Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, August 21, 2017

Smoothie To Boost Your Breast Milk Supply

Disclosure: Post sponsored by Sweetie Pie Organics but all opinions are my own. 

10.5 Months, Elyse and I have made it over 9 months of nursing. We have now passed how long Collin nursed! And it was touch and go there for a bit because of the pain I was having prior to her double frenectomy but since that happened, we have been pain free and somewhat smooth sailing. But one thing that happens around 9 months for most babies, THEY START EATING MORE SOLID FOODS. And when that happens, mommas milk supply can take a dive. Mine has been. I am actually concerned that Elyse is enjoying eating table foods more than nursing, since she is so easily distracted with the boys around.
ENTER SWEETIE PIE LACTATION SMOOTHIES! I started drinking these a month and a half ago and I have been pretty diligent in drinking 1 per day. My special smoothie, no kids allowed since Collin wants to eat whatever I am eating. And I have noticed a good increase in my nursing abilities. Elyse is nursing for longer periods of time now, from 25 minutes up to 35 now, where she was only doing about 15 minutes before. She is getting an ample amount of milk too, whereas before, there was no let down while she was nursing.

Not going to lie, I was a little worried about how it would taste. But let's talk about "The taste." I was a little scared because it was apple and pear. Thinking it would be too artificial tasting but it wasn't. It literally tasted like apple juice mixed with real pear juice. WIN! So my uber picky taste buds approved!

What makes it really work to boost your milk supply?
A daily dose of fenugreek and flaxseed. Both shown to help increase breast milk production naturally plus the omega-3s in the flaxseed. Results are noticeable within 24-28 hours!

Check out  more details on how it works:

With key herbs to increase breast milk. Five simple ingredients that moms can understand: fenugreek for breastfeeding, flaxseed, pear puree, apple and passionfruit juices. only 180 calories, no sugar added, organic, kosher, NON-GMO.
Contains Fenugreek
Lactation Smoothie contains Fenugreek, which is the most popular herb used to increase milk supply for centuries (galactagogue).  Fenugreek usually takes effect within first 24 - 48 hours of consumption. 
Contains Flaxseed
Flaxseed provides omega 3 fatty acids for baby’s eye and brain development and is a good source of of calcium and phosphorus for baby’s bone development.
Hydration = Lactation
Lactation smoothie provides you with hydration, drinking our smoothies adds to your daily liquid consumption.  Remember If you stay hydrated and keep nursing or pumping your chances to improve milk supply are much higher.
Enjoy one to two per day
We recommend to take Sweetie Pie Lactation Smoothie no more than twice a day - most nursing mothers notice results within 48 hours drinking 1 smoothie per day. If you are not sure how many you can take, it is always a good idea to check with your lactation consultant or pediatrician first.
Keeping up supply
To see best results it is recommended to drink a course during a period of one week. While every woman's body is different, most moms notice more milk production after a few days of consumption and able to see an increase of 1-2 oz per side.
Great as a daily snack or along with a meal
There is no need to drink around pumping schedule - you can enjoy it anytime a day that works best for you. It can be consumed as a daily snack or paired with a meal. Only 180 calories and no added sugar.
Ready to drink Sweetie Pie Organics Lactation Smoothie is delicious and has convenient on-the-go packaging. Easy to store - no need to refrigerate before opening. Perfect for grab and go. No need to brew or dissolve in a water. Supported by lactation consultants, birth centers, hospitals and OB practices for its great benefits and unbeatable convenience. Rated on top products to increase milk production.
Tastes great and works
It has a thick smoothie-like texture which is nice and filling and gives you a nice boost being nutritious and clean at the same time.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

How To Fit Exercise Into Your Everyday Life

One of the things I hear all the time is, "How do you find time to exercise with 3 kids and take care of everything else?" Not going to lie, my room is a mess with clean clothes stacked in a pile, and some dirty clothing in a pile to be cleaned on the floor. My kitchen isn't always spotless, and I might not wash my hair every day, because I choose what is important in my life to focus my energy on that. My family time, teaching and exercise is some of those things. Exercise in general makes me function better as a mom and a person. When I am struggling with my day, or my patience is wearing thin, I look at what I have done in that day and 9 times out of 10, I have yet to exercise.

I'm not saying that exercise is going to solve all of the world's problems, but it does help me, at least, feel like I have a little more control in my life. It helps me have just a little more patience with things going on around me. It helps to clear my head a little. It helps my body feel better. And knowing that I am doing something good for my body will help to make better food choices during the day.

If you are struggling to find time in your day to exercise Follow these steps: 

Write out everything you do in a day. Grab a calendar and fill it in. Every hour or minute you can think of, of the necessary things that have to be done.

Appointments for you and your family
Work for you and your hubs
School schedule for the kids
Family Time

Now once those are filled in, do you have any remaining space in there? Just 30 minutes? FILL IN EXERCISE IN 1 30 minutes slot every day.

Notice what didn't make the list above, scrolling Facebook or Pinterest. And I don't want you to have to give up your favorite past time actives like catching up on Bachelor in Paradise or scrolling Facebook and Pinterest. But maybe schedule a dedicated time during the day that you can do that, and once that time is over with...No more. Put the phone down. Imagine how much open time you will have in a day. This is a practice I have for myself with my coaching, blogging and work. I come on the computer during certain times of the day and try not to be on my phone or computer all the time. As tempting as it is to watch the feed, it is such a time suck! All you need is 30 minutes to feel better both body and mind!
Once you find 30 minutes every day that you can fit into your exercise, I want you to make an appointment for it, set a timer and an alarm. That way it is important for you. and every week you most important things to add to your calendar are:

Appointments for you and your family
Work for you and your hubs
School schedule for the kids
Family Time

It's not about having time, because most of us, don't have time to exercise. But it is something that is so important that you have to make time for it! And sometimes you will have to make adjustments to your schedule, but hey, making a plan is the first step to success! Comment below after you complete this. How much time did you find in your week that you can fit a workout in? Was there more than 1 30 minute slot open?

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Plus Size Fitness Newbies: 5 Tips To Keep You Going

If you missed part one of my Plus Size Fitness Newbies: 10 Tips To Get Started Right, be sure to check it out! Now that you have gotten started right, it is time to KEEP YOU GOING with these 5 tips to help you along in your journey! 

1) Try ANY Workout You Want
If you want to try an MMA style workout, DO IT! If you want to dance? HAVE FUN! If you want to lift weights because you are ready to get long lean muscles, then now is the time! Most workouts now, especially with Beachbody, have a modifier that is perfect for beginners. Teaching you the moves to help you build up the strength to move up to the full move when you are ready. Don't feel like you have to limit yourself with your workouts. For years, I didn't think I could ever do an Insanity style workout, until I did Shaun Week, which was 7 days of brand new, Insanity style workouts, and guess what, I was a heck of a lot stronger than I thought I was. This is your journey, you decide what you want to do and do what you can, and as you get stronger you will be able to do more!
Click here to check out the program I am doing
2) Don't Underestimate How Strong You Really Are
Try before you modify are the shop rules for the new workout I am doing right now, and I LOVE IT! Because most of the time, I would automatically go to the modified move. I don't want to hurt myself would always pop in my head. But...if you try, and achieve one full push up and then the rest on your knees, you have a place to start from. The next week, try and do 2 or 3 pushups. But don't lose form! Do what you can, and you might be surprised with how much you really can do.

3) Use Proper Technique
Watch the modifier like a hawk you guys! When you are new to exercise, or new to doing a move, you need to watch the modifier, then back up in the workout to do the workout. Watch yourself in a mirror or record yourself so you can see you are doing what they were doing. Keeping your tummy engaged so that your back doesn't arch or so you have a flat back. Making sure that you knees aren't going past your toes in a squat. Even having a bend in both knees when you are doing a lunge, even a modified smaller range of motion lunge. Mirrors, photos and videos are going to be your biggest help  when you are just starting out because it will actually show you if you are doing the move right or wrong, and help prevent injury. Also listen to the cues and prompts from the trainer. They know the common tendencies, and I bet at some point you are going to say, "YEP, I needed that reminder!" 
4) Wear The Right Clothes
Using the right clothing can make or break your workout. If you feel like you are over heating while you workout, are you wearing a cotton shirt? Try going for a moisture wicking shirt that helps pull the sweat off of you and is also breathable. Making you less uncomfortable. Sticking with workout appropriate tops and bottoms is key. Otherwise you can get chaffing, overheated and just feel ick! Same with what goes on your feet. Make sure you are wearing an athletic style pair of shoes. I used to workout barefoot but had so many problems with my arches feel sore and such. I needed the support from proper shoes to help me along. I am actually using running shoes right now and am looking for new athletic shoes, but running shoes, I found have good support. Just a quick AMAZON SEARCH will help you find the right clothing to help you rock your workout! And go for COLOR! When you are wearing something fun and exciting you are going to want to do your workout even more. I use Fabletics and love the quality of their clothing. And with their new Plus Size options, I feel even more comfortable in them! CLICK HERE to check out Fabletics

5) Set Multiple Types of Goals
Make sure you are setting realistic and obtainable goals. I get it. Losing 50 pounds would be amazing, but don't let that BIG number get the better of you. Start with just aiming to lose 10 pounds in 3 months. Make sure you set an end goal on it. Also don't just make goals for losing weight and inches. Set some non scale victories too. Like, you see a dress at a store and want it but they only carry it in a size smaller than you fit in it. Make that your goal dress. Work every day to get that dress. I have even bought a top in the past as my "goal outfit". Hang it where you can see it so it is your everyday motivation to push play. Also set nutrition goals. "I'm going to eat greens at every lunch this week." "Or Follow your nutrition plan to a T". And reward yourself with non food things too. You can put money in a jar every time you workout, and literally save money every time you exercise to go towards something you want. Or for every pound lost. Whatever you decide. But set goals, make a deadline for them, work hard every day for it and reward yourself in the end with something healthy and or fun! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Healthy Flourless Vegan Fudge Brownies

Who doesn't love desserts??? I do. Oh you know I do! But...what if you could have a healthier option to the desserts that you love? Check out the full recipe for this GENIUS Flourless Fudge Brownie recipe by The Big Man's World HERE!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Summer House Project: Board and Batten Wainscoting Project

This summer was a busy one, and it isn't even over yet. It started in May, with a couple of painting projects (the half bath and the toilet room in our bath that I never did 2 years ago) Then I decided I was ready to take on the biggie project. To finally make our house unique and not be a cookie cutter. Most of the houses on my street are this same model as ours and honestly, when we do have to move because as some point we probably will have to for Matt's job. I want my house to stand out from the rest. AND I want to enjoy it too! No more of this... What if we have to move soon, delaying project after project. So...Project No More Cookie Cutter, Commenced. 

June 21 installation began on our extra tall Board and Batten Wainscoting. The before isn't that bad. It's a nice open foyer and entry way.
Our amazing woodwork contractor was a genius about how he built these. It was unlike anything I saw on any tutorial. He built each section AT HOME, then brought it here and installed it in one giant piece. That way the installation was actually secured into studs. Also, no glue or individual nailing of each board into the wall. And it is solid as a rock! So if, for whatever reason, the next people don't like the trim work, it can easily be removed without massive damage to the drywall behind.

Next came the painting of the boards in the foyer. It was a paint to paint and I thought at first that it was actually coming out blue because the white was so white, it played tricks on my eyes. And to mimic that it was all wood and not just wood trim and drywall, I dry brushed over the top with a paint brush to give it the same look as the wood pieces.

The same weekend that I painted the white trim work, I also decided to paint the boy's bathrooms. With Collin potty training soon, I figured it was time to get some scrubbable paint behind the toilet since it will be more than one "hose" aiming...and probably missing. I used leftover paint I had from other projects and didn't have to buy any new paint to complete this. The color is Benjamin Moore's Buxton Blue.
I  also got the prints on Etsy from 7 Wonders Design. Aren't they so cute!?! She was amazing to work with by the way. I ordered the more subdued colors at first and noticed I picked the wrong ones. Sent her a message and she changed up the order for me! Highly recommend her and she has AMAZING stuff for all over the house! Frames are from Target.
Next was phase 2. The stairwell. I already had chair rail in the stairwell, and thought it would be a nice touch to extend the board and batten up the stairs. Little did I know it would be a bit of a pain in the butt. Figuring out how to do the angle and get it to line up with the top landing and bottom landing. Yeah, gotta love geometry and such! Since we have a U shaped stairwell it was a little difficult but got it figured out. Our contractor did the same thing. He built the pieces at home and installed them when he got here. Yeah, he is that good!

You can see the lighting difference between the entry way and the family room at the back. Our old lights cast more of a yellow tone, the new lights don't! 
Phase 3...PAINTING! Since our contractor was already here, I asked if he could paint the hard to reach areas for me. So he painted the upstairs stairwell, and the downstairs stairwell, and also above my cabinets in the kitchen (I will be finishing that and the adjacent family room sometime next month) then I painted the rest. The upstairs hallway, the entryway, foyer and garage entry area. It was a multi-day project but I got it done. I used Benjamin Moore's Revere Pewter for the color. It is a "greige" grey/beige. In some ways it looks beige and in others it looks grey. I love it! Very cool color.

 I still need to decorate, debating on using the rug still or not. I will probably get a small bench to put in the area for my students to leave their shoes at when they are here for lessons (no more standing and balancing to get shoes on), and thought about putting little 3M hooks on the wall for a drop zone after school. I need to pick up more frames, because I have plenty of family pictures to put up on that rail. Love my new display area! The quilt that was hanging there before is still my favorite and will still be displayed but down in the basement adding more color down there in the kids area!
Check out this before and after of the painting and board and batten. Plus I got new lighting in our house. Splurged for the GE HD REVIVE LED lights on the main level and upstairs hallway. (and half bath and boys bathroom) Gives a truer color and I think it will help better with my videos. What do you think?
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Know Your Body Type To Help You Lose Weight

Your diet is the ultimate factor in whether or not you:
  • gain fat
  • lose fat
  • gain definition
  • lose definition
  • lose muscle mass
  • gain muscle mass
  • stay the same

1. Figure out your goals
Do you want to gain muscle mass or bulk up? Do you want to have more fat loss? Or do you want to just maintain how you are now, or lean out?

2. Figure out your body type
According to,  "Each body type or combination of body types will have a different reaction to various macronutrient ratios."


An ectomorph is best described as slender. Characteristically, they have delicate bone structure, small shoulders and chest, and a fast metabolism. Ectomorphs are the classic "hardgainers." They find it hard to gain weight and put on mass.
On the plus side, it's easy for them to get lean. They tend to require a greater percentage of carbohydrates to prevent muscle catabolism, as well as a higher calorie intake overall.


A mesomorph is someone who trends toward being muscular. They're often strong, athletic hard-body types with well-defined muscles, broad shoulders, and dense bone structure. Mesomorphs generally have little trouble gaining muscle or losing fat, though they will put on fat more readily than ectomorphs.
They can handle a moderate level of carbs due to their ample capacity to store muscle glycogen. Weight gain will happen, however, if carbs and calories are overly high. No body type is immune to a bad diet!


The endomorph is best described as soft. They typically have a round or pear-shaped body, shorter limbs, a stocky build, and a slower metabolism.
Endomorphs can put on a lot of muscle, but they also tend to carry more adipose tissue and thus have a greater propensity to store fat. Because excess carbohydrates in the endomorph's diet end up as fat, a high carbohydrate intake will make it difficult for them to get lean or lose weight.
3. Eating Ratio
IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) and Flexible Dieting is a different way to count what you are eating and how much to eat. "Notice that fat never goes below 15 percent of total calories on any of the charts. Since hormones are constructed from cholesterol and other fat molecules, getting any less than that can actually suppress normal hormone levels. This also has a negative effect on the bodily functions driven by those hormones, including growth and development, metabolism, reproduction, and mood. Low fat intake can also impair absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Even worse, not getting enough essential fatty acids can increase your risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer." You will need a food scale ( I personally have the Ozri Pronto Digital Kitchen and Food scale in redto track your intake to make sure you are getting the right amounts and MyFitnessPal also can track them for you as well! 

You can also use a macronutrient calculator to help you know which ratio you fall in to help you reach your fitness goals. Or check out Fitness Crest. They explain how you can count your macros yourself based on your exercise level and goals.
Notice how some of the proteins and fats cross colors. That is because you have Carb sources, carbs and protein sources, protein sources, protein and fat sources and fat sources so the foods that over lap will have to be calculated between the two. MyFitnessPal does it all for you! 
Fats to eat divided in their type of fat: 
Monounsaturated Fats: 
  • avocados 
  • egg yolks 
  • olives
  • nuts
  • peanut butter
  • canola oil
  • olive oil
  • high-oleic sunflower oil
Medium-chain triglycerides-
  • coconut oil

Omega-3 fatty acids-
  • salmon, and other fish
  • grass-fed beef
  • chia seeds
  • ground flax seeds
  • soybeans
  • tofu
  • edamame
  • beans
  • wild rice
  • walnuts
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Bell Pepper Nachos

Are you trying to cut carbs? Or love Nachos, but need a "healthier version" to serve at your next get together? Check out these Bell Pepper Nachos to enjoy! Straight from the new Shift Shop Recipe Book! Ready to join my Shift Shop Exclusive test group and get this recipe and more? CLICK HERE to order and I will personally get in contact with you to get you added to the group!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, July 31, 2017

Exercising With Your Kids

As hard as exercising with your kids can be, it can also be one of the most beneficial things you can do for them. Not only are you teaching them that exercising is fun, or can be fun, especially if you make it a game, that it is good for your body and you are teaching them the importance of doing things that are hard and not stopping.

Who thinks exercise is easy??? If it is, then it's time to bump up what you are doing. Exercise is meant to challenge your body and mind. Think about it. How accomplished do you feel after a workout that you struggled with. One that you wanted to quit, but you didn't. You are teaching your kids that no matter how hard things get you keep going. That is what counts. That is what matters.

Remember, that you are setting the example for the future generation. With so many electronics that kids have access too they are so much less active than 2 decades ago. 1 in 3 kids is obese. There are so many ways to become more active with your kids. There is a whole channel on Beachbody On Demand with workouts for kids. And there is a brand new program to be released this year with a focus for kids as well. Want more info about the new workout program to be released later this year? Send me an email or message on Facebook and let's chat! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, July 28, 2017

No Short Cuts In Weight loss

Sadly there are no short cuts to getting in better physical health and fitness shape. You have to work for it. There are tools out there to help aid you, like free workouts on Youtube, Shakeology, online coaches and support systems, but there is no magic pill out there to do the work for you. Even those who get weight loss surgery. They have to work to lose weight, to keep it off and to stay healthy.

Use the tools you have access to help you: 


Nutrition plans
Changing your mindset on food
Exercising daily
Cutting out eating dessert every night
Less carbs
Eat Healthier options, whole foods and not packaged foods
More veggies (not really a sacrifice but it could be to some, especially if they don't like veggies)

Don't know where to get support or motivation, workout programs or nutrition plans? Join my FREE ONLINE COMMUNITY, ORDER your All Access Pass to Beachbody On Demand or EMAIL me! 
Make the sacrifices or hard choices that are necessary to get your results:

REMEMBER to think about your end goal. What you want to accomplish. The harder it seems the more you need to think about your goals!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

How To Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

Starting a new workout program / nutrition plan / lifestyle change is HARD. But staying on track is even harder! Being aware of the common pitfalls that happen while on your new change is what is going to help you STOP giving up and stay on track! Take it from this ginger, who was in constant yo-yo mode up until a few years ago. These are what I learned!

Diets don't work. At all. They are meant to be temporary but what often happens is that weight is lost so quickly, then old habits eating starts right at the end of the diet, or binge attack or whatever causes the diet to finish. Diets often are reduced calories or cutting out whole food groups. Our bodies need protein, carbs, fruit, veggies, healthy fats to function. If it leaves you hungry, or craving foods, it isn't the right kind of diet!

Day 3 and week 3 of your lifestyle change are the HARDEST! 
If you can get past day 3 then you are going to rock your results for the first couple of weeks. Then hits week 3. You start to get bored of the same "healthy foods". You start to think that cheating now won't hurt you. Excuses start to come it. But if you can make it past week 3 you have developed a habit. It will start to feel funny if you don't exercise. Your body won't feel right if you feed too many sweets. But you have to stand firm. Follow your nutrition, follow your workout program.
Trust your program
Too many times a program is started, it's hard, or results aren't seen fast enough and then "the program sucks! It doesn't work!" Couple of things. Was the nutrition plan followed that came with the workout program? Was every workout done as they said, or some missed, or were the moves done with little effort. Follow the program materials for the program itself. The nutrition plan goes along with that specific program. The workouts are designed and arranged in such a way to help you reach your goals. You just have to follow it very closely to get the amazing results you want.  I use unlimited online streaming for my workouts and the service also includes the program workout calendar and the complete nutrition guide (for every program on there, over 34 full programs!) No more guess work. And tons of healthy foods to keep me on track!

Don't Give Up Too Soon
This goes along with the previous tip but don't give up too soon. Some programs are 12 weeks long. And results won't be seen until closer to that point. It actually can take some time for your body to burn enough fat to start toning up and making muscle grow and be visible. Give the program you time and it will give you the results.

Daily Positive Affirmations or Mantras
Use a daily positive affirmation or mantra to keep you on track. By having a phrase or saying in your head all day, it will help you keep focused with the eye on the prize. Here are a couple of my favorite:
"You are tougher than you think"
"When you feel like stopping, do one more"
"Best revenge on anyone is looking amazing!"
"If you want it bad enough, you have to be willing to fight for it."
"Nothing worth having comes easily"
"If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up."

Love Yourself Through The Journey
There are times where you are going to be so pissed at your body. For gaining weight. For not being able to do that back bend (just kidding) But all joking aside. I get so frustrated when my size hinders me from actaully performing an exercise as easily as it should. I know I could do a move, but my size literally stops me from doing it. Just folding over in yoga, I can't go as deep into the stretch as I want because my belly fat actually stops me. In Shift Shop, I literally couldn't kick my butt because my legs are too think for my foot to make physical contact with when kicking backwards. It is so easy to get down on yourself. To think bad thoughts. And wish it was so much easier. IT WILL BE! you stick with your program and it will get easier. You keep doing it. And freaking love yourself hard through it. After my workout today I thanked my body for how strong my legs are. For supporting my body every step of the way, for training and completing a half marathon. For having 3 babies. Our bodies are amazing. It is just going to take time for me to get my body exactly how I imagine it. Strong, defined.
Are you ready to reach your results? Join my exclusive SHIFT SHOP TEST GROUP to break through your plateau and get you one step closer to your results! Begins August 7. CLICK HERE to order and join and I will get in contact with you to get started right and more info!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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