Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Friday, July 28, 2017

No Short Cuts In Weight loss

Sadly there are no short cuts to getting in better physical health and fitness shape. You have to work for it. There are tools out there to help aid you, like free workouts on Youtube, Shakeology, online coaches and support systems, but there is no magic pill out there to do the work for you. Even those who get weight loss surgery. They have to work to lose weight, to keep it off and to stay healthy.

Use the tools you have access to help you: 


Nutrition plans
Changing your mindset on food
Exercising daily
Cutting out eating dessert every night
Less carbs
Eat Healthier options, whole foods and not packaged foods
More veggies (not really a sacrifice but it could be to some, especially if they don't like veggies)

Don't know where to get support or motivation, workout programs or nutrition plans? Join my FREE ONLINE COMMUNITY, ORDER your All Access Pass to Beachbody On Demand or EMAIL me! 
Make the sacrifices or hard choices that are necessary to get your results:

REMEMBER to think about your end goal. What you want to accomplish. The harder it seems the more you need to think about your goals!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

How To Stop Yo-Yo Dieting

Starting a new workout program / nutrition plan / lifestyle change is HARD. But staying on track is even harder! Being aware of the common pitfalls that happen while on your new change is what is going to help you STOP giving up and stay on track! Take it from this ginger, who was in constant yo-yo mode up until a few years ago. These are what I learned!

Diets don't work. At all. They are meant to be temporary but what often happens is that weight is lost so quickly, then old habits eating starts right at the end of the diet, or binge attack or whatever causes the diet to finish. Diets often are reduced calories or cutting out whole food groups. Our bodies need protein, carbs, fruit, veggies, healthy fats to function. If it leaves you hungry, or craving foods, it isn't the right kind of diet!

Day 3 and week 3 of your lifestyle change are the HARDEST! 
If you can get past day 3 then you are going to rock your results for the first couple of weeks. Then hits week 3. You start to get bored of the same "healthy foods". You start to think that cheating now won't hurt you. Excuses start to come it. But if you can make it past week 3 you have developed a habit. It will start to feel funny if you don't exercise. Your body won't feel right if you feed too many sweets. But you have to stand firm. Follow your nutrition, follow your workout program.
Trust your program
Too many times a program is started, it's hard, or results aren't seen fast enough and then "the program sucks! It doesn't work!" Couple of things. Was the nutrition plan followed that came with the workout program? Was every workout done as they said, or some missed, or were the moves done with little effort. Follow the program materials for the program itself. The nutrition plan goes along with that specific program. The workouts are designed and arranged in such a way to help you reach your goals. You just have to follow it very closely to get the amazing results you want.  I use unlimited online streaming for my workouts and the service also includes the program workout calendar and the complete nutrition guide (for every program on there, over 34 full programs!) No more guess work. And tons of healthy foods to keep me on track!

Don't Give Up Too Soon
This goes along with the previous tip but don't give up too soon. Some programs are 12 weeks long. And results won't be seen until closer to that point. It actually can take some time for your body to burn enough fat to start toning up and making muscle grow and be visible. Give the program you time and it will give you the results.

Daily Positive Affirmations or Mantras
Use a daily positive affirmation or mantra to keep you on track. By having a phrase or saying in your head all day, it will help you keep focused with the eye on the prize. Here are a couple of my favorite:
"You are tougher than you think"
"When you feel like stopping, do one more"
"Best revenge on anyone is looking amazing!"
"If you want it bad enough, you have to be willing to fight for it."
"Nothing worth having comes easily"
"If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up."

Love Yourself Through The Journey
There are times where you are going to be so pissed at your body. For gaining weight. For not being able to do that back bend (just kidding) But all joking aside. I get so frustrated when my size hinders me from actaully performing an exercise as easily as it should. I know I could do a move, but my size literally stops me from doing it. Just folding over in yoga, I can't go as deep into the stretch as I want because my belly fat actually stops me. In Shift Shop, I literally couldn't kick my butt because my legs are too think for my foot to make physical contact with when kicking backwards. It is so easy to get down on yourself. To think bad thoughts. And wish it was so much easier. IT WILL BE! you stick with your program and it will get easier. You keep doing it. And freaking love yourself hard through it. After my workout today I thanked my body for how strong my legs are. For supporting my body every step of the way, for training and completing a half marathon. For having 3 babies. Our bodies are amazing. It is just going to take time for me to get my body exactly how I imagine it. Strong, defined.
Are you ready to reach your results? Join my exclusive SHIFT SHOP TEST GROUP to break through your plateau and get you one step closer to your results! Begins August 7. CLICK HERE to order and join and I will get in contact with you to get started right and more info!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, July 24, 2017

All About The Shift Shop

It's a 3 week ramp up fitness program consisting of strength and cardio agility workouts. They are challenging but anyone can do it since there is a modifier for every single move! The strength workouts are either body weight or using a set of dumbbells. The cardio workouts use the Beachbody Agility Markers as targets to help improve reflexes and coordination. One of the coolest and best things, the nutrition plan is laid out for you with a weekly meal plan and grocery list. How the nutrition plan works for you is that each week you decrease how  many carbs you are eating. Not only to test your resolve and to push you but to rethink your relationship with "comfort" food.

Week 1 the workouts are all 25 minutes long. Week 2 the workouts increase to 35 minutes and by week 3 the workouts are 45 minutes. Don't let that scare you, the length or intensity, because remember there is a modifier for every move, keeping it safe for any fitness level to do.

What is agility training? Agility training is movement. You move a lot during the workouts. Using the Beachbody Agility Markers you move forward, backwards and side to side, up and down. This tests your coordination and helps your body to become more stable too. First time I tried Shift Shop I struggled with moves that went backwards. Like hopping backwards. Sounds simple enough, but it isn't because I'm not used to doing it.

Yep! Both mentally and physically. The moves in Shift Shop will make you work, which is a good thing. And the nutrition will also challenge you because it is probably different than you have ever done before. It starts from pure beginner and the more advanced you are, the faster you go, or heavier weights you use.

If you have done a ton of other workout programs, I get it. This just seems like another program. But Shift Shop is so unique in its design with the ramp up of exercise length and the decrease in carbs to help you reach your goals. If you are brand new to exercise this will be a great start because the moves are similar to every day moves you do at home, well most of them. It will increase your response rates, when kids are throwing toys at your head. It will help you feel stronger cleaning up after them. For intermediate and advanced. Let's say you hit a plateau. This is the perfect plateau buster because of the ramp up and decrease in carbs. Plus it is only 21 days long. A great short program that works well between programs.

Are you ready to reach your results? Join my exclusive SHIFT SHOP TEST GROUP to break through your plateau and get you one step closer to your results! PREP WEEK BEGINS AUGUST 1, Workout week Begins August 7. CLICK HERE to order and join my group and I will get in contact with you to get started right and more info!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Easy Smoothies For Kids

It's been a very busy month! But one that has been so eventful. We are at the point where my pickiest eater is finally seeing the value in eating healthy whole foods over sugary sweets.
I made this amazing Kit Kat and M&M cake for his birthday, he just turned 6, and he said that it had too much sugar in it. TOO MUCH SUGAR! What 6 year old says that?!? Well, apparently mine. But the reason why, is that I have really tried hard to cut back on the amount of sugar these kids are getting. So along with Mason finally realizing that it is okay to eat things in moderation I will say that he is so excited to try out the new daily smoothie for kids. Some are calling it the Shakeology for kids. Daily Sunshine is NOW AVAILABLE! 

How important is your kids health to you? This is a game changer to help end the childhood obesity epidemic. 

I am so excited for this you guys! Collin, my 3 year old, will drink half my Shakeology if I let him, but because he doesn't drink all of it, he isn't getting all the benefits that Shakeology has to offer. How would you feel about an healthy shake for your kids, that is actually good for them and has real ingredients that you can pronounce and know what they are! Ingredients that help to fill in the gaps that they are missing in their limited nutrition intake. Daily Sunshine is pediatrician approved and is made with organic fruits and vegetables, organic pea protein, and healthy fats, and has 3 grams of fiber, probiotics vitamins C & E, calcium, and vitamin D. It's gluten free, soy free, dairy free and GMO free. Available in 2 flavors: Strawberry Banana and Chocolate. Just add water and shake, and it is ready to go! I just ordered ours LAST NIGHT and the kids can't wait to get them, especially my pickiest eater, Mason, who generally eats, Kosher hot dogs, cereal, pb&jelly sandwiches, pizza but only cheese, and grapes. Heaven forbid I put veggies anywhere near him. HE FREAKS OUT! But even he is excited and asking me every day, since I told him about it, when it will arrive!
Curious about Daily Sunshine? 

ORDER A SAMPLER! Click here to check it out!
Or get a full 30 day supply!
Questions? Send me a message on FACEBOOK or email me and let's chat about it!

And guess what, the same 30 day, bottom of the bag guarantee is on Daily Sunshine just like Shakeology. If you get to the bottom of the 30 day bag and don't like it, then you can get your money back!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Happy 6th Birthday Mason

 My oldest and aspiring blackbelt leader turned 6 years old yesterday. Kid is getting so big. I remember everyone telling me when he was first born that the time was going to go by so quickly and IT DID! I don't think he is big enough to do some things sometimes, like the big water slides, but he is. It is time that I start accepting that my baby is now a big boy!

Mason just got his new belt. He is officially a white belt with Superior Martial Arts
For Mason's birthday we celebrated early by going to a local water park. Massanutten. THE BOYS HAD A BLAST! They were running all over the place all over the main melt down structure. Even Collin was going on the bigger kid slides. No one could tell him no. (he does need to learn to wait his turn though) Elyse and I chilled in the baby 1 ft deep pool and watched Mason and Collin have fun and daddy try and keep up! At the end of the day, Mace and I went down the super big kid body slides and tube slides. Again, me internally freaking out because he wasn't big enough. "what if he fell out!" But we both were screaming, laughing and I think it was one of the best times we have had! Makes us so excited for our upcoming Disney trip! 
For Mason's birthday we set up a slip n slide by H2OGO! Double Water Slide Bestway! It is perfect for our big hill out back and the boys had a BLAST! 

I found this Kit Kat and M&M cake design, months ago on Pinterest, and he wanted it! It is all he has been talking about for months. So to finally see it, in real life, he was excited. But...dude only took a couple bites and decided that "it has too much sugar!" All that work for 2 bites from the birthday boy. I am pretty happy though that he realized that it was a sugar overload which means I am doing something right with teaching him things in moderation! Elyse sure enjoyed it though! 

To make the cake it is pretty self explanatory. Make your favorite cake, whatever flavor. Mason decided on Chocolate cake, with confetti frosting between the layers and chocolate frosting. Once cake is frosted place the Kit Kats around the edge and fill with mini M&M's. I made 2 8x8 cakes, cut each in half to make a 4 layer cake. And it took 38 Kit Kat's to circle the cake and 1 bag of mini M&M's. Don't need big pieces of it as it is super rich! 

Happiest of happy birthdays to my big boy Mason! I am so excited to see what this next year brings for him! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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