Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Measuring Your Weight loss Progress

Since it is the 1st of the month, it's my day to track my progress. I get my monthly weight in, take my measurements and also take a picture. All to compare with the previous month and see how well I did.

This morning I took my measurements and wrote them down without checking out last months measurements first. I honestly didn't think I would have any changes because I didn't look any different in my videos but I was SHOCKED with my results! Especially since I didn't lose as much weight. Check out my results! 
Check out this link on HOW TO TAKE BEFORE PICTURES

Keep in mind I don't eat 100% to plan. I eat 80/20 and allow myself to let life happen. I also didn't get in every planned workout, because again life happened. But I still made progress, HUGE progress! Below are my results that happened in from January 1 through February 1. I will be taking my progress pictures tomorrow, so those will be available later! I can't wait to see them honestly!

You can still get the Beachbody On Demand All Access Pass online streaming services combined with Shakeology at a STEAL this month! If you are ready to get results, EMAIL ME and let's get you set up NOW so that you can join my EXCLUSIVE group and get access to my new Love Yourself Fit ebook and all the tools, tips, motivation, accountability, and support you need to help you stay on track and get results too!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Coping With Depression and Postpartum Depression

I talked a little about this yesterday for my Love Yourself Fit post but I wanted to go even further. Sometimes as moms we hide behind our smiles, or our kids, and just push our feelings deep down inside of us so that it seems that everything is ok, when really we are struggling to keep the house running efficiently, or just keeping things looking like everything is ok.

It wasn't until I had my miscarriage in 2015 that I started to see a counselor to help me with my depression. But I have had depression for years. I just never talked about it. Never told others around me, and certainly didn't see a therapist for that. I didn't think it was necessary. I thought it was taboo. But you guys, mental health is just as important as physical health. And I have learned so much from my counselor. Learning my breaking points, or those points where I need to back off, before I get to a breaking point so that I don't have a "ginger snap." as we call them in our house.

Example: I learned that I can't handle certain situations that I have little control over. Like the general sacrament or mass meeting with our church. It is so difficult for me knowing that my kids are not going to listen, that I am going to be chasing Collin up the isle as he runs away from me, and knowing that we just end up in the foyer because someone always gets put in time out.

Example: I haven't been able to run since the miscarriage. I still get very anxious. I still get very nervous. I still want to cry just thinking about training. I almost can't move when I try to think about making plans on just going out for a run. Even writing about it...makes me time to move on.

Even kids. For years we tried to have kids. It took us 9 years to be blessed with Mason. Now with 3 young kids, and the stress and strains that they bring, the tugging and being pulled and called out to in 3 directions and especially the crying from all 3 at once is enough to make me have to put Elyse in a safe place and leave the room for a beat to get my mental strength back. And this is a HUGE reason why I am so protective of my daily mommy quiet time. I need my space from the kids to be a better mom. I need my exercise to get those endorphins flowing to be a more attentive mom. I need to work on me every day to be the best mom that I can be for my amazing children!
Being a mom is hard! Being a woman is HARD! If you have multiple times in your day or week that you just feel ugh. And you just feel more sad, depressed, or especially thinking or wanting to cause harm to yourself or those around you. I highly encourage you to seek out a counselor or therapist. It is not negative. It is not taboo. You are not messed up or crazy for seeing them. It is helpful to talk things through with someone. It is helpful to learn different coping techniques to deal with stresses in your life. It is helpful to just be heard sometimes. Just remember no one is perfect. PPD is actually way more common than we know, mostly because it isn't talked about and women are suffering in silence. We all have stuff we deal with internally. Don't think that you have to handle it all on your own. Get help, talk to your doctor first. They might prescribe medication for you, they might not. They more than likely will suggest you to see out a therapists or counselor or even a support group. Attend these even for a little while so that you can get help. So that you can learn to cope, because there is no cure for PPD or depression. It is just learning to cope.


1. Reach out to people- As much as you don't want to someone daily. Call your best friend on the phone. Talk to your husband. Talk to family. Get support from those around you.

2. Do things that make you feel good- even when you don't feel like it. Exercise is my go to. I have said it before and I will say it again, it is my daily therapy. I need it to work on me to be healthier. But I also compose music, or practice songs, read books and I love cooking.

3. Move around more during the day- Don't sit for more than an hour. Be up on the go. Don't plant yourself in front of the tv all day long. As easy as it is to "escape" into the tv or even video games (The Sims 4 for me!) Get up and walk around. Move around. Don't be stuck.

4. Get Some Sun Light- Get out and get some sun light. I know it is hard in the winter time or if you live in an area that doesn't get much sun, but even just being outdoors is healing to the soul.

5. Get Grounded- One of my favorite things I like to do is actually go outside barefoot and just stand in my grass, close my eyes and just feel grounded. Take in some deep breaths and imagine you are planted into the ground. This can also be achieved by just digging your hands in some soil, if you have some inside the house because it is too cold or hot out.

6. Challenging negative thoughts- Anytime you have a negative thought pop into your mind, turn it around and make it a positive. "I can't handle all the crying..." can turn into, "my baby wants and needs me. She loves me and this is how she shows me."

7. For moms with PPD: Mommy Free Time- Take some time each day where you don't have the stress of the kids, household chores, and just take some time for you. That can be reading a book, taking a bath, watching your favorite show (catching up on your favorite show), exercise, even just getting someone you trust to watch the kids and getting out of the house. And if you can get out of the house with your partner sans kids, even better! The two of you will need some time alone too.

8: Make time for your spouse- One of the hardest things about dealing with depression is our inner fuse is run very low and often times we snap at those we love. It is so easy to do, but can be so hurtful to your partner because they might not fully understand what you are going through. Make sure you spend some quality time with your spouse, talking, or reconnecting and remembering why you fell in love in the first place. Even if you have to schedule it in. Just make time for them.

And TALK ABOUT IT publicly! The negative stigma behind mental health needs to STOP. In a way if you are seeking help you are better than most around you because you are growing, learning, and working on you to better yourself. You are not being stagnant. You are moving forward in a healthy manner. So good for you! Tell people how much your sessions are helping you. Tell people how you have changed for the better. Share it because, it is not negative. It is another way that you are reaching your goals to a happier, healthier lifestyle, both inside and out.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, January 30, 2017

Love Yourself Fit

I am so excited for my Exclusive group in February! I'm sharing my exclusive ebook in the group only to go along with the group theme of Love Yourself Fit. 

Love Yourself Fit: 7 Ways to Learn to Love Yourself Fit e-Book.

I have struggled with depression, self confidence, low self esteem and low self love for years! It wasn't until I became a coach, started reading self help books or personal development books and got counseling, that I really started to tackle these inner battles I have with myself. And I am still living with these everyday. I just had to learn to love myself more, respect my feelings and emotions and be mindful of things that give me anxiety or when I am feeling unusually sad.

In the process of working on my physically and reading personal development I finally started to love myself more. I started gaining confidence, (well, I do post pretty much everything online now) So's time to pay it forward. My Love Yourself Fit has tips on how to learn to love yourself fit through building your self confidence, self love, happiness, joy, self respect, forgiveness and positive body image. I know you have heard it: how you feel about yourself on the inside is reflected on the outside! Truly taking your journey of health and fitness to the next level and making your results a true lifestyle change.
Only available with my February group when you order the Beachbody on Demand All Access Annual Pass Bundle and truly have the potential to reach your max results, because you are combining daily exercise, with superfood dense nutrition, and learning correct portion sizes to eat for your body. Or the Annual Beachbody On Demand Membership Pass to just get access to the workouts. Only available through me as your coach. Must not be working with another Team Beachbody Coach.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Losing Weight: Strive For Progress... Not Perfection

If losing weight were easy...EVERYONE WOULD BE DOING IT and I would be out of a job! Seriously! We all know this because we would have lost the weight YEARS ago! All you have to do it just try to get your workouts in and eat right. To make progress you just have to do it. Eat 80/20 so that you allow yourself to still have a treat every now and then and not feel guilty for it. and if you can't exercise 7 days a week Aim for Monday- Friday. Some exercise is better than none! You don't have to be perfect you just have to make progress!

All too often I hear about people going in 100% to their workouts and eating, which is GREAT! But it isn't sustainable for the long term. Why? Because life happens. And often when life happens we fall off the wagon, then if we were pushing really hard and fast and 100% we feel guilty for falling off the wagon, then binge eating happens or a huge break from workouts happen. Then more guilt. The frustration. Then just giving up. Then the cycle begins again. Go in 100% for a short time, fall off, guilt and so forth. IT'S TIME TO CHANGE HOW WE APPROACH LOSING WEIGHT AND THE WAY WE THINK ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT TO MAKE THIS TRULY WORK AND BE A LIFELONG CHANGE! It's ok to go 80/20. It's ok to have a candy bar occasionally, or dessert or pasta! It's ok to miss a workout occasionally.  This is about a lifestyle change. A CHANGE FOR LIFE! Which takes TIME. Strive for progress not perfection.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

COMPLETE Collection of Shakeology Ingredients

I talk about Shakeology ALL THE TIME. Why?  Because I love it so much. I started drinking Shakeology July of 2014. My second son was just 2 months old. We also were in the process of putting our first house (other house) up for sale as our tenant stopped paying rent and was evicted. So we were paying 2 mortgages, I wasn't teaching any lessons and we were literally living off of savings to help pay the other mortgage and other bills. It was so stressful and not fun. friend Janet knew I wanted to get back into shape, and be a healthy mom. She suggested Shakeology and gave me a sample to try.

To be honest I didn't like it at first. And I told my friend Janet. But I wanted to get a workout program anyways to do at home because I wasn't going to be making it to the gym any time soon and ended up getting the workout and Shakeology combined to give it a try. She coached me to add in some ingredients to help with the taste and make adjustments to the liquid amounts from 8 oz to 12 oz of milk. When I did that and made my Chocolate Shakeology with peanut butter and 1/2 a cup of ice to get a nice thick shake. I LOVED IT! It took me 3 days to find my perfect recipe (you can view my entire recipe collection here). And within 2 weeks of drinking Shakeology I was not craving fast foods, junk foods, sweets or treats. They just didn't appeal to me, at all! And that is when I knew Shakeology was PRICELESS! I honestly didn't care how much it cost me because I finally found the one thing I needed, something to make my cravings manageable or GONE and it did just that.

Shakeology is $130 which for us is a huge investment, but when I started looking into the ingredients and understanding why my cravings went away I was blown away by how awesome Shakeology really was. And it truly has been an investment in health and wellness! Any questions about Shakeology and deciding which flavor to get? Send me an EMAIL! Let's CHAT! INTERESTED IN GETTING SHAKEOLOGY for yourself? CLICK HERE to order!

So if you are curious about what really is in Shakeology or if it is just too good to be true. Check out all the details on Shakeology for each flavor below! You can click on the picture for a large view.



INTERESTED IN GETTING SHAKEOLOGY? CLICK HERE to order! Want to pair it with a workout too like I did when I started? Check out the ALL ACCESS PASS BUNDLE where you get access to EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT ever created, plus all bonus and upgraded content. Access to each workouts nutrition, workout calendar, FAQs. Plus you will even get access to any new workout that is released in the year. PLUS you will be part of my EXCLUSIVE group with daily motivation, support and accountability to help you stay on track to reach your goals!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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