Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: Plus Size Fitness: Mom and Baby Modified Exercises

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Plus Size Fitness: Mom and Baby Modified Exercises

Some days, I don't always get quiet time like I want. Elyse decided she didn't want to sleep when I needed to get my exercise in. So...I used her as my weights. Always remember to fully support your baby. And keep their heady steady and supported especially the younger (or newer) they are. Slow down your movements and go at your own speed. Elyse was kicking along with me and leaning in to me. She had so much fun just being held and moved around.

Check out these 3 moves that you can do with your baby!

Complete as many reps in 1 minute as you can, twice. Take a 45 second rest between sets.


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