Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

You Always Have 2 Choices

This month my goal was to say NO to excuses, guilt, junk food, soda, regrets, giving up and quitting, to being the best person that we can be. One thing that I find I still do sometimes is compare myself to others. Why can't I be that lean? Why can't I be as successful as so and so? Why can't I have her confidence?

I am working so hard to drop these negative mental thoughts because they are nothing but self destructive. Remember when I said a couple of weeks ago, "It can't be that easy." well that was another negative thought. It comes down to 2 things. Either you do it, or your don't. Either you eat better because you want to be healthy or you don't. Either you exercise to feel better or you don't. There is not grey area. When we make grey areas we are just setting ourself up for settling with the same old stuff you have been doing and not reaching our maximum potential, that brought you to this point and you guys, I want you to reach your max potential. I want to reach my potential. It just comes from deciding, committing and doing, succeeding. So be a flower. Stop comparing, or letting negative thoughts rule your life. Just do and bloom!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Health Up Your December

I know a lot of people are in recovery mode from Thanksgiving. I have been hearing that TODAY many are ready to get back on their exercise and eating right before Christmas so they on't gain too much weight before the new year. THAT IS SO GREAT! Because you are not alone if this is your goal and EXACTLY why I am running a HEALTH UP YOUR HOLIDAY December support and accountability group! I want to help you reach your goals. To help you LOSE weight before Christmas so you can have a happy and healthy GUILT FREE Christmas.

To help you with that, Today, Monday November 28, is the last day to receive my FREE OFFER. When you order a workout combined with Shakeology I will personally send you a FREE COPY of FIXATE, Beachbody's first cookbook with 101 easy to follow yummy recipes to help you keep your nutrition started right!

If you have been on the fence about starting 21 Day Fix, or trying out those color coded containers, now is the time because when you order today you will get:

  • Daily Workouts with schedule
  • Nutrition guide
  • Color Coded Containers (depending on which workout program you choose) 
  • Access to my exclusive group with women just like you to wanting to lose weight and be more healthy
  • Access to my tools I used to lose weight
  • Daily motivation
  • Support
  • Accountability
  • 30 Day Guide to help you stay on track
  • EXCLUSIVE Surviving The Holiday Guide
YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS OPPORTUNITY to help you get healthy before the holiday and set you up for the new year and continue your progress! Send me an EMAIL or message me on FACEBOOK

The current workout programs on sale right now are: 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Black Friday Special!

Are you ready to amp up your results? I am offering a PERSONAL promotion from today through Monday evening, (Monday, November 28 at 11:59pm)  that when you order a workout program and Shakeology combined together (challenge pack) I will send you a FREE COPY of FIXATE. The perfect companion to the 21 Day Fix container program offered with most of the workout programs!

A few of the workout programs are: 

Fixate is Beachbody's first cookbook with all the nutrition info included, container breakdown and macros as well. There are options for paleo, vegan and gluten free as well. 101 recipes included and the perfect fit for yummy easy to make recipes.

CLICK HERE and then click on CHALLENGE PACKS in the left sidebar! Want help deciding which workout is the best fit for you and your lifestyle? Please send me an email so we can chat and get you set up with the perfect workout to fit your life!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM an

Friday, November 25, 2016

7 Thanksgiving Day Recovery Tips

Happy day after Thanksgiving! How did you do yesterday eating wise? Did you eat too much? If you want to get back on track faster, check out these 7 tips to help you feel more like you!

Today don't go crazy with leftovers. Look at what you have and plan what you are going to eat before you go crazy. NO GRAZING! 
2) Drink lots of water to help your body flush out faster. 
3) Eat more veggies. Have a huge plate of salad, without dressing though. Use a balsamic vinegar and oil dressing.
4) Ditch all the carbs from yesterday. Don't even keep them as leftover, just dump them out. You know, the stuffing, potatoes, and let your family members use the rolls for their sandwiches. 
5) Make sure you portion out the leftover turkey and use it for your meals. 
6) Cut salt. More than likely there was a lot of salt in your meal yesterday. More than you might usually eat. For the next few days, just avoid salt. Don't use it. Adding extra pepper actually helps fool my brain into thinking I am missing any salt. 
7) DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF THIS WEEKEND to "check the damage". More than likely, no matter how well you ate, your weight will be higher.  Don't beat yourself up with the "I should have done better" game. It isn't worth it. You are living a healthy lifestyle now and that includes enjoying holidays! If you follow these tips you should be fine by the 1st of December and be back to where you wanted to be. Hope this helps!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Perfect Plate Portion Sizes

Rolls, baked french toast, mashed potatoes oh my! Yes! I am enjoying my Thanksgiving just like anyone else. I have worked hard this month to eat very, very clean. (I have lost 7 pounds this month so far!) I followed my eating plan so that I can enjoy my Thanksgiving. But the key to enjoying Thanksgiving is knowing when to stop eating! Don't pile that plate too high. Make sure you have a good amount, (not just a little bit) but a good helping of veggies on your plate compared to any carbs or yellow containers. And by all means if you are going to get seconds, GET SECONDS of GREENS and veggies! Have only one portion of taters, and stuffing. That is plenty. Be smart about your holidays and you can walk away a CHAMP at eating healthy on Thanksgiving!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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