Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Saturday, October 17, 2015

3 Day Refresh Cleanse: Day 2

Day 2 of my 3 day refresh cleanse. Day to went surprisingly better than I thought it would. Breakfast was amazing, sticking to my fave Shakeology. Fiber sweep was pretty good to and it finally did it duty!

Lunch though. I had a little bit of a set back. I was hungry and I didn't want to drink the vanilla refresh again. I don't like it and I threw a big hissy fit. Here is a copy of my Facebook post:

----You guys! I almost threw in the towel and started snacking on some gluten free snack foods I normally eat as a snack. I didn't want to do the vanilla fresh again. I was going to give in and say "SCREW IT" but then I thought of you guys and also the challengers in my private support group I am in as a challenger and how they have stuck to it (I am a day behind everyone). And decided to try one more time and if I still couldn't do it without gagging then I would stop.

I decided to blend up fresh strawberries with it. It wasn't as bad. It was still gross but I got it down to the last little swallow where I threw it back up and just that little bit. I figured out I can't smell it and just drink as many gulps as possible to get it down.

I'm gonna stick to it.

Plus motivation of our family pictures we are doing this weekend helped. But the number one factor to not snacking and giving up was my fellow support group challengers. IT REALLY DOES WORK YOU GUYS! If you have someone you are being held accountable to then you are less likely to give up!

I am stronger than I think and this is worth it! Just waiting for my asparagus to finish up and going to enjoy that as my veggie. So thank you for your support. Thank you for being here and for being that little voice in my head to walk me off the snacking cliff!----

But I stuck it out and I got it down. And dinner went surprisingly well too. I was able to drink the whole vanilla fresh and my tomato and cucumber salad was surprisingly filling. I am not hungry at all. I feel great! So tomorrow is the 3rd and final day. A little nervous for it because I am going to be gone all day long. But I am packing all my snacks with me and planning out everything. Tons of water too! I am so excite for tomorrow! See you then! 

What is the 3 day refresh? 

The 3-Day Refresh is a cleansing program that’s simple to use and gets great results. It’s a program of three daily shakes, a fiber drink, recipes that include a delicious and nutritious medley of fresh veggies and fruits, and plenty of healthy fats so you can lose weight without feeling like you’re starving yourself.

The 3-Day Refresh has uncomplicated meal plans that are easy to prepare and fun to eat. Meal plans offer many choices from the food groups in the dishes, so there’s no boredom, and if you don’t have one ingredient, it’s easy to substitute another. The 3-Day Refresh is a great way to start a serious weight-loss change, but it’s also great for fitness buffs that have stalled in their progress. The essential cleansing nature of the 3-Day Refresh kickstarts your body’s natural digestive balance to get you feeling more active and energetic while you shed unwanted pounds.
You’ll have to start out the day with at least 10 ounces of pure filtered water. Many people find it hard to drink so much water first thing in the day, but that’s a sign of an underlying problem. Almost no one drinks enough water! Your body needs water in order to flush out the toxins that build up in the body. Your body needs water, and once you get used to drinking more water, you’ll notice how much you enjoy it in addition to the health benefits you’ll get.
Thirty minutes later, you can have a chocolate Shakeology shake along with a piece of fruit. Shakeology shakes taste great, are packed with energy, and have enough vitamins to allow you to stop taking your multivitamins if you like.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan supplies a health drink called the Fiber Sweep. Fiber Sweep is a blend of fibers, some which dissolve in water, others that are insoluble. It’s jam packed with flax, psyllium fiber, and chia seeds. These deliver important Omega-3 fatty acids to aid digestion while giving you a gentle cleanse. You’ll drink lots more fresh water, too, or green tea if you like. Coffee is OK, too, but no cream and sugar.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan lets you choose one fruit, a vegetable, and one food item that contains healthy fat from their extensive lists of suggested foods. Then you have a delicious drink called a Vanilla Fresh. It’s full of protein, important for supplying you with energy for the rest of the afternoon, and it’s jam-packed with probiotics, minerals, and vitamins. It contains a clinically tested potato extract that makes you feel full, but the shake itself is light and creamy. Time for more filtered water.
The evening meal is where the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan really shines. The method has great recipes for tasty meals, like a stir-fry medley of vegetables to go with hearty salads. The recipes are easy to follow, and they have selections to make hot or prepare and store if you prefer. The evening meal included another Vanilla Fresh shake, and then lots more water. Since the actual food intake during the day was so low, it’s uncanny how full you feel, and how much energy you have.
If you continue the plan for three days, your cravings for your old food favorites diminish quickly. You’ll be drinking a lot of water and consuming a lot of filling shakes, but you expel them quickly along with all the toxins your body needs to be rid of. It seems crazy, but drinking all that water makes you feel less bloated than you would after a heavy meal. Your body needs water and processes it effortlessly.
If you keep track of your progress, you’ll see real, measurable results. Depending on whether you’re starting a serious weight loss plan or tuning up an existing fitness routine, you’ll lose inches and pounds on your belly, upper arms, and upper legs. Give the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan a try, and feel better and look better right away!
And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Friday, October 16, 2015

3 Day Refresh Cleanse: Day 1

Hey guys! Wanna follow along my little journey right now??? I am doing a 3 day nutritious cleanse to help me get past my current plateau. (Well, it was when I ordered it. Currently down 18 pounds) 

I am making a video diary of my experiences and posting them to my Youtube channel! (yep, I have one, are you following it?) Be sure to head on over and check out my other videos I have up! Slowing adding more and more every week!

Here is day 1 morning of my 3 Day Refresh Journey: 

By the evening I was actually still feeling pretty satisfied. I was not hungry at all. I felt comfortable. I did have a slight headache which I think is normal because the body is detoxifying. And there is a calorie deficit but I'm not concerned with it. 

I am not going to lie. I had a really hard time getting down the vanilla protein drink you have for both lunch and dinner. I can not stand vanilla shakes ever. Even with just ice cream. Give me chocolate, give me cookies and cream but straight up vanilla, yuck! And vanilla flavored protein drinks are horrid. Too much vanilla smell to them. Anyways, I was trying to tell myself that it was just melted ice cream but that didn't help. Lunch, I barely got 1/3 of it down. And dinner, I added a banana, which helped but not much. I chugged as much as I could before my body knew what it was doing. I got all but one big gulp down. Hoping that tomorrow will be better with that. The one I was actually expecting to be the worst, the fiber sweet, was not bad at all. It had a gatorade after taste and it was thinner so it was a lot easier to get down. 

But overall doing pretty well.

What is the 3 day refresh? 

The 3-Day Refresh is a cleansing program that’s simple to use and gets great results. It’s a program of three daily shakes, a fiber drink, recipes that include a delicious and nutritious medley of fresh veggies and fruits, and plenty of healthy fats so you can lose weight without feeling like you’re starving yourself.

The 3-Day Refresh has uncomplicated meal plans that are easy to prepare and fun to eat. Meal plans offer many choices from the food groups in the dishes, so there’s no boredom, and if you don’t have one ingredient, it’s easy to substitute another. The 3-Day Refresh is a great way to start a serious weight-loss change, but it’s also great for fitness buffs that have stalled in their progress. The essential cleansing nature of the 3-Day Refresh kickstarts your body’s natural digestive balance to get you feeling more active and energetic while you shed unwanted pounds.
You’ll have to start out the day with at least 10 ounces of pure filtered water. Many people find it hard to drink so much water first thing in the day, but that’s a sign of an underlying problem. Almost no one drinks enough water! Your body needs water in order to flush out the toxins that build up in the body. Your body needs water, and once you get used to drinking more water, you’ll notice how much you enjoy it in addition to the health benefits you’ll get.
Thirty minutes later, you can have a chocolate Shakeology shake along with a piece of fruit. Shakeology shakes taste great, are packed with energy, and have enough vitamins to allow you to stop taking your multivitamins if you like.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan supplies a health drink called the Fiber Sweep. Fiber Sweep is a blend of fibers, some which dissolve in water, others that are insoluble. It’s jam packed with flax, psyllium fiber, and chia seeds. These deliver important Omega-3 fatty acids to aid digestion while giving you a gentle cleanse. You’ll drink lots more fresh water, too, or green tea if you like. Coffee is OK, too, but no cream and sugar.
The 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan lets you choose one fruit, a vegetable, and one food item that contains healthy fat from their extensive lists of suggested foods. Then you have a delicious drink called a Vanilla Fresh. It’s full of protein, important for supplying you with energy for the rest of the afternoon, and it’s jam-packed with probiotics, minerals, and vitamins. It contains a clinically tested potato extract that makes you feel full, but the shake itself is light and creamy. Time for more filtered water.
The evening meal is where the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan really shines. The method has great recipes for tasty meals, like a stir-fry medley of vegetables to go with hearty salads. The recipes are easy to follow, and they have selections to make hot or prepare and store if you prefer. The evening meal included another Vanilla Fresh shake, and then lots more water. Since the actual food intake during the day was so low, it’s uncanny how full you feel, and how much energy you have.
If you continue the plan for three days, your cravings for your old food favorites diminish quickly. You’ll be drinking a lot of water and consuming a lot of filling shakes, but you expel them quickly along with all the toxins your body needs to be rid of. It seems crazy, but drinking all that water makes you feel less bloated than you would after a heavy meal. Your body needs water and processes it effortlessly.
If you keep track of your progress, you’ll see real, measurable results. Depending on whether you’re starting a serious weight loss plan or tuning up an existing fitness routine, you’ll lose inches and pounds on your belly, upper arms, and upper legs. Give the 3-Day Refresh Meal Plan a try, and feel better and look better right away!
And, of course, be sure to like our FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

28 Day Push Up Challenge Check in!

Hey Guys! So we are more than half way in to our 28 day push up challenge. Just 13 days left! How are you all doing. Um me, I am up to 5 without knees for regular style YEA! but I am not able to get down to as low as I want and I am shaking like a leaf trying to get up on the 5th one. I want to be further along but I am working it! How are you doing on it??? Let me know, comment below!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Eating 5 Meals A Day

In the past I have been saying eat 5-6 times a day and this month I got to thinking, "What if they aren't even getting in their 3 meals a day?" It happens to me sometimes still. Some days before I know it, it is 3pm and I haven't had my lunch yet. That is actually a snack time for me. The number one goal is to make sure that yo are in fact eating 3 meals a day! It doesn't happen to just moms either! Have you been so busy at work that lunch didn't happen? Or you forgot your lunch and don't have the funds to buy one? 

It happens to everyone! I want everyone in here to make sure they are getting in their 3 meals a day. Start there! Then your next goal is to be adding in snacks at key points during the day so you don't feel hungry, or to help keep your 3 main meals a day smaller so that you are not over eating! Eating every 2.5 hours or so whatever works for you! But the final goal is to be eating 5 - 6 meals a day!

Benefits of eating 5-6 meals a day: 
Keeps blood sugar stable
Keeps your metabolism up
Keeps you sustained meaning less junk foods
More energy
Happier, no midday cranky pants!
Keeps you regular

So you guys. I want you to write down what time you eat your meals for the next week. Sound easy enough? See how many meals you are actually getting! Also you are going to see patterns that if you were running late, you might skip a snack? Or you might start packing a snack with you because you are becoming more aware of what you are doing! And please don't be concerned if you only got in 2 meals or 6. This is to help keep you aware of what you are doing and tracking your progress and then go from there! Comment below with how many meals you are getting on average in a day over a week! 

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October is Infertility Awareness Month

I was reminded that October is Infertility Awareness Month. I have been through my own battle of infertility, which you can read about here, and it seriously saddens me how many of my friends are having infertility problems too. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!

It is so hard to want and wish for something that is so profoundly right and good, to want to have children and not be able to have them. Often times I found myself comparing my situation to others or question what is going on. "Why can she get pregnant and I can't?" "She is only 16. Why is she able to have a baby?" "What did I do wrong?" I know and believe that it is truly God's timing in all things. And that if it is right it will happen.
I know it is so hard to sit and wait to be blessed with children. I did it for 8 years, trying, praying and hoping. Honestly, the best thing we can do as women with infertility is to work on us and be as healthy as possible so when it is our time to have a family (however that happens either through natural pregnancy, fertility treatments, surrogacy, or adoption) you are ready and prepared and HEALTHY. And someday, our families will grown and the sound of little feet will pitter and patter in our own homes. Stay strong! Don't lose the faith and believe!
Want to take that first step to getting healthy but don't know where to start? Follow me on FACEBOOK for daily motivation and tips. Send me an email or comment below and we can talk about how you can start. It is never too late to work on you. Use it as your outlet to help yourself feel better. But do it for your body so that it is working the best that it can. I blamed myself for my past miscarriage, saying that I wasn't as healthy as I should have been. And it was hard on me mentally. So put your body first. Babies will come. But you need to work on you first! 

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Monday, October 12, 2015

10 Perfectly Spooktacular No Carve Pumpkins

Time to start decorating the house with autumnal inspired foliage and gourds! I hate carving pumpkins because it is slimy, messy and the smell! Can't stand the smell! So I thought I might try something different this year and still decorate the pumpkins but without carving. Here are some great ideas I found!

Corn Husk Covered Pumpkins - By Midwest Living

Glitter Pumpkin Topiary - By A Diamond In The Stuff

The Tangled Web Pumpkin - By Buzzfeed

The Glitter Pumpkin- By the SITS Girls

The Lacey Pumpkin- By Better homes and Garden

The Painted Pumpkin - By Lil' Luna

The Plaid Pumpkin: By Real Simple

The Mumkin - By Circa Dee

The Patterned Pumpkin - By Country Living

The Pumpkin Family - By blue i style

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hungry For Change

Weekend documentary, I found a NEW ONE (new to me) that I haven't seen! You can find it on Netflix, Amazon Prime Videos, and on Hulu! Check it out and let me know what you think of it! Have you already seen it? Did it change the way you look at what you eat???
Check out the trailer!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


You all know I am all about following your dreams, but I feel like I didn't get any sleep last night because all I did was dream! Anyone else having a rolling movie going on while they sleep to the point they feel like they never slept??? Today is going to be a long day! 

But what dreams you have to pursue, follow those with a passion and determination stronger than anything else and magic will happen!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Friday, October 9, 2015

I'm Too Fat???

I hear this all the time from people that they think that they are too heavy or too out of shape, or too much out of practice. Or this or that. I promise you NO YOU ARE NOT!  You can do anything you really want to do. If I had waited until I was thinner to start running then I still would be waiting. There are times when I do a stretch that I can't reach it because my belly fat gets in the way. Does it stop me from doing what I need to be doing? NOPE. I just do as much as I can and someday I won't have that belly fat stopping me.

I saw this article the other day about this young lady who calls herself the "Fat Femme" found on Instagram. She is a kick butt yoga lover. I have no idea what her size it, but for me I was too scared to do yoga because I thought I wasn't thin enough or fit enough. But check her out! She is killing it! She didn't let her size get in her way. Seriously go look at her Instagram and see how amazing she is! Inspiration right there.

Here we have another girl that calls herself the Fat Girl Runner. And she was on NBC Nightly News about her story.

The moral of the story is, YOU have to decide when you are ready and you don't let anything stand in your way. Nothing stopping you. You just go for it. As safely as possible of course. But you do it. As always before you start a new exercise routine get the a-okay from your doc so that they are on board with what you are doing. They can run a blood panel too on you to see what hormones are in balance and what not and give you starting numbers with your cholesterol and such. And that way you can get checked up again after some time of changing your life and see what the change has done for you.

It is worth it to start now. Don't put it off until you are more comfortable with yourself. Because you might not start if you do that. And I always hated this saying but it really is true you guys! "If I can do it, so can you!" You just have to find that drive. That passion. Support and motivation. And once you do, you will be unstoppable!

Check out this article about plus sized running models used recently in Woman's Running. And guys this isn't about running, this is about lifting weights, workout classes, cycling, yoga, pilates, ultimate frisbee. ANYTHING! You can do ANYTHING!

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

FREE!!! Sneak Peek at Coaching- Halloween Edition!

Our team is growing! And it is amazing! If you have ever been on the fence about what I do to help change people's lives every single day, then this is for you! I am offering a special Halloween Edition of my 5 Day Coaching Sneak Peak for October! 


You get to learn what I do as a coach, how I talk to people, my daily activities, how I earn money and ways to fit coaching into your busy schedule! I would love to have you be part of this NO STRINGS ATTACHED GROUP! 

For those that are ready and want to take off as a business, you will be part of my 60 day Boot Camp to Success. Working with me and the others new coaches this month to help magnify your earning potential! 

Interested in becoming a health and fitness motivator? Send me an email and we can chat more and I can get you added to the private Facebook group! Just come check out what I do and see if it is the right fit for you! Doesn't hurt to just take a peek...If you dare!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ( That's an evil laugh. Just for clarification! Yep, I really am that silly!) 

And, of course, be sure to like our 
FACEBOOK page and follow us on PINTEREST for motivation, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.
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