Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I'm on Pinterest now! It is a pretty interesting site that I am learning how to navigate. It is kind of fun and as a friend already warned me, very addictive! Anyhew, PLEASE check it out and don't forget to FOLLOW ME! And be sure to check out my Twitter and Facebook page too. I am jumping on this social media band wagon! Click on the following buttons or scroll down my sidebar and you will find their actual placement on my page!

Monday, June 9, 2014

I Survived!

~Collin at 18 days old!~

This past weekend was my first time alone with the boys, ALL. DAY. LONG! Matt had military training over the weekend up in DC and I stayed back at the house with the two boys. Matt even called to check in on my Saturday to make sure I was doing ok.

Surprising thing is that Mason (my almost 3 year old) was amazing! He helped so much, and didn't really throw any tantrums. When I had to nurse Collin he would just go and play with his toys without being asked or watch his tablet. He never would hassle me at all or ask for anything. He knows and understands what I am doing and it is kind of cool and freaky at the same time. I was expecting so much worse from him and I am happy to say that I am pleasantly surprised!

On top of that Collin is going through his first growth spurt which means that he is sleeping deeply and eating a ton. He is sleeping so well during the days right now in his swing or the bassinet. I don't have to constantly hold him which is really nice. To give you an idea of how lucky I was this weekend. Mace went down for "Mommy quiet time" (nap/play in his room time) on Saturday at 11:30. Collin fed and went down for a nap in the swing for the next 1.5 hours in the swing. I was free for an hour and a half. IT WAS AMAZING! Then, after I fed Collin we both took a nap until about 3:30 when Mason got up from his nap.

I feel very blessed and fortunate to have Collin and Mason be so good with this transition of adding a new family member.

Now the hard part begins. Matt is back to work full time starting today! Time to learn all about balance and not just luck!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Tips And Tricks To Recovery

There are a few things that can help speed your recovery and make you feel back to normal, sooner!

View my recovery post to read about what happens just after birth. Here are some other things from the hospital and through my own research to use to help speed recovery.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. These are from my own experience and personal research. If you have any questions please ask your doctor! And as always, please wash your hands before and after you use the restroom when recovering as you are healing and to avoid any possible infections.

Hospital Will Provide: 

Dermoplast: The hospital will have this for you. It is a numbing spray. Spray after you use the warm water bottle to rinse you off. It is awesome!

Tucks Pads: Also the hospital will provide these for you. Put a line of 3 on top of the pad which is on top of the mesh undies.

You Provide: 

Depends:  Yes, I am recommending these! Use them when you get home instead of the mesh undies. But put your pad on them and then the tucks pads on the pad.

Maxi Pads I use: Kotex Overnight pads for the first 2 weeks and heavy days/nights. Then Seventh Generation Ultra Thin Pads for the lighter days. You will need some pads when you get home too. Make sure you have these on hand before you arrive home from the hospital. Postpartum bleeding can last as long as 6-8 weeks! You never know how long your will last for. Amazon makes it easy for reordering though!

Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm Spray: This was my first pregnancy recovery using this and it was awesome. I sprayed it before the dermoplast. Used this every time until 10 days or you run out /it stops working well. I took this to the hospital and started using it right away!

Earth Mama Bottom Balm: I started using this in addition to the spray after 10 days. To allow the stitches to heal first and to avoid the possibility of infection because you have to slather it on yourself. It is not hands free like the spray.

Ibuprofen: Have plenty on hand at the house because you will have good days and bad days. It is ok to take these. You don't have to be super women and suffer silently.

The biggest tip and trick to a speedy recovery is rest, rest and more rest. Seriously. If you do more in the day, you will bleed more. Allow your body time to recovery from the crazy experience it just went through. Have people at the house to help you, to take care of your other children for you, to cook for you, clean, and just help out around the house. I'm over 2 weeks out and yesterday and today are the days where I really felt more like myself! But I have been waking up/getting out of bed around 8am, taking a 2 hour nap everyday and going to bed around 9pm. And resting or sitting on the couch and just taking it easy. The days I didn't take it easy I would have a step back in my recovery the next day.

This recovery has been more difficult for me but that was an internal pain I was feeling more from the traumatic birth of Collin. But I did these other tips and tricks and they have helped the external healing speed up. Hope these help you!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

National Running Day!

If there is a National doughnut day, or National pancake day, you better believe that there is a NATIONAL RUNNING DAY! TODAY! So Happy National Running Day Today!

Great things about running:

Everyone is friendly: I have made so many friends in the running community both on and off the web! I am so excited to see my friends a week from Saturday at the 4 miler training program! I can't wait to meet my friends I have made over the web!

Races are addictive: When you do one race, you are GOING to do another. Humans are competitive by nature and we want to do better each time we do something. Running is purely a progressive exercise. You can literally see how much you improve with each race through your hard work and training. It just takes hard work and training!

Exercise Makes Us Happy: People who exercise are generally more happy. (see Legally Blond the movie!) It hops us up full of endorphins. It's an antidepressant. (maybe this is why I have been a bit of a grump in the last couple of weeks cause I haven't and can't exercise)

Live Longer: Exercise helps our heart which can help us live longer. Plus keeps us more healthy and make healthier choices in our food choices.

Feel Better About Yourself: when I am exercising I feel better about myself. I feel more sexy, I feel more confident. I just feel better. Plus I am now looking at super cute running apparel! Check out Kiava. Love their sports bras and tops!

Happy National Running Day Today everyone! Hope you have a great day running. I will be running with you in spirit as I still can't run quite yet.

Much Needed Help

The past few weeks we have had help here at the house helping out with Mason and me and baby Collin when he arrived. My mom arrived on the 13th of May to help with Mason and of course after Collin arrived she was always available to help hold Collin so that I could get a nap or do some much needed things around the house or even to take a shower!
~Collin on his Blessing Day~

My dad arrived the 25th to spend some time with us as well. So thankful for their help around the house and helping to take care of us. We had a great time watching movies and hanging out together and enjoying the blessings of new life.
~GMA (Gummy) With Collin~

This past weekend my in-laws arrived along with my sister in law for a few days. We have had quite a full house over the weekend. Yesterday was Collin's big day for our religion. It was his baby blessing where he is given a name and then a blessing. So we had both sides of the family in town to be part of the big day.
~GPA (Guppy) with Collin~

But all good things come to an end. My parents left to go back to Arizona today, :( super sad am I. I love having my family here and watching them "oo" and "ah" over my children. It only took us 9 years to get Mason here. My mom loves little babies, just like anyone else does. It is so beautiful to see my mom with my children.

My in-laws are here until Friday then Matt and I are on our own. EEK! A little nervous for that but all good things must come to an end, right? But until Friday I am still enjoying the much needed help that I am receiving from my family!
Collin Blessing Day- 13 days old
Mason Blessing Day- 2 days old
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