Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, September 19, 2016

PCOS and Getting Pregnant

In 2003 I was diagnosed with PCOS. Matt and I had been married for a year at this point and "assumed" that we would have gotten pregnant right away. When that didn't happen we made our way to the docs and had them run some tests to see what was going on and we were told that I had to lose weight (10-15 pounds) to get pregnant and that I suffered from PCOS. I was like, "what the heck is that!" I was actually mad at the doc for telling me I had to lose weight. Surely I would get pregnant have the baby then breastfeed all the baby weight and excess weight off. Right?!? I finally started to research what PCOS was. To educate myself and now I feel like PCOS (poly cystic ovary syndrome) is much more common, or well known now than in was back in 2003. (by the way writing 2003 just seems so surreal that it was 13 years ago!)

After that appointment I was so bummed. My plans of getting pregnant right away, breastfeeding the weight I gained over the last year was GONE! And now on top of that I had to actually lose weight to get pregnant because I let myself eat what I wanted since I thought it would be easy to get pregnant. Over the course of the next 7 years I went up, up and up in my weight. I battled with depression and anger and sadness with how difficult it was for us. I saw 3 different fertility specialists, the second being so bad that he let me stay on a drug that I didn't even need.

During my 8 year wait to get pregnant I had a massive doughnut and sweets addiction. Every time I would go to the grocery story I would pick up a doughnut. And over time it became 2 doughnuts, then 2 doughnuts and a candy bar. Chocolate Long John's with sprinkles, no filling, were my vice. What made it even worse is that I would eat them in the 5 minutes it took to get from the store to my house where my husband would be waiting for me. I had to "hide the evidence" from him because I didn't want him to know the real reason why I had to go to the grocery store for the 3rd time that week. I was addicted. They helped me feel less bad for a good 5 minutes then of course I felt worse because I just stuffed 2 huge doughnuts in my face and a candy bar and hid it from my hubs.

It wasn't until I reach 239 pounds that I finally decided that I was done with feeling sorry for myself and holding myself back. I sought out a personal trainer and started working on me. It became my obsession. Matt was deployed for a time and I just put everything I had into it. I finally lost the weight I had been trying so desperately wanting to lose. 31 pounds. I started at 228 and hit 197 before I got pregnant through the help of an actual endocrinologists that specialized in fertility treatments and not just dabbling in it like #2.

I tell you all this because what I have learned, what actually worked for me to get pregnant is, that with every single pregnancy I have had I have always been in the pursuit for my health. To not be just skinny but to actually be healthy. Eating the right foods and exercising. That very first doctor in 2003 who said, "if you could just lose 10-15 pounds your chances of getting pregnant increase." With PCOS there is a hormone imbalance and often it is accompanied with a insulin resistance. Through exercise it can help to balance out your hormones and through eating right you won't be putting the foods in your body that give us the problems. Filling your body with good carbs and not junk foods and sweets which make your blood sugars tank! It wasn't until I stopped using a prescribed medication that was meant to help balance my insulin resistance that I got pregnant because I started to feed my body the foods it needed. Not necessarily what I wanted to eat.

My recommendation to all of you suffering from PCOS and wanting to get pregnant is:

1) First look at your eating habits. Really look at them. I was in such denial about my eating that I just didn't see it. I truly couldn't see how bad it was until I hit rock bottom and had to change. It wasn't until I realized that what I was doing was more harm than good.

2) Next, start to change. Change the foods you are eating. Change how often. Seek help. And start exercising. Let that become your obsession. Let eating clean and healthy be your obsession. Not the junk foods. Not the sweet treats. As hard as it is and as tempting as they are, they are not doing you any good. They are the complete opposite of what you want and what your body needs to get pregnant and be healthy.

3) Accept your body for as it is. That it does have a condition which makes it more difficult to get pregnant and to then sustain a pregnancy (in my case). Learn to love your body and not hate it because it really is amazing. When you start to feed it right and learn to love your body, changes will happen. As frustrating as it is to get a negative pregnancy test every single month, keep fighting for what you want. Never give up and believe in your body for what it can do!

Don't know where to get started with eating whole foods, and clean eating or exercise. Send me an EMIAL, COMMENT BELOW or send me a FACEBOOK MESSAGE and let's chat. I would love to have you part of my support groups to help you get on the road to getting pregnant and FIGHTING PCOS forever!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Friday, September 16, 2016

3rd Trimester: 5 Must Have Items

Since I am at the end of my 3rd trimester I thought it would be fun to let you know my 5 favorite must have items. I have used these almost every single day! Check them out below and let me know in the comments what your fave items are in this last trimester!


I do not feel amazing every single day, but when I have my water bottle with me, my WONDER WOMAN WATER BOTTLE, I feel like I can take on anything. It just gives me a little boost to my day, and reminds me to DRINK MY WATER so that I don't go into early labor! Find a water bottle that you really like, one that is easy to carry or slip into your purse. And fill that sucker up throughout the day!


I talk about it every week in my weekly bump updates but this stuff really is working. HONEST COMPANY ORGANIC BELLY BALM. I try to use it twice a day to help keep my stretch marks at bay. I already have a ton of them from before I ever got pregnant and this being my third full term pregnancy, I haven't earned any more, or stretched out any of my old ones.


Face it, not much will be fitting you by the end of your pregnancy. Even my yoga pants are being super stretched. Make sure you really do invest in some nice comfy lounging pants. I have some old ones from Old Navy, maternity goucho pants, but they don't have them on their site right now, so here are my second favorite pats that I wear around the house. SOMA COOL NIGHTS SLEEP PANTS. These pants are actually amazing. And I have many different pairs of them. They keep you cool while you sleep, which is a must for us pregnant mommas when our core temp feels like we are as hot as the sun.


Baths are my groove right now. I took 4 baths last week. (not looking forward to my water bill for this month!) But I need these baths. Not only to they help my aching back and hips, but it is my escape from the chaos of the world. I either watch a tv show and just turn off my brain or I do my hypno-birthing exercises to help me prep for labor. I really have enjoyed DR. TEAL'S EPSOM SALT WITH LAVENDER because it already has the lavender in it so I don't have to add any essential oils to my bath. I will say that it is really, really strong at first for my pregnant nose but once it dissolves in the bath the smell much easier to tolerate.


COUNTRY HEAT! I can not say enough amazing things about it but man, I am so loving this workout. Not only is it helping with my cardio stamina, but it is burning the crap out of my legs! Every single time my legs are on fire. Granted I am not doing the workout every single day, I am aiming for 3 days a week right now alternating with yoga to help me stretch more but every single time I do it, my legs are like, WHAT ARE YOU DOING???? And it isn't where my legs normally hurt it is the saddlebag area and hip flexers. Which I normally don't do a lot of exercise with. It is a good change up for me and the workouts have been so much fun. Elyse even likes them. She wiggles her butt back and forth now which is really cute and funny and freaky all at the same time! She has got better moves than me it seems. The main thing in the 3rd trimester is to stay active. Keep moving. Because when you stop, you stop. Everyone I talk to can't believe that I am still working out at 39 weeks pregnant (me along with them sometimes!). They all tell me that they couldn't do it this far pregnant. But with doctor approval you can. You really can. You just have to choose and want to. That is the difference. I am still doing small bouncing movements and shaking my booty back and forth and working my core without doing sit ups. It can be done, just find something that you enjoy doing and hey, dancing is SUPER FUN!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Full Harvest Moon And Labor

Well, tomorrow is the full moon of the month and to top it off, it is the harvest moon. In my Healthy and Fit Mama's group I have been watching to see if the full moon actually did anything to help to naturally induce labor. You know, those old wives tales. Dancing naked under a full moon will make you go into labor. But is it really true?

I asked my doc. Not really. He said, that the moon doesn't really determine labor starting but what he has noticed is a drop in the barometric pressure usually does. And coincidentally, that is what is going on right now in my area. We have a huge drop in temps this weekend right when the full moon is at its peak. So for those of you willing try try out an old wives tale, Friday is the time to dance naked under the full moon and hope that your water breaks and you go into labor! As one girl put it in another group I am in, fingers crossed and legs open!

The best bet to help your baby come out on time, is to be patient and stay relaxed. The last thing you want to do is to get anxious and bouncing on your feet watching a clock wondering when it will happen. That is like waiting to watch water boil. IT TAKES FOREVER and can get frustrating! When your baby is ready and your body is ready it will happen.
Frog Position- can lean against your bed or couch too.

Nipple stimulation
Sitting in deep squats (frog position)
Talking to your body and baby (meditation)
Bouncing on a birthing ball
Pelvic rolls/tilts
Baths to help relax
Cat/cow movements or resting on your hands and knees for a time
Nesting is a great way too. Clean around your house. Get it ready so that you don't have to worry about it after baby comes. Scrubbing your floor is a great position because you are on your hands and knees and it helps your pelvis open up more allowing the baby to sit in your pelvis more.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Bump Update: 39 Weeks

I'm ready to POP! Seriously I do not know how she can grow any more. I can definitely tell when she is not quite as engaged in my pelvis because her butt is higher and her movements are way more cramped. I am like, dude girl, this would be easier on you and me if you just assume the position and STAY THERE! And she is moving a TON right now and every single time it makes me think of Space Balls, "Hello My Darlin!" scene. I know she is bigger than Collin was at this point too, there is just no space left! 

HOW CUTE IS THIS OUTIFT?!? I love Mamabijou over at Etsy. This is going to be her "after blessing outfit." My mom is making Elyse's baby blessing dress (just like a christening, but our church calls it a baby blessing) Well, since my mom is putting tons of blood sweat and tears into that dress it will ONLY be worn when it has to be, for the blessing and pictures (of course!) Once the blessing is over and pictures after she will be undressed and reveal this one. I also have a matching purple bow from her coming home outfit that will be swapped out with the white one for the blessing.

Total Weight Gain: Gained 26.1 pounds total. Weight as of this morning 263.8 pounds. Up .4 oz from last week. Call that a win! 

Symptoms: Smaller appetite, eating smaller meals throughout the day. Having to "go" a lot since she is head down. Hard time sleeping. Waddling and lower back soreness like nothing else! Man at the end of the day my back is just killing me! CRAVING MILK! SWEETS. Sweets are calling my name right now and they taste good!
Baby’s Size: Watermelon (~19-22 inches, 7 or more pounds)

Labor Progress: As of my weekly check up appointment last Thursday I was 1cm dilated. Baby was at a engaged in my pelvis -2. She decided that she didn't want to be in my pelvis that much so she was up more. Next appointment is TOMORROW! I have been taking Evening Prim Rose oil to help soften the cervix plus a TON of meditating and talking to Elyse to let her know we are good to go to getting ready for her to come out!
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts but those are tight now. I am actually running out of clothing. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy!
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. I think I am getting some new ones or my old was are just being stretched up higher on my belly. No bright purple ones just the faded white ones. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones. I apply it at night and right after I get out of the shower. 

Belly Button: Innie! I never had my belly button flatten out or pop out during my other 2 pregnancies, but this might be the one that I do! Every week it is getting closer! We are actually pretty close to having my belly button flatten out. But not yet. It is still an innie!

Braxton Hicks Contractions: I am getting them throughout the day now, many times a day. Including some strong ones that kind of make me stop and take a breath. I get two different kinds. Upper belly and lower belly, but never at the same time. (that would be labor!) Upper BH are generally caused by exercise and getting up and down too much and just a reminder to slow down and drink water. The other kind I am getting are lower belly ones that really take my breath away. I only get a couple of them a day, not as frequent as the others but these, yeah, remind me more of actual labor pains. They just happen when they want to happen!
Gender: GIRL!!! So excited about all the cute stuff we got for her! We have her coming home outfit and her picture props! So girly, and way too cute!
Sleep: I need to take a nap every day but I haven't been this week. And I am waking up many times a night to go to the bathroom or trying to get comfy. (If you see me make a comment on FB or IG at 2am this is why!) I am still getting up at night at 11:30pm, 3:30am, 5:30 without fail. Always around 9pm for about an hour she likes to put on a show and be super active! 
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings:  MILK and SWEETS! I normally don't drink milk any more due to an intolerance I have to it but I have been craving it like nothing else. 2 8oz glasses usually. Funny thing, ice cream doesn't do the trick. It has to be straight up cold whole milk. WEIRD! The sweets is new this week. Everything at Trader Joe's with chocolate was calling my name. Cinnamon Rolls too. Oh and veggies of course. I am loving me some veggies!
Aversions: Not this week. Everything tastes too good!
Excited About: Due date is next week. YAY! My mom will be here MONDAY. The boys are super excited for her to arrive. I am hoping that when she gets here Elyse will decide it is time to come out and play too! Tomorrow I have my weekly doctor checkup and will be able to hear her heartbeat and find out more about my progress. I do think things have changed since last week because I have been talking to her more, encouraging her to start prepping my body and also meditating to help my body open.

Workouts: Pretty well for this week! I got in 5 days of regular workouts this past week. I'm really enjoying, COUNTRY HEAT! I am trying to dance this baby out! If you are interested in joining BUSY MOM'S DANCE PARTY just click on the link to request to join and I will get in touch with you with all the details! And I am enjoying finding prenatal yoga routines online. I can't do the 21 Day fix yoga anymore. Too many modifications so I am sticking with prenatal specific ones. 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sneak Peek Into A Challenge Group

Ever wonder what these "challenge groups"/support groups are all about? Well, here is a sneak peek into my challenge group. Everyday a main topic is posted with either tips, support, motivation, progress, challenges, or just plain old fun! We really try to engage with the challengers and help them learn a new way to see them through this journey. It isn't just about, "DID YOU DO YOUR WORKOUT?" Or screaming in your face to eat right. No, it is about helping you learn how to see food differently, or learn to react to different situations, like eating out. I posted this yesterday!

GOOD MORNING MOMS! Today I wanted to talk about those days that we just have to eat out. LIFE HAPPENS! Don't beat yourself up if you have to eat out but check out these tips to help you stay on track with your goals!

Tuesday's Health Tip: 6 tips to eating clean while eating out

1) Find local restaurants that have healthier options. Farm to table restaurants are amazing!
2) It is ok to ask what is used to prepare a meal or what ingredients are used
3) Look online to view menu options and nutritional information and plan ahead
4) Pay attention to portions. Don’t be afraid to eat half of your meal and take the rest home for lunch
5) Ask for healthier options. Most restaurants will be happy to cater to your needs
6) Eat a salad before your main meal, but be cautious of unhealthy dressings. Oil and vinegar dressings are usually a safe bet.

Have you done any of these things to help you survive eating out?

Each month has a theme to it and we try to be consistent with the theme during the month (notice these pictures are similar). The whole point of the group is to provide support, education, motivation, and a fun safe atmosphere for each person to be able to find what they need to make their changes to a healthier and fit lifestyle! Plus there are different types of groups, I have 2 ongoing groups. One for everyone that I work with or anyone that would like to join, (YOU CAN JOIN HERE!) and one for those who are actively pursuing their health and fitness goals (my exclusive group for those doing a workout combined with Shakeology). Both group offer different things and different levels of support. And for September and October I am also co-hosting groups to help with the late end of pregnancy and new baby. If you are interested in joining my next group for OCTOBER, I can't wait to announce the theme, send me an EMAIL, or COMMENT BELOW. Or you can always send me a message over at FACEBOOK

I am all about, support, motivation, EDUCATION, and inspiring. And if that sounds like what you need in your life, why haven't you contacted me yet? Let's get chatting! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!
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