Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, May 1, 2017

New Month - New Fitness Program: P90X3

Happy May!!! It's a new month and I still have the same goals, but I am just going to go about reaching those goals in a different way! 

I am stuck. My progress is stalled. My body is in pure maintenance mode right now and I don't want to maintain. I feel like I am telling you more than showing you that I can actually make these changes. And if I can't change, how can you expect to. I do not like my current body shape, size or how I feel. My body aches. My body gets tired. I am fit but...My body is holding me back to what I can really reach and in the end it is my choices in food that is holding me back.

But that all changes this month and for whatever reason May always seems to be the month that I get my butt in gear and WORK IT! Maybe it is because summer is almost here. Not sure what it is but...It was May 2012 after Mason was born that I started with my nutritionist and the weight just fell off. It was May 2013 that I suffered my second miscarriage and gained excess weight and started running to lose it. It was May 2015 that after I started seeing a counselor and getting back into exercise after my 3rd miscarriage that almost took my life and started my weight loss journey again to get me out of my depression. Now it's May 2017 and again, I am buckling down and will finally stop telling you about my weight loss goals but SHOW you too! I might have made bad choices in the kitchen the last 2 months but that doesn't mean I give up. That means I work harder in putting the right foods in my mouth and the right portion sizes. To finally stop making excuses because my excuses snowball. And to start pushing play or doing something even on on the days that I just don't want to.
This month I am going to be starting a new program: P90X3! Yep! You read that right. I am going to be doing a P90X program! But this one in particular is that you still get the results of a P90X program but in only 30 minutes a day. Which is totally doable for this busy stay at home working momma of 3! It is just high intensity for the 30 minutes and you have to BRING IT for the 30 minutes! Going to the best of your level and ability every day! 

Are you ready to join me on my journey? JOIN MY FREE ONLINE FITNESS COMMUNITY to get the support, info and tips to help keep you motivated. Not ready to invest in the Annual All Access Pass Bundle yet? You can GET THE FREE 30 day trial of Beachbody On Demand to see if it fits your lifestyle first! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get info, tips, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices TODAY!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Plus Size Fitness: Total Body Strengthening Exercises

Just because we are plus size doesn't mean we can't rock our workouts! Try out these combination exercises to give you a total body strengthening workout! 

8-10 reps of each exercises repeated 2 times


Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get info, tips, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices TODAY!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Goldilocks Syndrome To Starting A Program

Too many times we wait to do things for "goldilocks" moments. You know, for when the timing is just right. But life doesn't always workout that way. Don't wait for life to be perfect to start your journey because at some point in your journey...LIFE WILL HAPPEN and get in the way. ALWAYS FREAKING HAPPENS! Either way you have to learn to adapt your plans around your life. Sometimes it just takes a little leap of faith to start your journey and do the best that you can.

Look at your life right now. Do you feel like you don't have time to workout. Don't have time to plan out your meals. Don't have energy. Don't know where to start? START WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW! Make time to exercise. Make time to plan out your meals to save you time later in the week. And just exercise because it will give you energy. Trust me, from this momma who isn't getting much sleep these days, it gives you a boost and helps you get a deeper sleep. And with how and where to start, it can start with putting your shoes on and just walking out your door for a daily walk. Or doing some squats and leg lifts in your house. Use soup cans or water bottles for weights. Do what you can! If you can't invest right now in a program and want to get started on your own.
For me, I love the structure of a program. And I like following workout programs. Takes the guess work out of things and helps me know I am working my whole body even in just 30 short minutes a day. That is why I do the Beachbody Programs. Why I love the unlimited online streaming. I know and trust what the workouts are doing and I know they work! You have just 3 days left to get 20% off on the already super great deal for the all access pass, month supply of Shakeology and the nutrition fix system! You are just 5 minutes away from changing how you exercise forever and feeling better! Don't be Goldilocks and wait for the perfect time. Because that time is right now.
If you are like me and really like following programs for structure and take the guess work out of what to do ***CLICK THIS LINK*** to order the All Access Beachbody On Demand Annual Pass!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get info, tips, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices TODAY!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Skip The Jam: Berries and Toast Healthy Breakfast Swap

Foodie tip for the day! Want toast? Avoid using sugar filled jams and jellies! Just top your toast with fresh berries. I love strawberries or blueberries personally! Tastes yummy and way less sugar! Perfect side to eggs to help you get a balanced, filling breakfast! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get info, tips, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices TODAY!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Introducing Vegan Vanilla Shakeology and Vegan Café Latte

Earlier this month Beachbody introduced 2 BRAND NEW Shakeology flavors that have been much anticipated! We are adding 2 new vegan flavors to the mix giving a wider variety to our vegan choices and making it a total of 9 flavors to enjoy!

Flavors of Shakeology Now Include:

Vegan Chocolate
Vegan Tropical Strawberry
Vegan Vanilla
Vegan Café Latte
Café Latte

Check out more details on the 2 newest flavors and you can check out all the ingredients in the newest flavors HERE in this Complete Collection of Shakeology Ingredients list
Vegan Vanilla Info
 Vegan Café Latte Info
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get info, tips, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices TODAY!
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