Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bump Update: 19 Weeks

Well, here we are...ALMOST halfway. Poor 19 weeks it is like, yay you had your 18 week ultrasound and no you are just a filler week before you hit the halfway point. I actually can't believe how fast the weeks seem to be going right now. I feel like I just passed 14 weeks and I am now coming up on 20! It is a pretty awesome feeling. 

We haven't really had anything happen...EXCEPT that we found out we are having a GIRL!!! You can see our awesome GENDER REVEAL PHOTOS HERE! That was exciting and almost surreal. In a way it really made everything feel more real. For years I knew we would have a girl at some point and it is actually happening. I have not gone out and gotten any new clothing for her. I am actually going through the boys clothing and sorting it (I can't find any of the 2T stuff for Collin so I have to go through it anyways!) And I am picking out gender neutral stuff for her. Then we will see what we have and go from there. But I do have a good start.

Total Weight Gain: 6 pounds 243.7 pounds.

Symptoms: Nothing, besides just feeling a little tired more than usual. 
Baby’s Size: Tomato/Mango
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops still good to go on regular shirts! 
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new.
Gender: GIRL!!! 
Sleep: I am only waking up once a night to go to the bathroom. But started having some crazy weird dreams! Having some hip and shoulder pain from sleeping on my side. I just hate it. So I am flipping over from one side to the other a lot. 
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Nothing this week. I did enjoy a great burger grilled by my hubs and wanted more maybe burgers!
Aversions: nothing yet
Excited About: Feeling the baby move a ton! Being half way next week! 
Workouts: Got in my workouts 4 days a this past week, which is awesome! Still getting lots of massages from Matt for that. I have been doing 21 Day FixCizeDiary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester and the Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity 2nd Trimester workouts. 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

6 Tips To Stay A Fit Momma To Be

This being my third long term pregnancy, (I suffered 3 miscarriages) I have come to realize that it is any of my others!  My 1st pregnancy, no morning sickness. 2nd had it until I was 12 weeks. 3rd pregnancy, had morning sickness until 14 weeks. 1st pregnancy minor fatigue, 2nd MAJOR exhaustion 3rd pregnancy, EXTREME EXHAUSTION and still going strong at 19 weeks. The fatigue plus taking care of my cute little almost 2 year old! So how can I be one fit momma to be?

As the doctors say, if you have been doing exercise before you got pregnant it is safe to continue your exercise regime with possibly a few modifications the further along you go. (As always talk to your doctor prior to exercise to make sure it is safe for you.) So here are a few ideas on how to keep your bod looking great and avoiding the excessive weight gain that can happen while pregnant. (positive side affect to continue exercise, it can help you get through labor easier because your muscles are in shape and you have more endurance to last through difficult things. I find this to be true as my labor with #1 was less than 4 hours, unmedicated and the doc was impressed with my "pushing skills".)

1. Walking
Walking is great. Pregnant or not. It is easy to do and doesn't require a ton of effort. Seriously. Just walk a little faster than a casual stroll around the mall. When you go to the mall to do your Christmas shopping, park FAR, Far away from the entrance, even you ladies that are soon to be due. The walk is good for you! At the end of my 1st pregnancy I was walking 3 miles a day 3-4 days a week at my gym.

(39 weeks pregnant with #2 and still walking and some jogging, to get the baby out!) 
2. Running/Jogging
Keep this up as long as you can but as you are approaching your due date you will probably have to scale back on the mileage due to hip pain or other pregnancy related ailments. Ladies trying to conceive or newly pregnant keep running in the 1st trimester! I will be hard, and you might have to puke in a bush on the side of the road but push through it. You can do it because once you hit second trimester and the morning sickness is gone you will be running like a champ and so thankful you continued. This was my current state when I was pregnant with #2, Collin. I signed up for a 10k just days before I found out I was pregnant with and the 10k would be at 10 weeks pregnant. It was awful training for it. I got sick on the treadmill all the time. I was sick as a dog. But I ran in the 10k, never lost my lunch, and finished strong and faster than I expected. 2nd trimester running is really fun and empowering!

3. Prenatal Yoga/Pilates
Oh, I love my yoga class! It is so relaxing and fun. It is not as vigorous as regular yoga. Focus more on internalizing and connecting with the baby to help prepare for labor and birthing. Plus work on strengthening your core, legs and arms through modified yoga positions. I did yoga during my pregnancy with number 2 and loved it! Can't make it to a class, Pilates DVD to do 1 time a week. It helps strengthen your core and keeps you flexible. I have the 10 minute Solution Prenatal Pilates by Lizbeth Garcia.
4. Water classes
There is a difference in buoyancy in your belly then there was before you got pregnant and it feels really cool, and it takes the pressure off your back which as you get further in your pregnancy will begin hurt more. Check out the swimming classes at your gym or YMCA. Sometimes there are expecting mom classes sometimes not. But any of the classes are great! If there are no swimming classes but there is a lap pool, do some laps! It is so good for you as you get a whole body work out. And switch it up by using a boggy board to just target your legs, or try not to kick so that you target your arms. WATER FEELS SO GOOD while pregnant.

5. Meditation
Meditation is actually very soothing and can help you mentally prepare for labor. Every Wednesday night I use this time to listen to my hypno-birthing CD's. I know it sounds weird, but it gives you a chance to bond with your baby before you meet them and helps you to learn how to focus your mind to help get you through labor and delivery. You don't have to do hypno-birthing to mediate while pregnant. Just take 5-10 minutes out of your day, place your hands on your belly and think about what kind of baby you are going to have. How you are going to play with it. Cuddle and kiss it. What clothing you are going to dress them in. Think positive thoughts about your new baby. Or think about your body and how amazing it is that it is making a baby. You are healthy. Can still exercise. Thank your body for what it is doing. For being strong. It is amazing what positive affirmations can do for your mind set. For reading about hypnobirthing I suggest the Mongan Method and there are CD's you can get with it too.

6. Heathy Eating

I know we don't want to hear about this being right in the middle of the holidays but seriously excessive eating while pregnant can cause excessive weight gain. I know this to be true. I gained 55 lbs with my first. I had lost 35 lbs just before I got pregnant with Mason and could not continue my diet I was on (Slimfast) while pregnant. So I had to start eating, again. I hadn't learned yet how to eat for my body. (Since I had Mason I have worked with a professional nutritionist on how my body should receive food.) So I packed on weight pretty fast with Mason because I ate bread, and junk. This time around, I'm following the 21 Day Fix program and nutrition and have only gained 6 pounds this whole pregnancy. For more on eating healthy read my CLEAN EATING for a fit and healthy pregnancy. Oh and cravings, give in to them but IN MODERATION. Craving ice cream, don't buy a carton of it go get a cone at a local shop, that is all. Don't do it everyday though. Be smart, eat smart.

Hey MOMMAS! Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Fit and Healthy Plus Size Pregnancy: Clean Eating

You have heard me talk about it so many times. I eat clean healthy balanced meals and lifestyle. Because I am trying to CONTROL THE WEIGHT GAIN DURING MY PREGNANCY (click to read more on how I am doing it!) ! And it really does make a difference, what you eat to how much, especially while pregnant, determines how much you gain. But what does it really mean?

What Is Clean Eating?
  1. Eat plenty of whole fruits and vegetables, both raw and cooked.
  2. Eat unprocessed lean meats that have not had anything added. This includes fresh chicken and fish and even lean, humanely raised beef and game. (which actually taste different and AMAZING! I splurge and get grass fed beef on occasion)
  3. Enjoy whole grains instead of the processed or refined variety.
  4. Eat smaller, more frequent meals about every 3 hours.
  5. Follow an 80/20 healthy eating.
There really is not wrong way to eat clean! It wasn't until I started following the 21 Day Fix program that I started to see real and true results in my own body. My skin is brighter and glowing (and it isn't just a pregnancy glow!) I feel better, have more energy and I do not deprive myself of things that I want! I personally use the 21 Day Fix Nutrition approach when I go shopping. I try to stick with my container approved foods as much as possible. If you are ready to start trying 21 Day Fix Program and change how you see foods, GO HERE! And let's get started! 
How to Start Eating Clean:
Start with a slow and steady approach. Instead of throwing out everything that you have in your kitchen right now, just start replacing items when you run out of them. Making it a transition. It will be easier on you and your family and your budget! So if you need bread this, look directly at the ingredients and select the breads that have ingredients you know what they are and can pronounce.  (100% whole grain, no added sugar and identifiable ingredients such as whole wheat flour, salt and yeast). Or if you ran out of white rice, pick up a package of brown rice this week (I love brown basmati rice).  Another easy switch is from instant oat meal to old fashioned or steel cut oats. It doesn’t have to be difficult to make the transition to clean foods. 

Clean Eating for Beginners Tips:
  • Start slow and within your budget. Don’t worry about drastic changes or being “perfect.”
  • Teach yourself to properly read labels. Focus on the ingredient list. Select foods with fewer ingredients—and ingredients that you recognize as real food.
  • You do not have to buy all organic foods! See above!
  • Understand that you will make mistakes. The important thing is not giving up.
  • Don’t stress over minor things. Keep the bigger concepts in mind and always work to improve. It’s about choosing the healthiest choice—not depriving yourself.
  • If you do have something that doesn’t mean your definition of “clean,” don’t throw in the towel. Make your next meal clean. That’s the difference between a diet and a lifestyle change.
  • Live 80/20. Meaning 80% of the time you are eating as clean as possible and that allows you to have a 20% indulgent meal. This is what is meant to be a healthy lifestyle! Go on a great date. Have a comfort meal one week. The goal is to do the best that you can! 
Hey MOMMAS! Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Monday, April 25, 2016

Listen To Your Body

You know what, MAKING A BABY IS HARD WORK! This weekend I was totally toast. I was burnt out. And I finally listened to my body and slept a lot of yesterday away. And it is exactly what my body needs.

When you fill your body with good whole foods, your body will thank you with being regular. When you exercise, your body will thank you with feeling stronger, and having energy. When your body is tired, it will tell you, and it is your job to listen to it.

Even if you aren't pregnant. The number one rule is to LISTEN TO YOUR BODY NOT YOUR MIND! Have a workout where you don't think you can do one more rep but you end up having the strength for 2 more, yep, your body will always be right. Your mind is what is the liar! Don't listen to your mind, listen to your body.

Having a healthy and fit lifestyle means appreciating your body enough to take care of it and that also means listening to it. Your body is amazing. It can do amazing things. Respect it and it will take care of you in return!

Hey MOMMAS! Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Our Gender Reveal!!!

Yesterday it was confirmed that we are having...



A GIRL!!! 

Here are our reveals that we did! We did 3 different ones, why not HAVE SOME FUN! Check them out and let us know what you think! 

(Kids Gender Reveal)

Hey MOMMAS! Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Gender Reveal Ideas

Today is the day that we find out if we are expecting a little boy or a little girl into our family. I am really hoping for a girl, because well, my mom is so excited to make cute little girl clothing, but after 2 boys, I am ready for a girl! And of course Matt is hoping to make it a trio of boys! The more men the better he says! But we shall see today. I'm looking and looking at all the ideas on cute gender reveal ideas and here are a few of my favorites I found over at PINTEREST!


Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Summer Activities for Kids

After going through Spring break and honestly, surviving. I am already starting to look at some fun summer activities for kids that won't break the bank! Check out this link fun activity ideas! Oh this is just the beginning of summer fun for us in the Allen house!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bump Update: 18 Weeks

I can't believe that I am already almost half way! I thought in the beginning how slowly this pregnancy was going and then BAM! It's almost the end of April and I am almost half way. Happy day! 

I am seriously so excited for FRIDAY! We get to find out the gender of this baby and I get to share it with you all (hoping that the baby is willing to show us! I will be downing an Icee before we go!) This past week went pretty well. We had some great family time over the weekend. And both Mason and Collin love saying "Hi" to the baby. Mason loves talking to the baby all the time! My weight is starting to go up, I gained 2 pounds in the last month, so half a pound a week, for a plus size girl that is pretty AMAZING! I am loving this healthy and fit pregnancy. It is totally different than when I was pregnant with Collin. I had the exercise down but not the eating. Now combining the two I am having the healthiest pregnancy yet! LOVING IT! 

Total Weight Gain: 5.5 pounds 243.1 pounds.

Symptoms: Headaches/migraines. I had a bad one on Monday and couldn't eat anything. Made me sick to my stomach. My appetite hasn't really been good since. But still eating healthy when I can!  
Baby’s Size: Sweet Potato/Artichoke
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops still good to go on regular shirts! 
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new.
Gender: ??? FRIDAY! We find out! 
Sleep: I am only waking up once a night to go to the bathroom. But started having some crazy weird dreams!  
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Peanuts. Like trail mix. Yeah, totally loving on that stuff. I do pre-portion it out though so I don't eat the whole bag in one sitting cause that would not be good! 
Aversions: nothing yet
Excited About: Feeling the baby move a ton! Finding out the gender on FRIDAY! YAY! 
Workouts: Getting in my workouts 5 days a week, which is awesome! Still getting lots of massages from Matt for that. I have been doing 21 Day Fix yogaCizeDiary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester and the Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity 2nd Trimester workouts. 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How To Add Healthy Carbs To Your Everyday Life

This week in my ongoing group we are having our educational theme week! KICK THE CARBS! It is all about learning why bad carbs are bad and how to add more healthy ones to your diet. Todays post is on healthy ways to add carbs to your everyday life! Try these tips for adding healthy carbohydrates to your diet:

1. Start the day with whole grains.
Try a hot cereal, like steel cut or old fashioned oats (not instant oatmeal), or a cold cereal that lists a whole grain first on the ingredient list and is low in sugar. A good rule of thumb: Choose a cereal that has at least 4 grams of fiber and less than 8 grams of sugar per serving.

2. Use whole grain breads for lunch or snacks.
Confused about how to find a whole-grain bread? Look for bread that lists as the first ingredient whole wheat, whole rye, or some other whole grain —and even better, one that is made with only whole grains, such as 100 percent whole wheat bread.
3. Also look beyond the bread aisle.
Whole wheat bread is often made with finely ground flour, and bread products are often high in sodium. Instead of bread, try a whole grain in salad form such as brown rice or quinoa.

4. Choose whole fruit instead of juice.
An orange has two times as much fiber and half as much sugar as a 12-ounce glass of orange juice.
5. Pass on potatoes, and instead bring on the beans.
Rather than fill up on potatoes – which have been found to promote weight gain – choose beans for an excellent source of slowly digested carbohydrates. Beans and other legumes such as chickpeas also provide a healthy dose of protein.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Never Miss A Monday

Happy Monday Mamas! I hope all of you had an amazing weekend!!!! Well, I personally take Sat and Sun off from working out. My goal is 5 days a week but still do something active with the family on Saturday. 

Today, is WORKOUT DAY! Here are 4 simple rules to help you stay on track! For me personally, if I don't workout on Monday, I will miss Tuesday, it is always a given and I don't know why, but that is what always happens. So I make it a huge goal to NEVER MISS A MONDAY! And as we know, exercise while pregnant is so important for us and the baby!

  • Reduce risk of pregnancy complications: In one 2012 study, women who participated in fitness programs four times a week were less likely to develop gestational diabetes and less likely to have unplanned cesarean sections than those who didn’t exercise.
  • Lower odds of delivery complications: In another study on women in Spain, women who exercised three times a week gained less weight during pregnancy and were less likely to have macrosomic babies (or babies weighing more than about nine pounds at birth). Having a heavier baby, in turn, can lead to complications for both mother and baby during delivery. 
  • Speed post-delivery recovery: The more you increase your pregnancy fitness, the faster you'll recover physically after childbirth, the more fit you'll be after delivery. In the same 2012 study, women who exercised recovered faster after labor (even after controlling for delivery method), resuming household chores faster than  those who didn’t exercise.
  • Boost your mood:  Women are more susceptible than ever to depression during pregnancy, with an estimated one in two of all women reporting increased depression or anxiety while they’re expecting. But research has found that exercise during pregnancy reduces depression, releasing endorphins that help improve mood while diminishing stress and anxiety.
  • Lower blood pressure: Blood pressure occasionally does go up during pregnancy, but too much and it can be a warning sign of preeclampsia. Staying active — in one study, simply walking regularly — has been found to keep blood pressure from rising.
  • Ease back and pelvic pain: It’s no secret that your growing baby bump puts extra pressure on your lower half, resulting in lower back pain and an achy pelvis. Exercising, however, may result in less lower-back and pelvic pain during late pregnancy.
  • Fight fatigue. Low-level tiredness plagues many women during the first trimester, then again late in the third trimester. While it seems paradoxical, sometimes getting too much rest can actually make you feel more pooped. So while you should never push yourself to exhaustion, a little nudge — say, an easy walk or try a prenatal yoga class — can make a big difference in your energy level.
  • Improve sleep. While many pregnant women report having a harder time falling asleep, those who exercise consistently (as long as it's not near bedtime, which can be too energizing) say the quality of their sleep is better and that they wake up feeling more rested.
  • Relieve constipation. An active body encourages active bowels. Some women swear by a brisk 30-minute walk to keep them regular, while others say even a 10-minute stroll helps get things going.
So....what workout are you doing today?

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 
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