Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

5 Simple Steps To Kick Start Your Weight Loss Journey

Holidays are coming to an end, and the new year is about to begin. If you want to kickstart those weight loss results, try my top 5 simple steps to not only lose weight but to change your lifestyle!

Yep, gone are the days of 3 days a week. If you want to change your body, you must work for it. Aim for 5-6 days a week of exercise. Using one of the days as (I like Wednesdays) as an active recovery day doing something other than lifting weights or straight up cardio but still moving your body. Yoga or Pilates are PERFECT! My weekly workout schedule I love and is great to follow is formatted from 21 Day Fix available TODAY on Beachbody On Demand.  This is what has allowed me to get amazing results in trimming and leaning down my body. I still have extra weight to lose but my body not only looks better but feels better since I added strength training and consistent 5+ days a week of exercise.

Mondays: Total Body Strengthening
Tuesdays: Upper Body
Wednesday: Pilates
Thursdays: Lower Body
Friday: Cardio
Saturday: Cardio & Strength Training
Sunday: Rest or Yoga

2) ELIMINATE SODA POP, DAIRY AND GLUTEN (white flour and pasta)
I cut daily soda pop in 2009 from my diet. In 2014 I stopped drinking milk daily and switched to almond milk for my daily superfood smoothie and in 2016 I have stopped having gluten daily. I finally found some great gluten free flour that I have now swapped to for most of my recipes that call for flour and can't tell a difference except for the fact I have stopped bloating.! Make it a goal for 2018 to cut at least  1 of these things from your diet and see how good you will feel!

Most people don't eat enough GREEN veggies. I get it, they aren't as sexy as rolls, or mashed potatoes, or starchy foods. But...most people are eating too many starchy foods and not enough of the fibrous roughage veggies our body needs to work more efficiently. Find seasonings that work for you, that spice them up and make them taste great! Aim to eat more from the GREEN list of veggies and less of the yellow list of veggies. Aim for 5+ servings or cups of these types of veggies A DAY! CHECK OUT THIS POST FOR TIPS ON HOW TO START CLEAN EATING
Cut fast foods, packaged foods or pre-made meals from your diet and make homemade meals where you control the seasoning is the fastest way to reduce your salt intake. I barely add salt to my foods when I am cooking. Thanks to fast foods, and salt used as a preservation agent in packaged and pre-made meals we have gotten used to higher salt intake. Women should only be eating about 1500mg or less of sodium a day. By cutting out processed foods, fast foods and pre-made meals you will reduce your salt intake. If you find food too bland, add extra pepper. You can add as much pepper as you want to your foods. For me it tricks my mind into thinking I added salt. It only takes a few weeks for your body to adjust and soon enough, foods that come with salt already added will taste too salty.

When you cut soda pop from your daily intake make sure you start drinking extra water. This will help your body stay hydrated and cut those cravings for sugary drinks. Always have a water bottle near you, or a glass of water ready for you so that when you go looking for something to drink, you are ready! 

Get 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Yep. Don't think you can't find time to make that happen. But if you want your body to recovery just right, then you have to treat it right by allowing it to heal and recover from the work you put it through during the day. That means, turn off those tablets and phones, and the tv and get to bed earlier than you normally do. Start with 30 minutes if you have to, then make it an hour. But sleep is important. That is how your body repairs and heals and rests. When was the last time you got a good night sleep? 


Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas From My Family To Yours

Wishing you all a very happy and Healthy Christmas! Remember, EAT ALL THE VEGGIES and fruits first then your protein, and leave your carbs for last!

Allen Family

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Holiday Gift Giving Picks For You Or Your Fitness Loving Friends

It's that time again! Are you looking for last minute gifts for your fitness loving friends or for yourself? Check out my top picks for this year! Note: this post contains affiliate links to help you find the right products EASILY!

Most of my workout gear, almost ALL of my strapy sports bras, are from Fabletics. They are my go to workout gear since they now carry PLUS SIZE! Not only do they have fun prints but the clothing fits really well too and doesn't ride up or slip down while I work out! You can gift your friend with a GIFT CARD! CLICK HERE to check it out! You can get anything from pants, bras, panties, socks and even workout bags to carry their stuff in. PERFECT place to get tons of clothing and accessories.

2) 80 Day Obsession Bundle Pack 
Get your fitness loving friend (and YOU) the bundle pack that will get them everything need to start the new year off right. Not only will they get what is listed but they will be able to work with ME as their 1:1 coach, get access to my exclusive group with tools to help you stay on track, be included in our TEAM WIDE TEST GROUP plus all of this: 

  • Year membership to BOD unlimited online streaming, with access to meal plans, trainer tips and over 600 other workouts and their digital information and exclusive BOD cooking show
  • Hard copy Workout calendar
  • Intro guide
  • Digital custom eating plan 
  • Fitness tutorials
  • Nutrition tutorials
  • Weekly motivation messages from the cast of 80 Day Obsession
  • 2 sets of loops - workout equipment
  • Floor sliders (works on carpet or solid surface) workout equipment 
  • Portion Control containers and shaker cup 
  • Daily nutrition shake to help cut cravings feel your best - Shakeology
  • Pre workout drink to give you energy and endurance to kick butt during your workout
  • Post workout recovery drink to help prevent soreness
  • App on your phone to help you track your progress
  • Option to enroll as a coach at no extra charge and get access to our coach discount on future orders
  • Exclusive access to team wide test group
  • Exclusive access to my VIP group with my daily motivation, tips, accountability, tools and support
  • 1:1 coaching with me
  • If enrolled as a coach access to exclusive coaches only group hosted by the program’s trainer For daily tips and motivation trainer talk and more info.

DIRECT LINK to order the MEGA BUNDLE for EVERYTHING that they need for 80 Day Obsession. Or Want to give the performance line and Shakeology a try first. Check out the COMBO PACK. And to start out small you can get the BASIC PACK but you have to choose between Shakeology and the Performance. That's a hard one to choose from. You can always get the one you don't choose at a later time.

3) Home Gym Workout Equipment
Get them hooked up with some equipment for their own home gym. There are plenty to choose from from just one set to buying a whole dumbbell in all price ranges. I personally got some dumbbells for my kids so they can safely workout with me without having to use my heavier equipment.

4) Home Gym Machines
Want to get your fitness loving friend the treadmill or elliptical of their dream? Not sure which one would work best for them (or you!) Check out this review on Treadmill Reviews to find out the best one that would work for them.

5) Workout Headphones or Speakers for the Home Gym
Tunes are always a plus when working out. The right song can help pump you up to get through a hard exercise or help you go just a little faster to PR on your next race. I am all about building up your home gym so finding the right speaker system is just as important too!

For headphones, aim for a pair that hook around the ears to help them stay in place while running or doing cardio

For your home speakers, We love our Harmon/Kardon speakers, there is now a mini portable speaker that can be paired with your phone or Echo Dot.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, December 15, 2017

80 Day Obsession Workout Pre-Launch Bundle Pack Options

Pre-launch bundle packs and equipment are NOW AVAILABLE! And boy do we have a lot a HUGE variety of packs that will fit your needs the best. But this is why it is so important to work with a coach so that we can help get you the right pack that fits your needs and budget! PLUS, take an extra $10 off your price when you order between 12/14 and 1/14 as a pre-launch discount!

80 Day Obsession begins January 15, 2018. Want more info about the program? Be sure to join our 80 Day Obsession Launch PartyCLICK HERE to read more about the Launch Party Group.




Additional pack for coaches: If you get the Accessory Pack you have the option to add a Recover and Energize stack to your order for 20% off the cost, giving us coaches a pack similar to the combo pack.

ALSO COACHES TO BE IN THE EXCLUSIVE COACH TEST GROUP: You must purchase a pack and then an email will be sent to you with the link to join. If you do not already have Beachbody On Demand, you will need to purchase your year membership in addition to, then one of the coach options in order to access 80 Day Obsession as it is only exclusively on Beachbody On Demand.

OH and here is everything you will have (depending on your pack of course) when you get your pack: 
  • Year membership to BOD unlimited online streaming, with access to meal plans, trainer tips and over 600 other workouts and their digital information and exclusive BOD cooking show
  • Hard copy Workout calendar
  • Intro guide
  • Digital custom eating plan 
  • Fitness tutorials
  • Nutrition tutorials
  • Weekly motivation messages from the cast of 80 Day Obsession
  • 2 sets of loops - workout equipment
  • Floor sliders (works on carpet or solid surface) out equipment 
  • Portion Control containers and shaker cup 
  • Daily nutrition shake to help cut cravings feel your best - Shakeology
  • Pre workout drink to give you energy and endurance to kick butt during your workout
  • Post workout recovery drink to help prevent soreness
  • App on your phone to help you track your progress
  • Option to enroll as a coach at no extra charge and get access to our coach discount on future orders
  • Exclusive access to team wide test group
  • Exclusive access to my VIP group with my daily motivation, tips, accountability, tools and support
  • 1:1 coaching with me
  • If enrolled as a coach access to exclusive coaches only group hosted by the program’s trainer For daily tips and motivation trainer talk and more info.
Wow! That’s a lot of stuff to help you get started right, stay on track and get amazing results! Are you ready to work with me yet? Time is now! Remember: extra discount offered when you order before 1/14. But don’t wait. The 5 day intro program A Little Obsessed comes out NEXT WEDNESDAY! You need those bands and sliders for it!

Want more info on prices and how to get set up? DIRECT MESSAGE ME HERE or EMAIL ME and let's chat! This program is going to be life changing! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

How To Reduce Holiday Stress, FAST

Parties, decorating, baking, gatherings, presents to wrap, holiday concerts, WELCOME TO THE MOST STRESSFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! Yesterday I was feeling the effects of this season. I actually felt stressed because I was trying to finish getting the decorations up that I missed my scheduled ME TIME! EEK! And because of that, I felt so stressed for the rest of the day that I ended the day with a massive headache.'s time to destress. Here are some tips to help relieve stress quickly in your life so that you can feel like you get more accomplished in the day!

Of course exercise is going to be in the list! Because it will help you feel better. Not only does it flood your system with happy making endorphins but it is also taking care of yourself. If you are feeling frazzled, stressed, like you can't accomplish the things in your day. DO A 30 MINUTE WORKOUT! (There are TONS of workouts on the online streaming service I use, Beachbody On Demand, that are 30 minutes or less!) I get it, you are busy, you can't find time...But guess what. WE ARE ALL BUSY! There are 1,440 minutes in each day. Can you find just 30 of those minutes to workout and take care of you? Remember, you can't take care of other people unless you take care of yourself first.

Sit down for 5 minutes and just free write how you are feeling or what you are going through. Sometimes we just need to get out our frustrations or feelings to help us feel better and literally take the load off our shoulders. I started doing this at the beginning of the month, and I can't believe how much it has helped to just clear my mind and organize my thoughts and day.

10 minutes! All you need is to sit in peace and quiet and think about nothing. Or think about how amazing you are and all the awesome things you accomplished in your day. But don't let any negative thoughts enter, or "I should have done this or that." Keep it positive or think about nothing at all! I also like to repeat, "relax, relax, relax" to help me just RELAX! Perfect time to mediate, first thing in the morning or as your are going to bed are when I prefer. But if you are feeling like you are about to snap. Go find a quiet place and just clear your head!
It's okay to say no to going to a party or gathering. There are so many things to do in this season and sometimes it is just too much. Don't feel like you have to do it all. And the same goes for decorations or other things that pile up. You don't have to bake all the cookies. You don't have to have every square foot of your house looking like a Pottery Barn picture. Decide what you are going to do and do no more.

Go get a mani, pedi, take a nice hot bath. Get an extra nap in. Go read a book you have been putting off. Go get a hot chocolate from Starbucks (that's a splurge in our house!) Do something fun that you haven't done in awhile. Make yourself feel special or just get some quiet time away from the stress of everything at home. Or get out and go on a date! Go see a move with your partner or spouse. Go to dinner. Take a walk together. Go bowling. Ice Skating. Go take some you time to take care of you and your relationship with your spouse. If you are feeling stressed, they might be as well. PLUS, it helps make your relationship stronger!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

80 Day Obsession Launch Group Party

Who is interested or curious or TOTALLY WANTS TO DO the new workout program ---> 80 Day Obsession? You all know I'm doing my challenge, LEARN TO BE OBSESSED to help me prepare for this workout to come out. WELL, this is just another stepping stone into why I can't wait! 

My coaching team has opened up an 80 Day Obsession Launch Party Group! Tons of info, tips about how the program works, what's involved, results, and it is being lead by one of the coaches that was in the TEST GROUP who got AMAZING RESULTS! (she is the one on the far left in the cover photo) So in a way, we get inside info from someone who has already gone through the whole program 100% and is doing it again and is already half way through her second round of it.

So...if you are interested but need more info first, curious about how it all works and want to learn more or ready to dive in and commit, CLICK HERE TO SEND ME A MESSAGE so I can personally get you into the group! Or EMAIL ME

Oh...don't know what 80 Day Obsession is yet??? Well...join the group to find out. But here are a few highlights:

🌟 80 days of workouts that were filmed in real time, meaning that they are all completely different from each other and can be done in your own home, or at the gym. 
🌟 A COMPLETE nutrition plan that tells you not only what to eat, what size portion to eat but WHEN to eat for best results.
🌟 Focuses on Core and Booty, but everyone had all over results 
🌟 Uses new equipment / gear that look easy but will totally change your body.

🌟 EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP with LIVE workouts, daily motivation, inspiration, tips and MORE! 

So far the results on everyone who has done the program has been unbelievable! Not necessarily huge weight loss numbers but FAT LOSS to make long and lean, muscles. Check out some of the Before and After Results with the 80 Day Obsession Coach Test Group! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge - Phase 3 Results

In just over 2 months, I have lost 7 pounds and over 10 inches! I’m Exercising almost daily and eating better than I ever have before by following the nutrition fix program that came with my online streaming service along with drinking my Shakeology almost daily!

My biggest tips: 
1) Eat more veggies! Like so many veggies. I am having at least a cup of 2 with my lunch and dinner and have a large handful of spinach in my daily shake. Plus snack on baby carrots and hummus. They have been filling me up and helping me feel satisfied. I love roasting up broccoli or cauliflower, green beans, or bell peppers (don’t have to do all of them. Pick one for the week and buy a few of them) and putting the garlic salt on them for flavor with a little extra virgin olive oil.

2) Drink more water! I was reminded of this just last week when I was drinking a ton of water for the cleanse and realized that I wasn’t drinking enough. My body has felt so good this week because I know I’m getting enough water.

Goals for phase 4:
1) don’t miss a workout. 
2) Eat my carbs for breakfast and lunch. No carbs after 2
3) stick to my pre determined days on when I get to indulge. 
4) remember why I started this and have fun along the way! 
5) trust the process because it does work!!!

Want to start your journey? You can request to join the group here, and I'll contact you with the info you need to get started or you can click the button below to order to get started and I'll reach out to you in 24 hours! 

Not sure where to start in your weight loss journey? Join me in my current challenge to help you start with the right program that will fit your busy lifestyle, get great nutrition every day and learn the right amount of food you should be eating daily. Plus 1:1 support from ME! It all start with you getting your year membership to unlimited streaming access over 600 workouts for variety to keep you motivated and your first month supply of my favorite, cravings crushing drink! CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO ORDER and I will reach out to you within 24 hours!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

How Much Can Your Body Shape Really Change With Exercise?

The next time you think you don’t need exercise in your life or if you are struggling with wanting to continue your exercise program because you aren’t losing any weight. Remember this picture. because, EXERCISE DOES MATTER! 

The picture on the left is from 2 years ago, before I got pregnant with Elyse and I was exercising about 2 days a week (because I had lost 20 pounds and got into that common "comfy phase" and it was the holidays and I would lose weight with the next program in the new year) That girl on the left, uncomfortable in her own skin. Dreaded working out because it was hard, so she just went through the motions and just did enough. But knew, it wouldn't be and was scared that she was going to fail yet again.

The picture on the right, is today. I am actually 10 pounds heavier now than 2 years ago. But I have had a baby, currently nursing and postpartum weight loss rebounding hit hard this summer plus recovering from surgery. But...For the past 65 days (and most of this year) I have been consistent with exercising 5+ days a week doing mostly 30 minute workouts using the unlimited online streaming service I LOVE that has access to over 600 workouts! Finally pushing myself instead of going through the motions. Sharing my journey honestly and finally loving me and my body as it is now, which feels pretty awesome!

If you are in your journey and you have tried it all, but the scale doesn't move, TAKE PICTURES to track your progress that way. The scale only shows one side of your journey. And you are so much more then that number. Be proud of how far you have come, of what you have accomplished and keep going. Be consistent and challenge yourself to workout 5 days a week. Because overtime you will see the changes. You will feel better.

Exercise helps your body be leaner, stronger and function better. And in these past two years I have finally gained the confidence in my body I have always wanted. Because I’m taking care of it. And my body is changing and feeling better. Exercise and healthy eating choices makes all the difference in the world. Don’t give up in your journey or goals when you hit a plateau or go backwards in your progress. Remember be consistent no matter what is going on. it could take longer than you want to get the results you want but just think about how you will feel when you can say, “I did it!”

Not sure where to start in your journey? I can help you with that! Message me on FACEBOOK or Email me me and let's chat!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, December 1, 2017

FREE Daily Health and Fitness Tips To Survive The Holidays

December is Holiday Survival Time. GOAL: At least maintain my current weight so that I don't have to work even harder in the New Year with my "lose weight resolution". Join my FREE, women's only private community, CONNECT THE DOTS: Healthy And Fit Life Community who want to work at their own pace at their health and fitness goals. Plus you get my FREE Clean Eating guide as a GIFT when you join!

For the entire month of December, I'm sharing my TOP TIPS daily to help you avoid the excess weight gain that accompany the holiday season. Like tip number 1 below! Want more tips to stay on track and avoid excess weight gain this holiday season? REQUEST TO JOIN! It just takes a few seconds! See you in the community!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

5 SIMPLE Tips: How To Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

It's here! The most fattening time of the year! With all the parties, gatherings, cookies, treats and other goodies around you, plus going against our body's natural tendency to want to eat carb, and fat laden foods to "stock up for winter", it can feel like a losing battle. But, if you want to make a change this year, and end on a good note you are going to have to work at it! Check out these 5 tips to help you Beat The Holiday Weight Gain!

It's cold outside, not hot. You sweat less. In some ways the body is more dehydrated in the winter than in the summer, when we know to hydrate our bodies more because of the excess sweating that happens after we exercise. Aim to drink a tall glass of water (8oz at least) before every meal. Have a craving for something sweet, drink water first. Aim to drink half your body weight in water a day, every day.

Pull out that calendar and put down every party, gathering, cookie exchange you have been invited to and decide which one you are going to indulge in. Because you "shouldn't" indulge at all of them. Remember, you have goals. And you want to reach them. That means you might have to say no to those sweets and treats.
This is going against our natural order. Where veggies are the go to in the summer time because that is when they are readably available. But now that we have access to greens and veggies galore, stock up on those veggies. Eat a plate of veggies before you go to a party, to fill up the space making it more difficult to eat other things. And always grab some veggies at your party. Fill half your plate at the party and regular dinner table with veggies. Not only will you be getting the vital minerals and nutrients from the veggies, but they help to take up more space than proteins and carbs. Helping you feel fuller faster.

Make it a goal during this month specifically to exercise 5-6 days a week. If you normally do 3-4 try to bump it up by at least one day. By exercising more you are burning more calories, and mentally it helps you feel better about yourself and some of the treats. It is a mental mind game in a way to help you feel less guilt when you do indulge.

Don't feel any guilt when you do indulge. It is the time of year when memories were always made around food, family and gifts. Food is a huge part of this holiday. And when you do indulge don't feel guilty for what you are eating. Follow the first 4 tips here, to help you stay on track but eat a cookie every now and then. Enjoy your Christmas feast that you or your family and friends prepared for you. Because life is too sweet to and wonderful to feel things like guilt to ruin your day. There is always the next day to get back at your goals. Never forget that!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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