Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Bump Update: 13 Weeks

13 weeks and feeling better sick wise, but not energy wise. I am still so exhausted all the time. I still am taking a nap in the afternoon when I can, which it is such a blessing that I can. My belly is finally popping out and not just bloated so that is nice. Yesterday we had our 13 week NT scan ultrasound. Everything looked great!  Heart rate was good, baby size was good and just everything look great! I am going back at 18 weeks for another ultrasound due to my miscarriage history, just to keep a close eye on things. And then for my mid-pregnancy 22 week ultrasound. Hoping we will have gender at the next ultrasound! 
Baby at 13 weeks, look at those lips! 

Total Weight Gain: 4 pounds

Symptoms: Morning sickness is almost all gone. I still have 0 energy. Exhausted all the time! Still can't eat large amounts at one time.
Baby’s Size: Lime/Peach
Maternity Clothes: Yes, I just got my new maternity shorts in, YAY! Wore them for the first time today. I am already getting hot and it is only 70 degrees out! 
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new.
Gender: ??? It was too hard to tell. Hoping at my next ultrasound we will be able to see! 
Sleep: I am only waking up once a night to go to the bathroom. I am having crazy vivid dreams. So I feel like I am watching a dream movie all night long instead of sleeping. So that is hard. 
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly! 
Cravings: not really craving anything right now.
Aversions: nothing yet
Workouts: Been doing the Active Maternity by Autumn Calabrese on Beachbody on Demand. Also have been doing the Diary of a Fit Mommy: Fit For Two 1st trimester workouts. Next week I graduate to the 2nd trimester! Going to be adding in some 21 Day Fix workouts too. So rotating between the 3! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Wanna Lose Weight? Believe In You!

That is the number one first step to real change! TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! That is all you have to do. Believe that you can make changes and you will.

To be honest. I talk to so many people who don't think that they can do this. That they can commit to a program, commit to themselves because they have failed in the past to reach their goals. But those "fails" are just stumbles that have made them even stronger so that the next time something comes before them, they have more strength and faith to do what they want to do. To achieve their goals. All it takes is a little personal belief. Anyone can do this. You just have to want it bad enough. And you have to believe that you truly can make a change!

You are here. Do you still believe that you can achieve your goals? Or have you struggled with your own personal belief? You know I believe in you, right! You can do this. Start today, plan for the week! Schedule in your exercise for the week. Commit to yourself that you are going to do this! AND DO IT!

Comment below with your exercise schedule for the week. Take a picture of your calendar, or just jot it down below! Commit to yourself!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Brain vs Body

Did you know that your mind will give up on you long before your body will? We tend to over think things, and when something is a little difficult our mind will tell us that, "Hey, you tried, great job, it's time to stop." But I guarantee you your body has at least 2 more reps in it. time you are doing your workout (later today) do 5 more reps on every move. You are going to work your body more but think about the feeling at the end knowing how much butt you kicked. Literally your own butt! You have to push yourself to make changes. If you want to be better then you have to do better than you were yesterday! Turn off your brain and just listen to your body! Don't think, "I CAN'T" Because you can do anything!

What do you think? Are you going to give this a try today? Let me know how you did!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

runDisney Wine and Dine Half Marathon Changes Announced

I got a fun and exciting email today from runDisney that they have made some changes to the 2016 Wine and Dine Half Marathon weekend. It is truly a weekend as they have added in a challenge aspect, and the half marathon will no longer be a night race, but on Sunday morning!

Check out the details below!

Addition of a 10K: It was only a matter of time before runDisney added a challenge and it is FINALLY HAPPENING! The 10k will be run on Saturday morning.
Addition of a challenge: Following along historically, runDisney has also added a challenge for those that complete the 10k as well as the half marathon. You can now earn a challenge medal for 2016. The name of the challenge will be “Lumiere’s Two Course Challenge.”  LOVE IT!
Time change of the half marathon: If you have been following the construction updates this is really no surprise. There is a ton of construction going on in Disney's Hollywood Studios and can't really run a race through that. The half marathon will NOT be run at night like it was in previous years (no more Osbourne lights show), but instead will be held on Sunday morning. 
Time change for the after party: Because the half marathon is being run on Sunday morning, the after party will not be held until Sunday night (8:00 pm-1:00 am). This might be a good thing so people aren't hobbling around EPCOT all sweaty in the freezing cold, while half asleep. This way, everyone will be able to go back to their hotel, shower, nap, and then come back later to party refreshed and ready for some fun.
Course Change: Again, due to the construction at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, the course has been altered to avoid the park all together.
Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon
Lumiere’s Two Course Challenge
Disney Wine & Dine 10K
Mickey’s Holiday 5K
runDisney Kids’ Races presented by GoGo squeeZ® Applesauce on the Go
runDisney 1-Mile Run
Post Race Party Tickets
So are you planning on running this year? Are you excited about the changes? The new challenge medal? Comment below!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

All Shapes and Sizes of Fitness Motivators

A few days ago I saw a video, the content doesn't need to be discussed but there was one thing that was said that really struck a nerve with me. It was said, "Why would you ever want to follow someone who is overweight, or listen to them as a motivator, or find them inspirational as a "fit person."

For someone that is overweight, and is trying and succeeding in losing weight (up until I got pregnant mind you,) I ask myself that same questions ALL THE TIME! Why on earth would you even find inspiration in me? Shouldn't I be "fit" before I try giving my 2 cents? People must think I am not trying hard enough and that if I just tried harder I would be "thinner". I run these questions all the time in my head. It is so hard not to listen to these voices but here is how I have answered these questions.

First of all. We all start somewhere. Right? Even if someone just wants to lose 5 pounds vs 100 pounds we all have a starting point. It is a journey. It takes time. And chronicling that journey is actually really awesome to see the changes. The obstacles that have been overcome. The ups and downs. The amount that someone learns from starting their journey to getting to their "finish line."

Secondly, I know I am never, ever going to be a size two. It is NEVER going to happen. 6th grade, I weighed 125 pounds. and I was not fat. Even in high school, when I thought I was a fat cow I was not fat. I was a healthy 165-170 pounds. It wasn't until I stopped eating and exercised a ton that I lost weight and got down to 145. But it was too thin for my body type and unsustainable once I started eating again. And I am ok with that.

I believe in being fit and healthy over being skinny. And darn it, I will be rocking a healthy weight whatever weight I am because that is what I do. Even at my current 240 pounds I am still eating right, (with a little indulgence every now and then) and exercising when I can (It will be more as my morning sickness wears off!) My blood pressure is amazing for an "overweight person". My doctor knows that I am am taking care of myself and is so proud of me for not giving up despite everything I have been through. And as far as being pregnant, it is possible to lose weight while pregnant, but right now, I am listening to my body. And taking care of it. My goal is to be as healthy as possible and hopefully that means, only gaining the weight my body needs not excess weight.

Third, there is someone out there, many someones out there that are struggling just as much as I am. And me showing them that I got through the sugar addiction, the plateaus, the yo-yo dieting, the overall crap of trying to lose weight. If that gives one person the faith that they can actually do it too, then I have done my job! Seriously, because we all start from somewhere. We all have to become humbled and literally changed by what we are going through to make changes in our body.

There are health and fitness motivators in all shapes and sizes out there. Don't judge them just because some of them aren't at what society considers a typical healthy body type. That is the great thing about the internet. You find something you like, you can come back, find something you don't and you don't. (I hope you like it here though and you keep on coming back for more!)
255 pounds on the left and 237 on the right! I am a plus sized health and fitness motivator, supporter and educator! 

If you have been thinking, "Can I really help motivate someone?" YES, YES YOU CAN! Want more info on how to get started on your journey, or helping others on their journey? SEND ME AN EMAIL! I want to talk to you, because I am here to tell you that it is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. Educating, supporting and motivating. You don't have to be at your goal weight. You don't have to have it all together. You DO have to want to help people and if you have that desire, I WANT TO WORK WITH YOU! EMAIL ME NOW! DON'T WAIT, just do it now!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bump Update: 12 Weeks

YAY! I have made it to 12 weeks. I have now officially passed 2 of my other miscarriages. One more to go and I will finally feel like I am in the clear. Honestly, I think I will start to celebrate my pregnancy after the 21st. As that is the date that I miscarried last year. If I make it past that, I will finally take a sigh of relief and feel more comfortable.

But I do feel different this pregnancy. I am trying my darndest not to bond, but I am. I am filled with joy about being pregnant and truly feel like it is a blessing from God. We are getting the ultimate do-over. And that is comforting.

Total Weight Gain: 3 pounds

Symptoms: still getting morning sickness at night, can't eat a big dinner at all. 
Baby’s Size: Plum
Maternity Clothes: No but my jeans are getting tight. I will be ordering some maternity shorts pretty soon! 
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new.
Sleep: I am waking up 3 times a night to pee. And often have a hard time getting back to sleep. But I am going to bed by 9:30 every night it seems and I love getting sleep! 
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably! 
Cravings: CARBS and not the good kind
Aversions: nothing yet
Workouts: The plan was to start this week. Morning sickness is pretty good in the morning so I am planning on trying out the ACTIVE MATERNITY workout tomorrow! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

At Home Prenatal Yoga

This week, I finally feel more like myself. Not too queasy, not too tired. It has actually been pretty amazing. And earlier than I expected! It was also the start to getting back into exercise. I am taking it nice and slow and relaxed this week and then I will get back into my normal 30 minute routine next week hoping I will be able to of course)

I have found quite a few different resources to help me get started and get back into it since I do at home workouts anyhew! Check out what I have been doing!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Local Honey For Allergies?

It is starting to warm up out there! Who else suffers from springtime allergies? I do, and about right now I start to add local RAW honey to my diet. Not a lot up to a tablespoon a day to build up my defenses really. In all honesty, I notice a difference in my allergies when I add honey in my diet, but I have to start about 2 weeks before the hugs pollen explosion which is usually around the first week of April. You will have to determine if this works for you or not. (Remember not to feed honey to children under the age of 1 as it can be very harmful for them due to the bacteria that can be contained in it.)

Here's the sticky truth: 

Honey that is raw will still contain all the living enzymes needed to protect your body from a histamine overdose.

Any raw honey that is harvested nearby where the same sort of plants are blooming at roughly the same time can be considered local.

Raw, local honey only works on pollen allergies.

How to add honey to your everyday life? 

Add some honey to your cup of warm lemon in the morning. So it would be warm lemon and honey water. 

Try out the ENERGY BITES recipe because it uses honey! 

Just enjoy a good old PB & Honey sandwich every now and then.

Look for some recipes that call for honey in them. A quick and easy google search or Pinterest search will find them for you!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Monday, February 29, 2016

HEALTHY Crockpot Turkey Meatballs!

Made this last night and they were so easy and YUMMY! PERFECT!

Crockpot Turkey Meatballs:

-1.25lbs of ground turkey (93% lean)
-¼ Cup of Whole Wheat Bread Crumbs
-2TBSP of Italian Seasoning
-1 Egg
-1 Clove of Garlic (crushed)
-Salt and Pepper to Taste
-Low Sodium, no Sugar Added Pasta Sauce (Ragu has a light, no sugar added sauce) or make your own! (My hubs wanted extra sauce so you might want more sauce if you like it saucy!)
-zucchini noodles, or we used whole wheat noodles

1. Combine turkey, breadcrumbs, egg, seasonings, and garlic into a bowl and mix together.
2. Form small meatballs, about 1 tablespoon each
3. Add meatballs to crockpot
4. Add sauce on top of meatballs (add enough to just about cover the meatballs.
5. Cook on low for 4-6 hours.
6. Serve with Zucchini Noodles or just stick a toothpick in there. Or heat up some whole wheat pasta
7. Enjoy!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, February 26, 2016

There Are No Quick Fixes To Losing Weight

I went through my cupboards and did another clean up of things that I just don't need anymore. I did this about 6 months ago and finally threw out some of my "quick fix" pills that I thought would work at the time. (Garcinia Cambogia and the green coffee bean extracts pills) And guess what? I found 3 more bottles of these pills that are meant to help get me "high school skinny!" Why do I still have these? Honestly, in case I got desperate. (after pregnancy of course) But not anymore. They are gone. In the trash! No more wasting my money on pills that won't work and sticking with what I finally know works!

I was that girl that was always looking for the easy way to lose weight. The magic pill to help me so I wouldn't have to work as hard. But guess what? There is not magic pill! Nope, never. You have to learn to eat right and fill your body with the nutrients and vitamins that your body needs, and that is why I never lost the weight while taking those "magic pills." I would still eat crap thinking that my pills would take care of it for me. They didn't.

Stop taking the easy pills, eat good whole foods and a healthy diet. That is the first place to start, every single time. If you don't know what foods to eat, or even where to start, please EMAIL ME, let's talk. THIS IS WHAT I DO AND LOVE DOING! Coach, motivate, inspire. Together we can get you on the right path so that you never have to take those pills again, or even want to, and still be able to eat and keep the weight off! You are worth it to finally be in control of your life!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 
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