Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: How To Reduce Holiday Stress, FAST

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

How To Reduce Holiday Stress, FAST

Parties, decorating, baking, gatherings, presents to wrap, holiday concerts, WELCOME TO THE MOST STRESSFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! Yesterday I was feeling the effects of this season. I actually felt stressed because I was trying to finish getting the decorations up that I missed my scheduled ME TIME! EEK! And because of that, I felt so stressed for the rest of the day that I ended the day with a massive headache.'s time to destress. Here are some tips to help relieve stress quickly in your life so that you can feel like you get more accomplished in the day!

Of course exercise is going to be in the list! Because it will help you feel better. Not only does it flood your system with happy making endorphins but it is also taking care of yourself. If you are feeling frazzled, stressed, like you can't accomplish the things in your day. DO A 30 MINUTE WORKOUT! (There are TONS of workouts on the online streaming service I use, Beachbody On Demand, that are 30 minutes or less!) I get it, you are busy, you can't find time...But guess what. WE ARE ALL BUSY! There are 1,440 minutes in each day. Can you find just 30 of those minutes to workout and take care of you? Remember, you can't take care of other people unless you take care of yourself first.

Sit down for 5 minutes and just free write how you are feeling or what you are going through. Sometimes we just need to get out our frustrations or feelings to help us feel better and literally take the load off our shoulders. I started doing this at the beginning of the month, and I can't believe how much it has helped to just clear my mind and organize my thoughts and day.

10 minutes! All you need is to sit in peace and quiet and think about nothing. Or think about how amazing you are and all the awesome things you accomplished in your day. But don't let any negative thoughts enter, or "I should have done this or that." Keep it positive or think about nothing at all! I also like to repeat, "relax, relax, relax" to help me just RELAX! Perfect time to mediate, first thing in the morning or as your are going to bed are when I prefer. But if you are feeling like you are about to snap. Go find a quiet place and just clear your head!
It's okay to say no to going to a party or gathering. There are so many things to do in this season and sometimes it is just too much. Don't feel like you have to do it all. And the same goes for decorations or other things that pile up. You don't have to bake all the cookies. You don't have to have every square foot of your house looking like a Pottery Barn picture. Decide what you are going to do and do no more.

Go get a mani, pedi, take a nice hot bath. Get an extra nap in. Go read a book you have been putting off. Go get a hot chocolate from Starbucks (that's a splurge in our house!) Do something fun that you haven't done in awhile. Make yourself feel special or just get some quiet time away from the stress of everything at home. Or get out and go on a date! Go see a move with your partner or spouse. Go to dinner. Take a walk together. Go bowling. Ice Skating. Go take some you time to take care of you and your relationship with your spouse. If you are feeling stressed, they might be as well. PLUS, it helps make your relationship stronger!

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