Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mom & Baby Hospital Bag Packing List- Third Time Around

I am so behind in writing this post! EEK! I am 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and just getting everything together. I blame the hubs. He has been making me wait and wait and wait until I was in my final month, meant to do it last week but it just didn't happen! But here it is! If you are not sure what to pack for the hospital, well here you are, and with an easy way to pack too! 

I like to get super organized and make it easy. I will group thing together in Ziploc bags for easy to find, store and pack! When I was in labor with Collin (#2) I had my hospital bag in our room and we had to move fast. I had my laboring sports bra/nursing bra and my labor gown right on top. I just pulled them out without thinking about it and threw them on. Grabbed my chargers and put them in the ziploc bag we already had near them and it was so easy and fast. Everything else was already packed and I didn't have to think about it. Being organized and ready makes a huge difference. Just a little advice on making it easier to pack.

WHAT TO PACK: Mommy & Baby: Starting from bottom of bag up.

-Going home outfit for you and for new baby and socks and mittens for baby. Bring your comfy sweat pants. No jeans here cause you won't want to pull them on. And bring a pregnancy top too as you will have a bump still. (see Kate Middleton pix of Prince George meeting the world)

-Washed blanket from home for baby to get used to smell of home while in the hospital. I love using the Aden & Anais Swaddle blankets in the hospital instead of the blankets they provide. 

-Clothing to wear for your hospital stay. 2 tops and 2 bottoms (sweat pants again or capris or loose fitting non tight stuff). I'm wearing a black nursing dress (similar to this) because it is just so comfy! PJ's would be great. If you are going to wear bottoms I would do dark bottoms because of the after birth bleeding that happens, and you have a leak in the lovely hospital undies. I love these rolled gauchos pants from Old Navy! I have 2 pairs! You always have the option to wear the hospital gown too.

~Nursing bras (2, just in case). I love these from Motherhood Maternity for sleeping and pads, along with nipple cream or coconut oil in a small container

~Cheap flip flops for the showers, plus you have the flip flops or shoes you wore in. Also you can pack slippers if you want. I don't they take up too much room but here is where you would put them in your bag.

~Toiletries- toothbrush, hair brush, hair tie, face wash, shampoo and conditioner, glasses case, contacts and solution and makeup.

~Chapstick and hair tie easily accessible for use while laboring. You will need it. Put it in a Ziploc baggie to keep together and easy for the hubs to find.

~Charger for phone, tablet and all electric things you are bringing. (make sure your camera if bringing one that is not your phone, has a fully charged battery prior to being packed.)

~Insurance card, birth plan, pre-registered hospital card, picture ID and list of what you packed to make sure you bring it all home in a pocket folder so that you can check into the hospital and also add the hospital paperwork to before you leave the hospital too.

-Don't forget to bring a robe with you so you can walk around the hospital if you have to during labor.


~Birthing sports bra or nursing bra- I have a black one from Motherhood Maternity that I love that I will use again to give birth in. It is easy to throw on in a hurry and isn't too tight, and it can be pulled to the side easily to nurse right away. Keep in mind this one will get messy from when you meet your baby as they will place the baby on your chest or belly when they are born. That is why black. My cousin did hot pink though.

~Birthing gown (I choose not to use the open butt gowns the hospital has and I bring a night dress that goes down to my knees and has thin straps. More comfy. Check with doc and hospital to see if allowed.)

I am hoping to do most of my laboring at home prior to the hospital again. And when I get to the hospital I want to be all work no play basically. But if getting induced, bring a good book or crossword puzzle or a game with you and make sure you rest because inductions can take some time and it can get boring just sitting there watching the clock, which you will do even if you bring a book, game or rest.

Other women bring their Boppy pillow with them or a pillow from home. I don't, because that is just more stuff to take home when your hands are going to be full of stuff, including your new baby!

These are my essentials. If I think of anything else to add between now and DD I will update this post!

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Hospital Thank You's For Baby

For any of you that have had a baby, did you take a thank you gift for your hospital nurses/doctors before leaving? We have done it with both boys now and they really are quite appreciative to them. With Mason we had a scheduled induction and we knew it would be a long morning. So we came in with doughnuts for the nurses. They loved them! With Collin we made this Sweet Tart's Bag! And we made one for the day nurses and one for the night nurses. Here is a list of cute ideas that you can do for your Thank you's!




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Friday, August 26, 2016

Finding The Perfect Homecoming Outfit For Baby

I don't know about you, but for me, getting a special outfit, which is their very own, to come home from the hospital just makes the whole experience all the more REAL! With Collin, I really made a point to find him a cute coming home outfit. Since we were using all of Mason's hand me downs it just was something that I really wanted to do. I found this perfect little teal blue onesie and stripped pant,s from Gymboree, that were just too cute, but the hat, totally sold it for me!

For Elyse, I wanted to find something that was super special. Something that told her story. We have been waiting for this little baby girl for years. We knew we would have 2 boys and a girl shortly after we had Mason. I thought for sure that she was going to be the middle child, and when we found out that Collin was, well, a boy, I was a little upset. I started to think that maybe we weren't really meant to have a girl. But through faith and hope. We really did know that she was meant to be with us, when the timing was right. 

We knew that last year she was trying to come join our family. But then the worst thing happened. We lost her. I felt after a few weeks that she had sacrificed her time then so that we could both be healthy when it was her time to come back. I honestly didn't know if she was still going to be with our family or not, but when we found out we were pregnant, we had the peaceful feeling that this was Elyse's turn. That it was really going to be happening. So we have been waiting for YEARS for her to join our family. YEARS! So, when I found this adorable Worth The Wait onesie made by Mamabijou over at Etsy, I couldn't resit. (make sure you like her on Facebook too, so you can see all the cute new items!) Call it #TheElyseEffect but I had to have it. I also picked up the adorable leggings and bow from her too and I just can't wait to put her in this outfit, and hoping that she doesn't have a massive blowout in it on the way how so that she can wear it for a couple other important events! 


1) Make it personal to you and your story
2) Have fun with it
3) Don't forget about the siblings or pets! Get them a fun shirt to wear too!
4) Get it personalized
I also picked up a pair of fun shirts for the boys to wear when they meet baby sister for the first time (I have fallen in love with ETSY!) It is a huge change, welcoming a new family member, and often times the siblings need something to help them still feel just as special as baby. So for us, we get them a cute big brother shirt to really emphasize how important they are to the whole family! Check out these Big Brother Again and Big Brother Finally shirts for Mason and Collin made by Little Boo Kid Shirts at Etsy.
While you are planning for your new bundle of joy, take some time to really find something that is special for your family. It really makes the whole brining your baby home from the hospital so much more special! Comment below with your pictures of coming home outfits for your kiddos! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Being a fit and healthy plus size momma to be means that I am doing what I can now to keep my body as healthy as possible during this pregnancy. But since I was already plus size before I got pregnant, I already had those dreaded stretch marks. Honestly, I think stretch marks tell a story about you. They shouldn't be looked at so negatively. They are what they are and we can't do anything about them once you have them but I understand completely about controlling them as much as you can especially during pregnancy.

I'm pretty fair skinned and new stretch marks are bright purple on me. But I haven't gotten any new ones this pregnancy, just my old ones are getting more elongated. You can compare my 27 weeks pictures to 36 weeks below! I just have my faded white ones. 

I got my stretch marks a few years into our marriage when I was eating whatever I wanted to eat because I thought, hey, I'm going to get pregnant right away, then I will breastfeed and lose all this weight!  But that didn't happen. It took us 8 years to get pregnant. During that time before I got pregnant though  I just kept eating whatever I wanted. Buying 2 doughnuts and a candy bar at the grocery store and eating them quickly on the way home from the store to "hide the evidence" of what I was doing from my husband. And slowly inside I was breaking. I was depressed because I wasn't getting pregnant. I felt like I was letting my husband down because I couldn't do the thing everyone else was able to do so naturally. And over a few years I went from 190's (I actually don't know how much I weighed on my wedding day!) to 240. And with that quick jump up in weight my body just over stretched. But I look at my stretch marks of what I learned. Because I finally started getting my stuff together around 7 years into our marriage. Working really hard to be healthier and exercise more. And I was! EXERCISING A TON! When I was finally at 197 is when we started the fertility round that got us pregnant. And by the time we were pregnant I was at 203. But my stretch marks were still with me as a reminder of how far I had come and what I learned.

With Mason I gained 52 pounds. I was at my heaviest when I delivered him. 255 pounds. And thankfully I didn't get new stretch marks because I used lotion on my belly all the time. Fast forward to this pregnancy and I knew I was going to end above 255 only because I started at 237 pounds and I was aiming to gain between 20-30 pounds. As scary as that number is to think about ending at 267, I knew it was a possibility. But I wanted to work really hard at keeping my stretch marks at bay. This pregnancy I have been using the Honest Company Belly Balm and it has been amazing. I might be more "stretched" than ever now but I have not gained any new stretch marks. And I think it is all because of this Belly Balm!

What is so great about it: 
  • A unique blend of organic butters, botanicals, and antioxidants for belly and body health
  • Organic shea butter, olive oil, tamanu oil, and calendula help reduce the appearance of stretch marks, improve elasticity, and hydrate for soft and supple skin
  • Jojoba, apricot kernel, rosehip, and tamanu oils help restore moisture and suppleness while smoothing marks and toning skin
  • Nourishing botanicals and omega oils penetrate deeply to soothe the itch of stretching skin
  • Helps soothe sensitive and extra dry skin
  • No harsh chemicals (ever!) — only soothing, certified organic ingredients
  • Hypoallergenic • Certified Organic • Vegetarian • Soothing • pH Balanced
What it doesn't have: 
Made without: petroleum, mineral oil, lanolin, gluten, parabens, phthalates, fragrances, dyes, or most common allergens.

We all have stretch marks. Wear them with pride because there is nothing you can do to erase them. Just like you can't erase your past, but you can embrace them for what they are and use things to help make your skin more elastic so that you don't increase your chances of getting more.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bump Update: 36 Weeks

This past Saturday we had the baby shower. It was so great and so much fun. And I had the chance to perform my original song on the piano, A Mother's Hope, for all the ladies that attended! I wrote it last year after my miscarriage and it is about a hope for the future to raise a child that was lost through miscarriage. Honestly, I think it is the best one yet I have written. (Bet you didn't know I wrote music. Now you do!) Anyways, it was just really special to share that with the ladies and seemed appropriate so I did. Because of the kindness and generosity of our friends Elyse is going to be one fashionable baby!   
We also started school for Mason yesterday so that has been a big transition for our family. Getting used to new routines, new schedules. Getting everyone up and ready to go early and such. So it has been a pretty big week for us, PLUS hitting 36 weeks. Just doesn't seem possible that my due date is only 4 weeks away. Seems so far away but it isn't! 
Total Weight Gain: Gained 24.6 pounds total. Weight as of this morning 262.3 pounds. 

Symptoms: Smaller appetite, eating smaller meals throughout the day. Having to "go" a lot since she is head down. Hard time sleeping. Waddling and lower back soreness like nothing else! Man at the end of the day my back is just killing me! Oh and by the end of the day my feet and ankles are starting to swell a little. I blame having to walk and wait in the heat for the bus to arrive! ;) 
Baby’s Size: LARGE cantaloupe (~19-22 inches, 6 pounds- GOODNESS!)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts but those are starting to get tight now. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy!
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. I think I am getting some new ones or my old was are just being stretched up higher on my belly. No bright purple ones just the faded white ones. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones. I apply it at night and right after I get out of the shower. 
Belly Button: Innie! I never had my belly button flatten out or pop out during my other 2 pregnancies, but this might be the one that I do! Every week it is getting closer! But you can see how much of an innie I have!

Braxton Hicks Contractions: I am getting them throughout the day now, many times a day. Including some strong ones that kind of make me stop and take a breath. I get two different kinds. Upper belly and lower belly, but never at the same time. (that would be labor!) Upper BH are generally caused by exercise and getting up and down too much and just a reminder to slow down and drink water. The other kind I am getting are lower belly ones that really take my breath away. I only get a couple of them a day, not as frequent as the others but these, yeah, remind me more of actual labor pains. They just happen when they want to happen!
Gender: GIRL!!! So excited about all the cute stuff we got for her! We have her coming home outfit and her picture props! So girly, and way too cute!
Sleep: I need to take a nap every day but I haven't been this week. And I am waking up many times a night to go to the bathroom or trying to get comfy. (If you see me make a comment on FB or IG at 2am this is why!) I am still getting up at night at 11:30pm, 1:30am, and 3:30am, 5:30 without fail. Always around 9pm for about an hour she likes to put on a show and be super active! 
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Veggies and Comfort food like pasta and cereal. I want veggies and I want easy comfort food. 
Aversions: Sweets taste too sweet for me, so I can only handle a little at a time. I guess that is my only aversion and kind of good!
Excited About: 4 weeks until my due date. Tomorrow I have my doctor checkup and will be able to hear her heartbeat. But I think it is the start of exams... Also tomorrow is my chiropractor appointment, so I can get my back taken care of which will be nice! 

Workouts: Pretty well for this week! I got in 5 days of regular workouts this past week. I'm really enjoying, COUNTRY HEAT! I am trying to dance this baby out! If you are interested in joining BUSY MOM'S DANCE PARTY just click on the link to request to join and I will get in touch with you with all the details! My regular Workouts include: 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity and Diary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts in daily. 
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