Too many times we wait to do things for "goldilocks" moments. You know, for when the timing is just right. But life doesn't always workout that way. Don't wait for life to be perfect to start your journey because at some point in your journey...LIFE WILL HAPPEN and get in the way. ALWAYS FREAKING HAPPENS! Either way you have to learn to adapt your plans around your life. Sometimes it just takes a little leap of faith to start your journey and do the best that you can.
Look at your life right now. Do you feel like you don't have time to workout. Don't have time to plan out your meals. Don't have energy. Don't know where to start? START WHERE YOU ARE RIGHT NOW! Make time to exercise. Make time to plan out your meals to save you time later in the week. And just exercise because it will give you energy. Trust me, from this momma who isn't getting much sleep these days, it gives you a boost and helps you get a deeper sleep. And with how and where to start, it can start with putting your shoes on and just walking out your door for a daily walk. Or doing some squats and leg lifts in your house. Use soup cans or water bottles for weights. Do what you can! If you can't invest right now in a program and want to get started on your own.
For me, I love the structure of a program. And I like following workout programs. Takes the guess work out of things and helps me know I am working my whole body even in just 30 short minutes a day. That is why I do the Beachbody Programs. Why I love the unlimited online streaming. I know and trust what the workouts are doing and I know they work! You have just 3 days left to get 20% off on the already super great deal for the all access pass, month supply of Shakeology and the nutrition fix system! You are just 5 minutes away from changing how you exercise forever and feeling better! Don't be Goldilocks and wait for the perfect time. Because that time is right now.
If you are like me and really like following programs for structure and take the guess work out of what to do ***CLICK THIS LINK*** to order the All Access Beachbody On Demand Annual Pass!
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