didn't help with the trying to have a baby part of it.

Fast forward to now where I weight more than I did (don't even really know how much I weighed at the time because anytime I stepped on the scale I would hate myself and feel depressed for days. Which also meant more binge eating) Plus now, I have had 3 babies. But...what's different? I am actively working on my fitness and health. I eat better. I actually love how I look now because I see my strength. I feel strong. I feel powerful. I feel sexy and attractive. But am also being realistic with myself. I also know that there are areas that I want leaner. I want to be at a healthy body fat % not a weight or an idea of how "skinny" I have to be. And just because I have a ways to go in my weight loss journey I don't beat myself up over my weight or how I look anymore. I still enjoy desserts, or candy, but no where near the amount I used to eat. I have learned portion control. I have learned to eat in moderation. And I EAT TONS OF VEGGIES FOR FUN! I haven't magically lost the baby weight I gained while I was pregnant through breastfeeding any of my children. It is taking hard work, discipline and dedication to what I want to stay on track. All it took, was a mindset change. When I finally realized that I am beautiful both inside and out and the more I work on my inside to see the beauty I have the more I love myself on the outside. It's time to STOP THE CROP and love yourself as you are right now. Join me and post your favorite full length picture of you now over on Instagram and use the hashtags: #stopthecrop #CTDG
Not only am I more confident in my own skin, but you can see my body posture in my old pictures. I was hiding, myself or at least hide part of my body behind someone else. No more. Be beautiful and STAND OUT! #Stopthecrop!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration?
 Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Quick, Early Morning 30 Day Workout Challenge

Short on time in the morning to fit in your workout? Check out this progressive 30 day challenge to help you sneak in a workout first thing in the morning! Want support from other challengers? Join us in my FREE ONLINE HEALTH AND FITNESS COMMUNITY for support from other challengers. 30 Day Challenge in the group begins Sept. 1! All you have to do is request to join! See you in there!

Want to take your results to the next level with making a total lifestyle change? Combine this 30 day challenge with 30 Days To A Healthy Lifestyle Change: Self Guided Study to start making daily changes over 4 weeks and turn those learned practices into a habit by the end of the month! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, August 25, 2017

OrangeTheory Workout Experience

You guys know I LOVE my home workouts. They are the easiest for me with 3 kids, and I am a home body. But...I am not against trying something new and challenging myself. And when I heard that there was a new fitness studio opening up in my town, and one that I have wanted to try, AND your first workout is FREE...I WAS UP FOR THE CHALLENGE, and letting the hubs watch the kids so I can get my sweat on! Plus I met the head trainer outside of Trader Joe's and we chatted and of course she invited me to join her in a workout. Thankfully she was the coach leading the class! 
First a little background. Orangetheory is an interval based, sixty minute workout led by a coach who trains you and gives you tips throughout the class. On average people burn over 500 calories per class/hour.


"Backed by the science of Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (or EPOC), Orangetheory’s heart rate monitored training is designed to maintain a target zone that stimulates metabolism and increases energy. We call it the afterburn. Our members burn an estimated 500 to 1,000 calories in 60 minutes.  And keep burning calories for up to 36 hours." source
I was asked to arrive 30 minutes early to fill out some paperwork and get my heart rate wrist band to borrow for the free class. Then I was shown around the studio. There are 2 sections to the room, the "treads" as they call the treadmill section and the rowers/weights area. They set me up on the rowing machine first and asked that I start there. Sure...why not, I haven't been on one forever! So I was on the rowing and weights portion for the first 25 minutes then treads on the last 25 or so minutes. They went over the TV and how the points are displayed there. And I didn't really understand how it worked to be honest. I thought my goal was to stay in the orange...but later found out you aren't supposed to be in the orange for more than 20 minutes total (but, I work during my workouts, and I even held back a little from what I do at home...More on that later.) 
Let me just say that the rowing machines were actually the coolest thing I have ever seen! I have used a machine before, but this actually had water in it and a propeller. So I was literally rowing water. It was so fluid and really easy to use. We had 2 phases in our rowing/weights section. The first was a pyramid set up where we started with 500 meters rowing then over to do 3 weighted exercises starting with lighter weights and more reps, then the next rowing we did 400 meters, at a slightly faster tempo then bumped up our weights and did less reps, and worked our way down on the meters but faster speed and up to heavier weights less reps. I hit the red a couple of times. Then the second phase was steady 300 meter rowing and doing 4 more weighted exercises like the TRX Bicep curl. There was a TV there with instructions on what exercises to do, how many and directions. It was nice to refer to and we had the coach there to help too!
Next I was on to the treads. I haven't been on a treadmill since my miscarriage 2 years ago, so mentally, it was challenging but again, to move on you have to move on. I was told that there are 3 terms to learn. base pace, push pace and all out. The instructor calls out intervals such as "push pace for 90 seconds" and then "drop to base pace for 30 seconds". It is important to know what these mean for you. For me, it was a walk, faster walk and slow jog. And since I was walking I followed the cues for increasing my incline when it was called for. And we had hill training day, so there were a lot of 10 level inclines for me! And just doing these kept me in the orange and red zone for the remainder of the workout.
The key to this workout is that everyone goes at their own pace with their own weights, so people of all fitness levels can be doing the same workout, which is pretty great. And by monitoring your heart rate you can see how much you are really pushing yourself or not pushing yourself. At the end of the workout, we had a quick little stretching session. And I met with the coach at the end and we went over my results. She said that my results were typical. But I also didn't understand that I wasn't supposed to be in the orange as much as I was. I was actually keeping myself in it and pushing harder. But, I don't know if I would have been satisfied with my workout if I had only been in the orange heart rate 20 minutes total. When I workout, I make it count. I work for it. So...something to talk to them about if I go back.
Few things to know about OTF:
  • There is no childcare at OTF, which would be an awesome addition! But the studios tend to be smaller, and don't have room for it. 
  • I would not recommend doing OTF 5 days a week, but that is solely my opinion. 2-3 times a week would be recommended, and probably not back to back. You want to work. And if you are going every single day, your body is just going to be over tired.
  • Be sure to bring a water bottle and towel. You will sweat a ton! My studio had a place to refill your water bottle which was helpful as well.
  • My studio had lockers where you could put your keys, jacket, phone, etc. while you workout. There  also was a shower and bathrooms.
  • If you want to start on the treadmill, get there early. At my studio everyone crowded around the door to get to the treadmills first, and I think next time it would be easier to start with the treadmill and end with weights. 
  • Classes can fill up fast depending on location. There is an app you can download to sign up for classes, and if one is full you will be put on a waitlist. 
  • You can go to an OTF anywhere in the country once you sign up! This is great for those that travel a lot, or if you have a studio near your office and also one by your house. 
  • I also love that there is no time commitment when you sign up, it just goes month to month. If you ever want to quit for awhile then pick it back up later, you can. They have a few payment option plans available, like 4 week, 8 week or unlimited. Or you can pay per class. 
  • These workouts are great for intervals, endurance, and to work up a great sweat!
All in all, it was a great workout. I WORKED, and had a pretty good sweat by the end of it. Would I do it again? Sure! I think to track my progress and strength it is a great idea. But, the lack of child care is hard for me. But it is something that I do plan on trying every now and then for a change of pace and fun! Plus I love getting to know other fitness professionals in my area! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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