Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day and Woman's day! Seriously it really should be a celebration of women. I know what it is like to go through Mother's Day but not be a mother and want it so badly. How sad it can be. How hard it is. I know it might not seem like it now, but I was diagnosed with PCOS at 21 years old. Then it took us 8 years of trying before we ever got our very first positive pregnancy test and it was with Mason. 3 fertility doctors. 54 shots in my belly. 2 IUI's. and 3 miscarriages, with one almost taking my life. To get my 3 babies here.

Know that if you are without your children yet, that you are still a mother at heart. You have the desire. You have the love in your heart. Celebrate how amazing you are. How amazing your mother is and grandmother. Celebrate the women in your life that you want to be like. And strive every day to be like them.

I hope everyone had a safe, happy and healthy Mother's Day! And thank you so much for reading my blog and for hanging out here! It really means a lot to me and I absolutely love being apart of your lives and helpfully inspiring you that you too, can find balance in your daily life with your fitness, health and lifestyle!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

5 Simple Steps To A Healthy Lifestyle Change Challenge

Hey Guys! I am so excited to invite you to my FREE 5 day challenge in my Private Connect The Dots To Your Fitness, Health and Life Group beginning Monday, May 15.

During the week we will be focusing on how to create a lasting healthy lifestyle change with LIVE videos and daily action steps to put what you learn into motion!
Here's a glimpse to what we will be learning:

  • Weekly Meal Planning With A Purpose
  • Weekly Family and Activity Planning
  • Making A True Mindset Change From Dieting To Lifestyle Change
  • Goal Setting For Success
  • Finding The Right Motivation To Continue Long Term
I am so excited to present this to you again. It wasn't until I put these 5 changes together that I started to see results on the scale and mentally. 
WANT TO BE PART OF THE FUN? You get a FREE GIFT TOO! CLICK HERE to not only get the link to join the group but to also get your hands on your very own copy of my Clean Eating Guide to get you started today with tips on how to transition to clean eating in your household! 

Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

3 Reasons Why You're Not Reaching Your Goals

Feeling stuck in your goals right now? It's normal to hit a point where motivation lacks, or your progress doesn't happen. But finding the way to move past those plateaus, both physical and mental, are important to be able tor reach your goals. Check out the following reason why you might not reach your goals and what you can do to overcome them.

1) Don't believe that you can actually hit your goals. This is a big one you guys. How can you believe in something that you have never been able to accomplish before? Sure, you can look through magazines all you want and admire the trim slender bodies of the models and "wish" that you could look like that, and make your goals to be like them, but what if you ultimately, and deep down believe that you will never be able to look like that? Why are you thinking that? Because of Fear. It is a fear of change. A fear of the unknown. A fear of the what if. It is totally changing what you are doing and how you have been doing it to reach something that seems so far away and unobtainable. But it is obtainable. And you have every right to reach your goals. AS LONG AS YOUR GOALS ARE REALISTIC. For me, I know I will never be 125 pounds and a size 00. It just won't happen. For me. My goals is to be as healthy as possible at 24% body fat. I have no idea what weight that will be for my body but what it is about is a healthy body fat. I'm currently at 39% so it is a big change, and if I am at 185 pounds or even 205 pounds at 24% body fat then that is what I will be. I am aiming to be the best version of myself with a healthy lifestyle.

2) Take Daily Action. How can you expect to reach your goals if you aren't exercising at least 5-6 days a week. Or if you aren't following your nutrition plan and allow yourself little treats every now and then, not daily. YOU CAN'T. Often times we get upset or stop programs because they aren't working and we aren't losing the weight we expected, but...did you honestly follow the program exactly?

You all know I use the 21 Day Fix Portion Fix system with those cute little color coded containers. Well, when I first started with it and saw how much food I had to eat, I thought "THERE IS NO WAY I WILL LOSE WEIGHT EATING THIS MUCH FOOD!" But it isn't about the food amount, it is about what we are putting in our bodies. Most people when they see how much they eat jump brackets to the next lower bracket down because they don't want to or can't eat that much food. Because in the past the thinking was "to lose weight you have to eat less." But in the past, they weren't eating the right kinds of foods that their body needs or wants. When you are putting the right foods in your body, the right amounts, your body will start to work right. And it can take a few weeks for it work right too. Don't give up after 1 week if you gain a little weight. Your body is adjusting, and flushing out the built up crap. If you follow your program and nutrition you will see results of some kind either with weight or inches within 3 weeks. But you have to take daily action of eating right, and exercising or moving your body DAILY!

3) Remember Your Why. When you feel like stopping you have have to remember why the heck you started in the first place. Because that reason why you started in the first place...WAS SO IMPORTANT that you decided you needed to make a change. It matters to you. Write down your why. Post it somewhere you can refer back to it often. Where you even see it daily. Because it is important. It matters. And think about that why daily to help drive you to keep going. And above all. DON'T GIVE UP! KEEP GOING! If you do stop, just know that you will try again. Because that is who you are. A fighter! Keep on fighting for what you want because it is worth it to reach it! And one day you will be able to look back and and be so proud of what you accomplished!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration just like this? 
Click here to join my private online community where you get info, tips, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices TODAY!

Monday, May 8, 2017

5 Lessons Learned From Failing

"You learn more from failure than from success. Don't let it stop you. Failure builds character." Every time I have stumbled (really don't like the F word!) in this weight loss journey I have learned something new about myself or my journey. I have learned over time that:
1) I have to have "cheat days" or days where I don't stick to my plan and have a piece of cake or something decadent. Otherwise I will totally have a binge attack.
2) I have learned to listen so much more to my body. Whether it is for eating or exercise, I am in tune with what my body wants and try to listen to it as best as possible.
3) I am so much stronger and have so much will power that sometimes I forget about it. I have totally changed my eating because I wanted to, the the times that I don't, I am really just cheating myself.
4) Exercise makes me a better person. Even though it makes my body physically tired. I am a happier and better mom when I exercise. That is why I need to do it more than just 3 times a week.
5) Love what you are doing or you won't do it at all! If I don't love my eating plan, the foods I am eating or the workout I won't follow it at all. ENTER Beachbody On Demand Annual All Access Pass for the exercise. I can change to a totally different workout program and it won't cost me any extra! $99 a year for every workout program ever created by Beachbody!
What have you learned from your past struggles with trying to lose weight?
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here to join my private online community where you get info, tips, support and encouragement + a free gift with tips to help you get started with the right mindset for healthier nutrition choices TODAY!

Friday, May 5, 2017

7 Months: Postpartum Update

Exercise: This past month I did mostly 21 Day Fixbut I also did a Workout With Me 5 Day Challenge where I changed programs every day to try out new programs. I've been streaming all of my workings using the Beachbody On Demand with the all access pass. 

Weight: Pre-pregnancy weight:237.7. Weight morning of birth: 265. Current weight May 1: 246.0. This whole month I have been between 244 and 246. I know it has to do with my eating so things are being change for this next month. I did not like seeing the scale going up. I have worked way too hard to start gaining weight back.

May Goals: IAfter gaining back 2 pounds I am not happy. I seriously have worked too hard to let my nutrition get the better of me. I had been having something sweet and or salty every day for the past couple of months. I am pretty dang sure that is what is holding me back. I am still aiming to lose 1 pound a week since I am exclusively breastfeeding. 4 pounds would be great by the end of the month. I started a new to me workout program (I loved it so much with the 5 Day Workout Out With Me Challenge, that I wanted to do it this month P90X3. All workouts are 30 min max. Almost every move is a combo move so burning more fat because using more muscle! I am also following my nutrition plan to a T and allowing myself a "cheat meal" every week. I am now 5 days into it and every time I get a thought for a sweet or treat I just tell myself, I can wait until Sunday! So it hasn't been too bad after I remind myself that. Plus the accountability from sharing my journey and in my groups is what is keeping me going everyday. I have a natural drive to exercise and eat right, but I have even more of a kick to just KICK BUTT and show everyone that it is possible to lose weight while breastfeeding. (interested in joining my private support community? CLICK HERE TO JOIN: CONNECT THE DOTS TO YOUR HEALTH, FITNESS AND LIFE Private Online Community.
Are you ready to make that complete healthy lifestyle change but don't know where to start? I have created a 30 day workbook with daily action steps to help you make a complete healthy lifestyle change. 30 Days To A Healthy Lifestyle Change is available in my EXCLUSIVE private Facebook group as a TOOL to go along with your Beachbody On Demand All Access Pass workout programs and journey. If you are interested in joining us and are ready to order CLICK HERE and I will send you an email after you order with your materials and get you added to the group!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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