Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: pregnancy
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Easy DIY Decorating For Baby Showers

This past Saturday we had a baby shower to celebrate Elyse's upcoming arrival. We had such a great time but one of the really fun things that we did was DECORATE THE HOUSE! And to save money we used the clothing that we already had on hand. So, I have been collecting girl clothing for the past 4 years. Yes, 4 years. I knew we were going to be having a girl at some point, I didn't think it would take 4 years but it did. I just kept all the clothing in the back of a closet where I didn't have to look at it often and just let it build up. I didn't have a lot but we had some. (I did get most of it last year just before the miscarriage happened.) We were also given donated clothing from other moms of girls that had outgrown the clothing. So we used that too! We got lots of compliments on how cute the clothing was and everyone enjoyed seeing all the cute designs out there now.

So check out how to make easy, super cute, decorations for a baby shower.

What I did: 

-Bought some twine and double looped it so that it was thick enough to handle clothing being hung from it.

-I used the clear small command strips and attached them to the wall. Most were already up since we use them to decorate for christmas or other holidays!

-I ended up getting the clothing pins on line because I couldn't find them at Target, after doing 1.3 miles across the store being sent from one end to other by the reps there.

-Then we just got the clothing we had and hung it up!

-Pick a special outfit and hang it as a MAIN decoration. We used Elyse's coming home outfit (Worth The Wait by Mamabijou) hanging from the fireplace mantel which is where the guests put their gift.

We also used fresh flowers in the room that had the food, just to add a pop of color. And color coordinated table clothes for easy clean up! And the balloons were more for the boys to play with! But easy decorating.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Friday, August 19, 2016

10 Questions To Ask Your Doctor In The Last Month of Pregnancy

I get asked all the time for the signs and signals of labors and what to expect. Sadly, even I don't recognize when I am in labor. With Mason, I was induced and never went into "spontaneous labor". And with Collin, I did as any expectant momma does and went to the hospital way too early only to get sent home. The next day, when I was actually in labor, I was in denial about it because I didn't want to be sent home again. I wanted to make sure it was the real deal. Well, Collin was born 35 minutes after I arrived at the hospital. That is a little too close!

But you better believe, as a momma to be with baby #3, I am still going to be asking most of these questions because...EVERY LABOR IS DIFFERENT! Check out my 10 questions you should ask your doc, with a little explanation on them from what I learned but CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR on what rules they have because every practice is different and ever circumstance is different.

1. What should I do if I think I am in labor? 

There are many different ways it feels like you are in labor. And sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and real contractions. Find out if there is an after hour number for your doctor's office to call. Put it in your phone! Show your birth partner how to find it in your phone too because you might not be able to do it if you are in the heat of labor! Ask if you should call the office first or go straight to the hospital. Or call the hospital. You need to know where to go and what to do and how to get ahold of your doctor or the on call doctor.

2. At what point should I go to the hospital?

Each doctor is different and the distance from your house to the hospital and what number baby this is can change the answer. There are a few rules that some doctors say, the 5:1:1, 4:1:1 or 3:1:1 rule. The first number in each set is if contractions are 5, 4 or 3 minutes apart. The second number is for how long the contraction is last for. The last number is how long the contractions have held this pattern. So if a doc says that they want you to go to the hospital following the 4:1:1 rule it would be read as, You are having contractions every 4 minutes, lasting a minute long for a whole hour. With Collin when I did finally go into labor by the time we were going in, I was 2:45:45. So I was having contractions every 2 minutes lasting for only 45 seconds for the last 45 minutes. We had to go to the hospital in rush hour traffic and it took us 45 min to get there. And again, Collin was born 35 minutes after we arrived (they broke my water right away too).

3. Is ______ normal?

Is extra vaginal discharge normal? Is this smell normal? What's the difference between bloody show and extra vaginal discharge? Are my boobs supposed to be crusty or leaking? Is it normal to have extra pressure? Feel like I have to pee every 10 minutes? Is it normal not to have a bowel movement for a couple of days? Is it normal for a bowel movement to hurt? Any of these questions you want to ask. Because at some point you are going to wonder.

4. Will I really have a bowel movement during labor?

This is one of those questions that no one really wants to talk about but hey SH%T happens! Especially when in labor. The uterus is applying pressure on your rectum and when you push, well, sometimes your rectum gets squeezed too. Like a toothpaste tube. It just happens. Often you won't even know when it happens. The docs and nurses are very private about it, unless you have my doc who has told me both times just to be silly (yes I still love him!), but normally you won't know it. But ask your doc about it. Because it can be scary and seem embarrassing, but honestly when you are at that point that sh%t happens you are going to be right at the end of your pushing stage and about to deliver and modesty and decorum are the last thing to matter!

5. How do Braxton Hicks contractions feel different than actual labor?

This is different for everyone. For me mine feel different because I have two different types of Braxton Hicks contractions, upper belly pains and lower belly pains. When they are combined then that is the feeling of labor for me. But there are some moms that don't have any Braxton Hicks, and some that have them so strong it is hard to tell. Ask your doc.

6. Will I be able to get my body back to how it was before baby and how long will it take get my body back after baby?

This varies for EVERY MOM! Including celebrities. General rule of thumb is it took 9 months to get this way it can take 9 months or more to get back. Or if you are like Diary of a fit mom or my sister in law, it can take less than a month. It all depends on your body, how much weight you gained, how much you exercised/exercise postpartum. And such. And just to put this out there...Don't not rely on breastfeeding to help you lose all your weight. I didn't lose 1 pound breastfeeding until I seriously made changes to my diet.

7. Where do I go when I arrive at the hospital?

Depending on when you go into labor might determine where in the hosptial you go in. For me, at night, I have to go to the ER then I will be taken to the Labor and Delivery Wing. During the day I go straight to Labor and Delivery and walk the mile long hallway that never ends!

8. What papers/documents should I bring to the hospital?

Make sure you have your hospital pre-registration card with you if you given one. Having your insurance card, drivers license or picture ID too. These are things to make sure you have ready to go in your wallet and in your purse by the door so your hubs or you can grab it quick. Also if you have a birth plan, pack that in your bag too. I actually have a little 5 star pocket folder that I put my birth plan in and keep with me becuase you will be given a lot of paperwork from the hospital and some to fill out after baby arrives at home to send off to Social Security and request for the baby's birth certificate.

9. How do I know if my water broke or if it is just pee or a slow leak.

I have heard that some mom to be's have a hard time knowing when their water breaks. For both of my labors, my water was broken and MAN DID I KNOW IT! And after it was broken I would have a gush of water with each contraction. But ask your doctor what the difference would be. Is there a smell. How to tell if there is a slow leak or if it is just urinary incontinence. The other question to ask is how soon do I get to the hospital if my water breaks at home or out and about? I asked this question when I was pregnant with Mason just before we were going on our Baby Moon 3 hours north in DC for the weekend. I remember my doc said that labor takes a long time for the first baby and that I would have plenty of time to get home and to the hospital if my water broke. Well, with Mason, he was born only 3.5 hours after they broke my water. Collin was born 35 minutes after my water was broken. So honestly you never know how long it will take! (I am thinking that this one will be born 3.5 minutes after my water is broken! Just fits the freaky pattern)

10. What will labor really be like? What should I expect?

This is not a silly question to ask. Do not go into labor not know what is going on. You have a right to know what is going ot happen. What could happen. Best and worse case scenarios. Your doctor will probably be honest with you and tell you what to expect. Ask at what point would they recommend you start pitocin if you labor stalled. When they recommend getting an epidural. What will happen if you don't have the baby within a certain time frame. What is that time frame that they doctor goes by to determine a good labor pattern. The pain of it. The burning sensation of the ring of fire. ASK. The doctors go through labor every single day. And sometimes they forget that this is your first time, or that you might experience different things this time around. I even asked my doc at the last appointment, should we expect this labor to be similar to Collin's? He said, NOPE! Every labor is different. The pushing and the outcome is the same but the process is all different. Ask what c-section recovery is like. Will you feel pain. What to expect with that too!

So. Ask your questions MOMS! Do your research. Have the questions already written down so you know what to ask. Take a pen and paper with you to write the answers down or have your birth partner with you so that you don't forget something. I always make it a point to ask at least 1 question at every appointment. Because I want to know. If you don't want to know the answers to these or other questions that is your choice too. You can go into labor totally blind, but know that labor is not always what it is shown like on TV or movies. It can be totally different. Often movie and TV depicitions of labor are speed up because labor can be a long time, a lot of sitting and waiting, or horrible consistent pains for hours or days.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Mid Month Goals

So I know it is the 15th of the month but...I only have 5 weeks left until this baby is due to arrive. 5 weeks! Being a plus size pregnant momma to be I have set a goals to make sure I am staying on track and to keep me motivated to be as healthy and fit as possible. I WANT TO END THIS PREGNANCY HEALTHIER THAN WHEN I FOUND OUT I WAS PREGNANT. And with just over a month to go until my due date there is nothing wrong with setting new goals mid month!

FIRST GOAL: Workout at least 5 days a week! 

I am starting a new workout program to DANCE THE BABY OUT! Yep! I am doing some good old Country Heat! I am not a country music fan, but the workout is low impact, and easy to follow and EVEN SIDED (meaning each move is done on both legs, not just one leg so you don't burn one leg out...did that make sense? It works both sides of the body) No wonder the results are so amazing with it! And after todays workout (during really) I was so pumped with endorphins it was amazing! And it was silly. I am not a dancer by any stretch of the imagination. But I still like to have fun and I DID! So win right there!
Busy moms, next month is for you because we are doing a DANCE PARTY to a) celebrate the kiddos going back to school, and b) getting your schedule of taking care of you, back on track! So...want to join? Send me an EMAIL, FILL OUT THIS FORM, or REQUEST TO JOIN HERE! (and because you are my blog you get early access to request to join, plus a free clean eating guide from me but you have to contact me for the details to get hooked up!)
SECOND GOAL: Drink More Water! 

I need to be drinking more water. EVERYONE needs to be drinking more water. But I have noticed that the days that I don't drink enough water...I have more Braxton Hicks contractions. I also get super moody too, and when I am in a crummy mood, and getting "practice" contractions, it makes for one mean mommy! So...Drink more water. I am aiming for at least half my body weight in ounces of water. And since my weight has gone up 21 pounds that means I have to drink even more. That is where I am falling short. I need to drink at least 130 ounces of water a day (rounding up). How am I going to do that, there's an app for that! My favorite app is Waterlogged. Easy to use and easy to stay on track!

THIRD GOAL: Have fun and enjoy the rest of the pregnancy! 

This could very well be my last pregnancy. We don't know if we are going to have any more kids, or if we will be blessed with any more children. Just never know. We are talking about it but nothing has been decided. Gotta get this one out first, ya know! So...time to just enjoy this pregnancy. Even though I have been categorized as high risk for most of the pregnancy, I no longer am. So now I can finally relax and have fun and I have faith in my body and in Elyse that she is doing great. Time to have fun and just enjoy being pregnant. Yes I have many times a day where I am uncomfortable. Where going up the stairs makes me breath like I just ran a mile, where I just can't stop feeling like I am breathing fire. But I still enjoy being pregnant and the feeling of her moving around. I don't want to forget that. So time to enjoy!

I encourage you to sit down today, and think about the monthly goals you set this month. Are you working at achieving them every day? Have you forgotten about them? Are you on track to meeting them? If not, what can you do now, to help you stay on track? WRITE THEM DOWN! POST IT SOMEWHERE! IT IS WORTH IT and YOU ARE WORHT IT TO TAKE CARE OF YOU! Don't ever forget that.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Bump Update: 34 Weeks

Here we go! 6 weeks and counting. I don't know why but when I think 6 weeks, I think, HOLY CROW THAT IS SO SOON! Plus you have to be at least 34 weeks pregnant to have the baby at the hospital where I am scheduled at. So now I am good to go for that hospital! Baby girl is doing great. She is getting HUGE! I can just feel it. She is running out of room and loves to remind me all the time just how big she is by a swift kick to the ribs or a head butt to my bladder. 
Confirmed last week at my OB appointment and yesterday with the Chiropractor that she is in fact head down. As I like to say, "locked and loaded!" Things I notice that she loves are my baths that I take, she just goes crazy and loves the feeling of the water, showers, she also likes to fall asleep when I am driving. Crazy that I can pick that up already but each time I have had a drive longer than 5 minutes she is all moving around and within a few minutes she is as still as can be. And then at my appointments she doesn't really move around. 
I have to write about this, because it is just so true for my mom and I. Anytime we see something cute and girly and we just have to get it, we are calling it...The Elyse Effect! She is making us get these things that normally we wouldn't be getting. I just can't help it when I see super cute outfits, or ruffle butts, or bows, and bling. I HAVE TO GET IT. It's the Elyse Effect! Case in point: This outfit below. It was the Elyse Effect yesterday. She made me do it! 
Total Weight Gain: Gained 21.4 pounds total. Weight as of this morning 258.4 pounds. 

Symptoms: Can't eat very much. I get very full/stuffed very easily. So I am down to eating very small meals. I try to get the important things in, like veggies and protein and eat them first then add in the carbs, since carbs can take up so much space. Plus I am getting heartburn. Especially if I eat too much! Peeing a ton/constant need to pee! I am up at least 3 times a night right now to go to the bathroom, but most of the time there is nothing in there. 
Baby’s Size: Pineapple! (my fave fruit!) (~19-22 inches, 4.5-5.25 pounds)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts but those are starting to get tight now. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy! Top by: For Two Fitness
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones. I apply it at night and right after I get out of the shower. After the shower I actually don't have to apply as much! 

Belly Button: Innie! I never had my belly button flatten out or pop out during my other 2 pregnancies, but this might be the one that I do! Every week it is getting closer!

Braxton Hicks Contractions: I am getting them throughout the day now. Including some strong ones that kind of make me stop and take a breath. Mainly when I am moving around too much, getting up from seated or during my exercise. It is a great reminder to take it easy and drinks some water! 
Gender: GIRL!!! So excited about all the cute stuff we got for her! We have her coming home outfit and her picture props! So girly, and way too cute!
Sleep: I HAVE to take a nap every day. I don't know what is going on but it has been something every single night this week that either Matt wakes me up, the kids stat screaming for me or what not. So... this momma just isn't getting the sleep she needs at night, Because I am so tired though, it hasn't been as hard to get back to sleep but it still takes a little bit of time. (If you see me make a comment on FB or IG at 2am this is why!) I am still getting up at night at 11:30pm, 1:30am, and 3:30am, 5:30 without fail to use the bathroom. This week always around 9pm for about an hour where she is just going crazy! Plus I am flopping over like a fish trying to get comfy. Sleeping is not my friend right now!
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Veggies. Are really the only thing I really have to have with my meals. I really don't have any cravings of things that "I have to have". Peanut M&M's are my go to treat. but I can only eat a little at a time. 
Aversions: Sweets taste too sweet for me, so I can only handle a little at a time. I guess that is my only aversion and kind of good!
Excited About: The count down is on! Seriously, it almost seems surreal that my time is winding down, only 6 weeks left. Tonight Mason and I are going on the sibling tour of the hospital. So I am excited to see what happens there. I am also counting down the days to when Mason goes back to school. After having Kindergarten camp we are both ready for him to be in school. I'm still going to be sad about it but he is so ready and excited! 

Workouts: Pretty well for this week! I got in 5 days of regular workouts this past week. My regular Workouts include: 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity and Diary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts in daily. Super excited for September. I am going to be trying out the newest workout program, COUNTRY HEAT because I just want to DANCE THIS BABY OUT and the results from just 30 days of 30 minutes a day of dancing have been UNBELIEVABLE! Wanna join me and get in on the group, CLICK HERE to fill out the application to join so I can get in touch with you on how you can join us! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

My Weekly Plus Size Fit Pregnancy Workout Routine

I know I mention it every week in my weekly bump updates but I wanted to give you the full picture into what workouts I do on a daily basis. I am currently doing 5 days a week of actual workouts. I found out early on that trying 6 was just too much and I opted to do healthy activities with my family on Saturdays instead. I do like a mix of workouts and I can't do all the 21 Day Fix approved workouts so I have come up with my own routine.

I used to do yoga on Sundays but I am actually using  Sundays specifically as my hypnobirthing training day doing a full 2 hour session. I love the relaxation I get from it but it is the one day that I spend a whole 2 hours just listening to the entire playlist I have to help me prep and prepare for labor and birth!

21 Day Fix Yoga from Sunday to Monday. I have really enjoyed yoga this time around again. It feels amazing! Most moves are modified to accommodate my growing belly. You can click here to view my modifications!
Active Maternity Workout exclusively available on Beachbody On Demand. Loving these workouts based on trimester. Just started doing the 3rd trimester for fun!

21 Day Fix Pilates. I have to cut one section completely from this routine, but it is after a killer leg section so I just take a longer break. But overall, this is a great workout!

Active Maternity Workout exclusively available on Beachbody On Demand. Repeat of Tuesday.

FREE DAY! I get to choose any workout I want to do. Lately though, I have been going back to my yoga! It just feels right!

Also on each day I try to fit in and do the Diary of a Fit Mommy Fit For Two workout, but it isn't consistent. Now that I have moved my weights to my room I think I can fit it in better. Plus we are trying to get in a nightly walk with the family before we put the kids down for bed. It isn't much, because we make both boys walk the whole time but we are up to .5 miles with Collin walking the whole thing and loving it! Great way to get energy out of them at the end of the day!

Try to do a healthy activity with the boys. Run around at the park or go for a longer walk. Starting this Saturday I will be volunteering with a local woman's running group and will help with the walking group, so I will be getting in some mileage in on Saturday mornings!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Bump Update: 33 Weeks

Happy 33 weeks! Things are just flying along aren't they! The big news this week is the BRAXTON HICKS contractions that I am feeling. It is kind of crazy. Going up the stairs I get a small one. Exercising I get a small one. Walking around I get a small one. They are becoming way more frequent now which I think is odd because I have done this having a baby thing a few times already! But I guess my body wants more practice. Practice makes better that is for sure. 
SPD. Have you ever heard of that? I am going to be talking to my doc this week about it because I am pretty sure I have it. It is called: Symphysis pubis dysfunction, or SPD it means the ligaments that normally keep your pelvic bone aligned during pregnancy become too relaxed and stretchy too soon before birth (as delivery nears, things are supposed to start loosening up). This, in turn, can make the pelvic joint — aka the symphysis pubis — unstable, causing some pretty strange sensations and sometimes pelvic pain. I am going to do a blog post about this soon though, after I talk with my doc and confirm my suspicions, but doing certain things cause me to have intense pain in my pelvis almost like it is being ripped in two. Like standing on one leg when getting my pants on, or doing split squats. I have to be perfectly balanced when I do exercises otherwise if I am just off a little I get this feeling that my bones are just going to rip in half! NOT FUN at all! Check back later for a post on it and all! I have had to modify my workouts a little more than usual because of the pain.
HOW CUTE ARE THESE!?! I had so much fun going shopping for newborn clothing. This is the FIRST set of newborn clothing that I have bought. Everything else I have is 6 months and older. But I was on a special mission by my mom and well, it was kind of fun. OVERWHELMING...but fun. Everything is just so pink, and I was trying so hard to avoid pink! both outfits have sparkle, that seems to be my new fave thing for her! 
Total Weight Gain: Gained 20 pounds total. Weight as of this morning 257.7 pounds. 

Symptoms: Heartburn. Heartburn is back in full force, despite what time we eat now. Mostly at night, I am sitting up for at least an hour. Peeing a ton! I am up like clockwork every 2 hours at night to go to the bathroom. Really is getting me ready for nursing! I am making sure I am drinking tons of water though so I don't get dehydrated. My new rule, after every time I go to the bathroom I drink more water.
Baby’s Size: Honeydew Melon (~19 inches inches, 4.5 pounds)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts but those are starting to get tight now. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy!
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones. I apply it at night and right after I get out of the shower. After the shower I actually don't have to apply as much! 

Belly Button: Innie! I never had my belly button flatten out or pop out during my other 2 pregnancies, but this might be the one that I do! 

Braxton Hicks Contractions: Yep, I'm starting to feel them a lot more now. Just a few every day. Before this past week, I generally only got them when working out as just a reminder to slow down a little bit (about 2 in the 30 minutes). But now I am getting them throughout the day. Including some strong ones that kind of make me stop and take a breath. It is a great reminder to sit down and drinks some water! 
Gender: GIRL!!! So excited about all the cute stuff we got for her! We have her coming home outfit and her picture props! So girly, and way too cute!
Sleep: I have to take a nap every day. Matt has been sick with a cold and kept me up at night for a couple nights. Collin is also sick and has been miserable at night. So... this momma just isn't getting the sleep she needs at night, plus pregnancy insomnia, I have a hard time getting back to sleep after I am woken up. I am still getting up at night at 11:30pm, 1:30am, and 3:30am, 5:30 without fail to use the bathroom. This week always around 9pm for about an hour where she is just going crazy! Plus I am flopping over like a fish trying to get comfy.
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Veggies. Are really the only thing I really have to have with my meals. I really don't have any cravings of things that "I have to have". Peanut M&M's are my go to treat. but I can only eat a little at a time. 
Aversions: Sweets taste too sweet for me, so I can only handle a little at a time. I guess that is my only aversion and kind of good!
Excited About: My next check up with the doc. on Thursday. After that I will be going every other week for a month. It is getting close! Also Mason has kindergarten camp next week so 3 days next week he is gone for half the day! CELEBRATE! This momma is so ready for school to start! I am in pure survival mode right now at home with the two boys who are going stir crazy, but with sickness, and too hot outside, we aren't getting out too much lately! Workouts: Pretty well for this week! I got in 5 days of regular workouts this past week. My regular Workouts include: 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity and Diary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts in daily. 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Bump Update: 32 Weeks

 8 MONTHS! I AM 8 MONTHS! How crazy is that?!? Time hasn't really gone by that fast but when you say, 8 months pregnant, it kind of hits you that, wow, this is getting really close! Oh, when people ask when I am due and I say, "September" they all say, "WOW THAT IS SO CLOSE!" It doesn't seem that close but I guess it is just about a month away. 
Matt and I had quite the special treat. After not having a date night for about 2 months, we had 2 date nights in 1 week! Saturday we went out to see Star Trek, it was great by the way, (I am a closet Trekie! my hubs is full blown Trekie! We have a whole wall in our basement dedicated to his Trek collection!) We just went for the movie, but it was shorter than we thought it would be and grabbed a quick bite to eat while we were out. It took me back to when we were first married and we went and saw movies at the theater ALL THE TIME! We don't do that anymore because they are so expensive. We only go see the really important ones in the theater. Then on Tuesday night we went to a nice dinner and then to our hospital tour. We tried out a new to us place, that I have wanted to try for years but just hadn't! It is all locally sourced ingredients and has vegan, vegetarian, and gluten free options. IT WAS GREAT! Matt's burger was actually pretty good! I got an apple and ham melt and it was pretty darn good. Matt and I really do try to do a date night a month, but we just hadn't for the past couple of months. It really is so important to make time for you and your partner. Matt and I are celebrating our 14th anniversary in just over a month. Dating while married is so important to help keep that spark alive and remember why you married them in the first place. Being home with the kids, and the stress of it all can really break down a couple, but getting away with just the two of you could be what you really need to get that spark back! We would love to go out once a week, but haven't been able to budget that in to our lives yet but that is the goal. Someday. Weekly dates.
THE HOSPITAL TOUR! I know, I am expecting my third kid and yes we still did the hospital tour. Couple reasons why. I asked my doc some questions about postpartum care since the hospital was taken over by a new company and he didn't know the answer. Secondly, I was only in the labor and delivery room for 35 minutes before I had Collin in this new hospital. I don't really remember much besides the tub. I did learn a lot of things like how we can control the temperature of the room (I was flaming hot last time!) There is a fan, and that I really do call the shots. Which is great! I will admit that I got a little freaked out at first. Thoughts came flooding back in with the last time I was in the hospital, my emergency surgery and hospital stay. But I know that this is for a different reason and I trust my doc so much! I know that everything will be fine! I really am excited for the whole labor experience. I am excited, which sounds crazy but it is a true fact! There is nothing like experiencing the strength of labor and birthing your child. I feel so blessed that I can go through it not just once, but 3 times! 
Total Weight Gain: Gained 18.3 pounds total. Weight as of this morning 256.0 pounds. After just a couple of days I was able to lose most of the swollen weight I got last week from being outside and in the heat and salty air, but as of this morning I weighed in at 256 even. So I lost .6 pounds this week.

Symptoms: Heartburn. Heartburn is back in full force, despite what time we eat now. Mostly at night, I am sitting up for at least an hour. Peeing a ton! I am up like clockwork every 2 hours at night to go to the bathroom. Really is getting me ready for nursing! I am making sure I am drinking tons of water though so I don't get dehydrated. My new rule, after every time I go to the bathroom I drink more water.
Baby’s Size: Head of Lettuce (~19 inches inches, 3.9 pounds)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts but those are starting to get tight now. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy!
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones. I apply it at night.

Braxton Hicks Contractions: Yep, I'm starting to feel them a lot more now. Just a few every day. Before this past week, I generally only got them when working out as just a reminder to slow down a little bit (about 2 in the 30 minutes). But now I am getting them throughout the day. Including some strong ones that kind of make me stop and take a breath. It is a great reminder to sit down and drinks some water! 
Gender: GIRL!!! So excited about all the cute stuff we got for her! We have her coming home outfit and her picture props! So girly, and way too cute!
Sleep: I have to take a nap every day. I just get so sleepy during the day. Probably to make up for the lack of sleep at night. Usually when Matt gets home from work I retreat to my room and have true mommy quiet time and rest. At night I am up at 11:30pm, 1:30am, and 3:30am, 5:30 without fail to use the bathroom. Then I have a hard time falling asleep again. Nights just seem to drag since I can't get comfy, or back to sleep easily. She is super active at night though. This week always around 9pm for about an hour where she is just going crazy! Plus I am flopping over like a fish trying to get comfy. There are times, I just want to go and sleep in Collin's new bed with the Hyphen mattress. It is actually really comfy and supports my belly really well!
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Veggies. Are really the only thing I really have to have with my meals. I really don't have any cravings of things that "I have to have". Peanut M&M's are my go to treat. but I can only eat a little at a time. 
Aversions: Sweets taste too sweet for me, so I can only handle a little at a time. I guess that is my only aversion and kind of good!
Excited About: My next check up with the doc. Next Thursday. After that I will be going every other week for a month. It is getting close! 
Workouts: Pretty well for this week! I got in 4 days of regular workouts this past week. I didn't go to the 4 miler training this past Saturday, it was just too hot for this momma! So missed out on that walking. My regular Workouts include: 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity and Diary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts in daily. 

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Postpartum Recovery Must Haves

this post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you buy the products recommended, you won't pay more but I'll get a small commission. It's what pays the bills! 
Are you nearing the end of your pregnancy and are wondering what recovery is really going to be like? With my #1 I had NO IDEA! We missed that part of my birthing class because I had Mason before they got to it. I was in complete shock about what it was going to be like. I knew that you bled like a period for a time after, and my doula said to get some depends but she didn't say it was going to hurt worse, in a way, than labor did. I think it felt like it hurt worse because it lingered for so long. I tore during the birth of Mason, only a 1st degree but I still had a stitch, and I had hemorrhoids, from pushing so hard so I couldn't really sit very comfortably. Everything was swollen, oh and since I am a red head, we bleed more. So instead of the lovely "up to" 6 weeks of bleeding I had 8-10 weeks. If I did anything too strenuous I would start to bleed again even after the 8-10 weeks. UGH! 

Well, I learned really quickly, within the first couple of days after having Mason and doing research, what I really needed. And I used this same list to help with recovery for #2, which I also tore a 1st degree and had hemorrhoids again, and will use this same list for #3. I honestly think that this is THE BEST list of things that you really need. I have added a link to AMAZON for easy ordering! 


My step by step process: Clean with the perineal bottle. Gently spread the bottom balm, Then spray with the bottom balm spray. Then the dermoplast. Then prepare the depends with the pad placed in it, and the 3 tucks pads placed on top of the pad. And then done! I know it sounds like a lot, but this has been the one thing that has really helped with healing faster, and swelling less. Really I do this routine for the first 2 weeks. Then move on to the thin pads for the next 6-8 weeks.

You will get a perineal bottle. You can't wipe after having a baby and you get to squirt warm water on your goods to clean you off. It sounds weird but IT FEELS SO GOOD! How to use: Fill it with warmish hot water before you sit down to pee unless you have someone there to fill it up for you. Then as you go it will cool down a bit. You do not want cold water on your bits! And too hot is ouch! 
Bottom Balm (for mom): I LOVE Earth Mama Angel Baby bottom balm. How to use: Spread it on your lady bits, gently, every time you go to the bathroom. The spray bottle of Earth Mama Angle Baby  as more easy and less messy, didn't have the same potency as the balm did. But you can use both if you want. Start with balm first, then the spray. This will help you heal and get less swollen too. 
Dermoplast: You might get this from the hospital. You need to check. This is a freezing spray that is nice too use especially if you have hemorrhoids or a tear. I numbs everything. How to use: Spray on AFTER you use the bottom balm to get the cooling effect from that first. Then spray. Use until you run out.

Depends: You only get a few mesh undies from the hospital. And yes these are embarrassing to wear, they are amazing! And super helpful. How to use: When you run out of the mesh undies from the hospital, use these as you would underwear to catch spillover of excess bleeding. Only need to use up to 2 weeks. Change as often as you need.

Pads (2 kinds): LONG for the first half of the after bleeding. How to use: You will put these inside the depends and change the pad every time and the depends catches everything else. I use Kotex overnight for this purpose. These were so similar to the extra long and thick ones that I got from the hospital.

When things start getting lighter I use the 7th Generation chlorine free extra long, thin with wings until I stop bleeding. 
Tucks Pads: You might get a jar of this from the hospital, make sure you check ahead of time. How to use: To be used just after birth until you feel less swollen, or until you run out. Put about 3 pads on top of your pad and just let it rest against you. The cooling is nice. Use until all pads are used.


Coconut oil in a small tub- You will want this before and after every time you nurse to help your nipples from cracking. This is instead of Lanolin cream (which is really sticky and smells funny to me) How to use: Rub a little on before you breastfeed and rub a little on after you feed. I put like 1/4 cup in a plastic tub to put in my hospital bag cause I didn't want to take the glass container. Make sure to get organic. I like Trader Joe's coconut oil or Spectrum is good too! 


Sitz Bath: And for your first few days after baby it is a good idea to take a sitz bath. And even with baby. How to do: You just fill up the tub with a little bit of water. Not a lot at most a foot and use this sitz with the herbs in the muslin bag so that the herbs don't get all stuck in areas you don't want them and that are healing. Let it soak like tea before you get it. It will feel so good and will help with the swelling.

This time I am going to try a full belly wrap. I have tried just the hip wrap but I didn't like it. But I really do want to try the full belly wrap to help with shrinking my uterus back down faster as it becomes more difficult with each baby you have. After tons of research I decided to do the Belly Bandit B.F.F. How to use: Start wearing as soon as possible after birth. In the hospital. It is supposed to be so comfortable you can even sleep in it. Just take off to shower! Listed below are the benefits of it.

  • Double Compression, six panel design
  • Luxuriously Soft, Earth Friendly material
  • Lose Inches and Look Slimmer Instantly
  • Doctor Recommended
  • Accelerates Healing
  • Helps Minimize Stretch Marks
  • Provides Comfort after C-Section
  • Supports Back, Leg & Core Muscles
  • Adds Support while Breastfeeding
  • Great for shorter or short waisted women
  • Our exclusive Power Compress Core™ is your secret weapon

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