Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

80 Day Obsession: Round 2 FINAL RESULTS

You guys! In all honestly, I really didn't think there was going to be much visible change in my body, because let's be honest, I wasn't 100% on the meal plan. I had a few too many treats, especially the last 2 weeks of the program after my husband got back. But...this just goes to show that even when not 100% on eating and still working out hard, you can still get amazing results. CHECK THEM OUT FOR YOURSELF!

Beginning Weight: 246. Round 2 Final Weight: 238
Total inches lost: 11.75
GAINED: Confidence, Strength, and Feel LIKE A BADASS AGAIN!

NOW IT'S YOUR TURN TO JOIN ME! NEXT GROUP BEGINS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24!!! Check out the info below of what's included! 

80 Day Obsession is a total body 13 week at home or anywhere (online streaming from your phone, computer or tablet) program that focuses on the core and booty. Checkout some quick info about it: 

🌟 80 days of workouts that were filmed in real time, meaning that they are all completely different from each other and can be done in your own home, or at the gym. 
🌟 A COMPLETE nutrition plan that tells you not only what to eat, what size portion to eat but WHEN to eat for best results.
🌟 Focuses on Core and Booty, but everyone had all over results 
🌟 Uses new equipment / gear that look easy but will totally change your body.
🌟 EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP with LIVE workouts, daily motivation, inspiration, tips and MORE! 

So...READY TO START YOUR 80 DAY JOURNEY with me to help you along the way? CLICK HERE NOW to order your bundle kit to get EVERYTHING YOU NEED to get VISABLE results in the first 30 days! (This kit includes a year membership to the online streaming service, the equipment, daily shake, pre workout mix and post workout recovery, and easy to follow container system. Everything I'm using right now! AND YES, it is what I recommend!)

If you are interested but need more info first, curious about how it all works and want to learn more, CLICK HERE TO SEND ME A MESSAGE so I can personally chat with you and answer any questions you have! Or EMAIL ME

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Building Lean Muscle and Plus Size

Never have I ever had visible back muscles before! This just goes to show that you can make serious change on your body when you put in the work. And you don’t have to be a certain size or weight to see the results. I’m 245 pounds. I’ve been working hard to build muscle this past month specifically with this new program I’m following more than to lose weight because as I’m gaining muscle I’m losing fat and developing and building the body I want for my “goal body”. I want a strong, lean, toned and defined athletic body. Because that is my build and body type. What’s going to be amazing to watch is more of my muscle becoming visible as my body releases more fat and weight. The scale isn’t everything guys. Work towards progress you are proud of and over time the scale will reflect that too. Here are my TOP 5 TIPS to build lean muscle and burn more fat! 

1) Lift Heavy Weights. You have to work up to it of course but don't be afraid to increase your weight each week. I was up to 20-25 pound weights for most leg, back and chest exercises. 15 pounds for bicep exercise and 10 pounds for shoulders and triceps. Smaller muscles means smaller weights.

2) Go back to the basics and do traditional single move exercises. Chest press. shoulder flys, Rows. When you do compound moves like a squat to Shoulder press you might not be able to lift heavier weights because you are working more than one muscle group at the same time. But when you are focusing on a single muscle like doing a chest press, you can lift heavier. See videos below: 

Single move sets:
Compound moves:

3) Be consistent! Be sure to follow your program and exercise the days it tells you to. LIIFT4  (available in OCT!) is a 4 day a week program with 30-40 minute workouts only. It's great to go back to the basics and focus on form and heavy lifting. 

4) Listen to your body. If you lose form or feel something that doesn't feel right, then lower your weights or take a break. My legs can handle me adding and extra 30 pounds to do the exercises, but my forearms can not. So, I lower the amount of weights so I don't make my forearms angry! 

5) Do it because it feels good! In the end, by increasing your strength it helps you build lean muscle and the more muscle you have on your body the more you are able to burn body fat. Often times the scale might not move or it can even go up a little as you gain lean muscle, but fat will start to reduce from your body. Don't be discouraged by the scale if it doesn't move when you are lifting heavier. Muscle takes up less space than fat but 1 pound is still 1 pound. As you are consistent with your eating right and exercising the fat and weight will come off, but it won't happen over night. Trust the process! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Lack Of Motivation Holding You Back From Working Out? 2 Tips To Help You Get Started Again

If you feel like you are struggling to find your motivation to get your daily workout in or eat right consistently, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It happens to all of us. We all have good days and bad days. But it just comes down to finding that motivation to keep going.

Want to know how I find my motivation to push play and workout every day??? Find your reason why to push play! I have 2 reasons why I do: 

1) To Be that example for my kids of how to be a healthy and fit mom. And that I don’t give up on my goals even when it gets hard. 

2) Accountability from you watching me. I’m very aware that I have my tribe watching me and I love having that extra push to be fully transparent in my journey because I want to show you all that it is possible to be a stay at home working mom of 3 and still be able to make time every day to workout. 

The accountability is a huge reason why I became a coach in the first place. Because I know putting my story out there will motivate at least 1 person. 

I used to be that girl looking for inspiration and trying to find someone like me who made exercise and healthy eating a daily habit. That’s why I am doing what I can to be that example for you and the hundreds I’ve helped and the thousands I’m reaching who might be looking for that inspiration. 

If you struggle getting that daily motivation to push play, make it bigger than just you. Make it about your kids. Make it about your family, co workers or other people who might be watching. Make it about helping ladies around you. Helping to show them that yes, it’s possible to lose weight. To be healthy. To exercise daily. 

Don't have a support group to help you along the way? JOIN MY FREE and OPEN TO ANY WOMAN! It's a work at your own pace, on your own thing, in your own time but still get daily motivation, info and tips to help you get that positive influence in your life and drive you to get active. If you are looking for that extra push what about taking the step into  helping motivate and inspire others, maybe coaching is that right fit for you! Motivate and inspire plus make it your side hustle and earn an income! Your success is determined only by you and the work you put in it takes daily consistency and work but it can be done no matter what level you are at. Our team has the training to help you learn how to share your story the best way that fits your lifestyle! If you are ready to work for your goals and help others do the same then I want to work with you! I’m looking for 5 ladies RIGHT NOW Who are ready to take the step into consistently pressing play and eating better, sharing their journey and creating their side hustle that fits their lifestyle! Because it is possible! Interested in learning more? Send me an email or MESSAGE me HERE!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, June 18, 2018

80 Day Obsession: Round 2 Phase 2 Results

Phase 2 is considered the "build" phase to build your fitness level and strength so that the magic can happen in the 3rd phase where we shred to expose all the build we made! My nutrition has not been as good as it should have, it's a daily battle to over come my sugar addiction. The struggle is real. But I'm not giving up. I'm still pushing on and I'm still getting amazing results! 

Lost 9.4 pounds since January
Lost 12.75 inches on my body

I'm losing fat. I have lost a LOT OF FAT and I'm starting to see definition in my arms and legs that I have never seen before, even at 238 pounds! 

80 Day Obsession is a total body 13 week at home or anywhere (online streaming from your phone, computer or tablet) program that focuses on the core and booty. Checkout some quick info about it: 

🌟 80 days of workouts that were filmed in real time, meaning that they are all completely different from each other and can be done in your own home, or at the gym. 
🌟 A COMPLETE nutrition plan that tells you not only what to eat, what size portion to eat but WHEN to eat for best results.
🌟 Focuses on Core and Booty, but everyone had all over results 
🌟 Uses new equipment / gear that look easy but will totally change your body.
🌟 EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP with LIVE workouts, daily motivation, inspiration, tips and MORE! 

So...READY TO START YOUR 80 DAY JOURNEY with me to help you along the way? CLICK HERE NOW to order your bundle kit to get EVERYTHING YOU NEED to get these results in the first 30 days! (This kit includes a year membership to the online streaming service, the equipment, daily shake, pre workout mix and post workout recovery, and easy to follow container system. Everything I'm using right now!)

If you are interested but need more info first, curious about how it all works and want to learn more, CLICK HERE TO SEND ME A MESSAGE so I can personally chat with you and answer any questions you have! Or EMAIL ME

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, June 11, 2018

Your Fitness Journey From The Inside Out

Your fitness journey is YOUR journey. And it is so much more than just the exercise you do. Have you ever struggled in the past with being consistent with your exercise? Have you struggled with loving your body as it is now. Do you just struggle some times. Every day that you choose to exercise though, you are changing your old habits. And it is HUGE. And it's a HUGE change!

WRITE IT DOWN! This is a huge! Write out how you are feeling. Every thing you are going through, feeling and thinking. Free write, or write about something in particular about, do it! Just start writing out how you are feeling. Because not every day is peaches and cream and I'd rather write out what I'm struggling with then keep it all bottled up eating away at me.

Daily journaling has become a part of my daily habits now as a way for me to release whatever I feel like is holding me back. And I love my new journal By Knock Knock because they have a variety of journals to help inspire you and what you choose to write about and a quote to help motivate and inspire. I need that sometimes.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Making You A Priority: Biggest Tip To Rock A Daily Workout

The number one question I get asked all the time is: "how in the heck do you find time to workout daily?" Just a little background, I have 3 kids, 2 of which are home with me all day (well, the now 4 year old does go to preschool 2 days a week but it's only 3.5 hours) I have my own home based Private Music Lessons business teaching piano and french horn lessons and I'm a Team Beachbody Coach, plus I volunteer with the local Municipal Band so we have weekly rehearsals or concerts and I have church obligations, a house to clean, laundry to do, keep my kids from killing each other, keep the hubs happy, make the food for the family and plus I enjoy working in my garden.

The main thing I can tell you is that YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOURSELF A PRIORITY TO GET ALL THIS OTHER STUFF DONE! I feel I can accomplish all this without losing it because I dedicate some of my day to doing what my body and mind needs. And that's exercise. It helps me put the focus on me. I do so much for others. I have to take care of me. It's the whole oxygen mask scenario. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others.
How to make time for your daily exercise? 

1) Pick 1 day a week (I generally do this on Sundays) and plan out your entire week. Write it all out on a calendar. When you wake up, when you get the kids ready, work hours, obligations, church, activities, appointments, sports games/lessons, all of it! Including travel time/get ready time! WRITE IT ALL OUT!

2) Once you do that for the whole week go through each day and look for those small pockets of time from 30-45 minutes. (start small!)

3) Then decide on the time available which would be your best option. Notice: this is before you catch up on your favorite show, binge watch anything or social media scrolling. Make this your priority. Because it is a priority! It is worth it. And you have to commit to that pre-scheduled time. Mark it in your calendar as a non-negotiable. MAKE IT HAPPEN! 

And honestly, once you start doing it consistently, over a good solid 3-4 weeks it becomes a habit. I now know that I am to start my workout daily by 8am! No if and or buts about it! It has to get done because it is 10x harder to get it done later. You made a plan for a reason! STICK WITH IT!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, May 21, 2018

80 Day Obsession: Round 2 Phase 1 Results

I'm 127 days into my 80 Day Obsession journey and the results are STILL HAPPENING! I still can't get over the physical changes that have happened since January! And the time has FLOWN by!

Lost 8.2 pounds since January
Lost 12.25 inches on my body

I'm losing tons of body fat and have gained some lean muscle. Which I'm totally okay with. I want to have lean toned muscles on my body and now, I'm in weight loss mode so, HERE WE GO! It's time to truly see the scale change in my favor!!!

80 Day Obsession is a total body 13 week at home or anywhere (online streaming from your phone, computer or tablet) program that focuses on the core and booty. Checkout some quick info about it: 

🌟 80 days of workouts that were filmed in real time, meaning that they are all completely different from each other and can be done in your own home, or at the gym. 
🌟 A COMPLETE nutrition plan that tells you not only what to eat, what size portion to eat but WHEN to eat for best results.
🌟 Focuses on Core and Booty, but everyone had all over results 
🌟 Uses new equipment / gear that look easy but will totally change your body.
🌟 EXCLUSIVE TEST GROUP with LIVE workouts, daily motivation, inspiration, tips and MORE! 

So...READY TO START YOUR 80 DAY JOURNEY with me to help you along the way? CLICK HERE NOW to order your bundle kit to get EVERYTHING YOU NEED to get these results in the first 30 days! (This kit includes a year membership to the online streaming service, the equipment, daily shake, pre workout mix and post workout recovery, and easy to follow container system. Everything I'm using right now!)

If you are interested but need more info first, curious about how it all works and want to learn more, CLICK HERE TO SEND ME A MESSAGE so I can personally chat with you and answer any questions you have! Or EMAIL ME

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge: Cycle 4

this post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you buy the products recommended, you won't pay more but I'll get a small commission. It's what pays the bills! 
Here we go!!! I'm doing another cycle of my Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge to get physically and mentally ready to begin your 80 Day Journey in 28 days! If you are totally wanting to get results like me, or better than me with 80 Day Obsession but haven't been working out regularly, THIS IS THE CHALLENGE FOR YOU! Challenge yourself to focus for 28 days on your health and fitness to build your base fitness level so you are more physically ready to start the intermediate to advanced 80 Day Obsession program. 

When do we start?:

GROUP BEGINS Monday, May 21

What are doing?:
5/21- June 10: 21 Day Fix
June 12-16:  A Little Obsessed- A 5 day sneak peek prep program to help you get used to June 18- YOUR 80 DAY OBSESSION JOURNEY BEGINS and you graduate from this group to the exclusive 80 Day Obsession test group Purely Obsessed!!!

What's included:
  • The workouts
  • Meal Plan for 21 Day Fix and A Little Obsessed
  • Me as your coach with daily motivation and accountability
  • Live Q&A's to answer your questions with the meal plan and what to expect and how to be better prepared for 80DO!
  • Education on how to best use Beachbody on Demand online Streaming to your advantage
  • Focus on using recipes from FIXATE Cooking show
  • Giveaway for participation
What you have to get:
YOU MUST HAVE BEACHBODY ON DEMAND! (which is included in the bundle kits)

~ To be part of my Learn To Be Obsessed group you must have at least the annual membership to Beachbody on Demand with me as your coach by 3/23 (That's a week from FRIDAY!). (See below for link) The membership is how we access the workouts, meal plan and healthy cooking show, Fixate. By ordering on the 23rd you have 2 days to meal plan and prep for day 1 of 21 Day Fix.


What I suggest is to order your bundle kit NOW so that you don't forget to order it, allows plenty of time to get to so you so that you can start A Little Obsessed with the equipment without having to wait. Being prepared is a huge part of 80 Day Obsession. Start that now with planning ahead!

**If you choose to get just the annual membership now, and want to wait a couple weeks before you get the equipment or supplements, there is a completion bundle kit available. PLEASE message me for that info as I have just the full bundle kits listed below.

Bundle kits: 
You can get any of the 80 Day Obsession bundle kits starting now but know that you might need to reorder some of the items before the end of your 80 Day Journey, if you use them during this Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge.

Comment below OR MESSAGE ME!
Only available in 🇺🇸, 🇨🇦, and 🇬🇧
LINKS TO ORDER (all links below are for US, if you are in Canada or UK please msg me and I can get you the direct link for your country):

Annual Beachbody On Demand Membership

80 Day Obsession MEGA Bundle Kit

BECKY'S PICK! ---> 80 Day Obsession COMBO Bundle Kit

***The next 2 options, are the same price but you have to choose to either get Shakeology or the pre and post workout supplements.

80 Day Obsession BASIC Challenge pack with SHAKEOLOGY

80 Day Obsession BASIC Challenge pack with Pre & Post Workout Supplement

**Just to clarify, you must have Beachbody On Demand, and the workout equipment (resistance loops and sliders). To get the results that I am getting at the speed that I am getting them, I recommend getting the MEGA or COMBO kit. I personally use Shakeology daily, and the pre and post workout mixes on the days that I workout. Don't feel like you have to get a bundle kit to participate, but know that these supplements do help fill in the gaps with your nutrition and help boost your workout performance and reduce soreness with the post workout supplement.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, May 14, 2018

I'm Never Going Back

I love being able to say I will never ever go back to that girl on the left! She used to binge eat 1-2 doughnuts on the way home from the store and hide the evidence from her husband. She ate whatever she wanted because when she had babies she would lose all the extra weight with breastfeeding. She let her weight get totally out of control and didn’t actually believe that she could ever change. 

Today I am fitter, stronger and happier now even though I’m just 3 pounds less than I was from the girl on the left. And I’ve had 3 babies! I finally love my body. I’m not hiding behind my picture smile. I’m smiling because I am literally so happy every day with the amazing things I have accomplished. I’m living my life and no longer have junk food binge sessions that made me want to puke! 

A lot can happen when you change your mindset and decide that enough is enough and that it’s time to make the change. You don’t have to be perfect with your nutrition. You don’t have to exercise every day. But you do have to be consistent wit eating better food choices and consistent with exercising as many days as you can! That’s how you start. Drink more water and eat more veggies and choose to exercise more days than you don’t! (4 days a week is a great habit to start!) Not sure how to get started with your nutrition or fitness? MSG ME! I can help get you started on your journey and you can work one on one with me as your coach! But you do have to put in the work! You are worth this adventure. This investment. This life changing decision. Msg me! Let’s chat! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Overcoming Emotional Eating

2018 is my year for amazing life changing tools being available in my life. First 80 Day Obsession, a way to help me finally enjoy exercise and get real physical changes. Next in May, we get the Mindset change course to help me learn to finally overcome my emotional and stress eating habits. 

Yep. Even with everything I do, the meal plans I follow, I have to work daily to keep my mindset in check. To remind myself that eating the right foods is what my body needs to lose weight. It would be so easy for me to just slip back into my old habits of skipping meals, eat less overall because I am saving my calories for a. Ice dinner out with the hubs or because I over indulged on some sweet or treat. I am literally retraining my brain against the years of “eat less and exercise more” mentality.

You guys, this week I have a new COURSE coming out that addresses ONLY emotional eating (no workouts, they are actually considered extra if you do do them). It's an un-diet that works solely on helping you re-train your brain with what you eat, how you eat and your overall relationship with food.

If you are like me and struggle with emotional eating, grabbing things that are just easier, or just need to work on getting your eating under control before you start a workout program, THIS IS FOR YOU!

This month me and my other teammates are doing a launch party to answer all your questions about this new course! And get you set up and going for success if you are ready to change your eating habits!
THIS LAUNCH GROUP IS INFORMATION ONLY. Want to learn more about it, curious if it is the right fit? Check out the launch group. No obligation. Click HERE to request to join our Un-Diet Launch Party to learn more about the course! (Be sure to say Becky Allen or Connect The Dots Ginger when asked who invited you!)

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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