Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Thursday, March 2, 2017

National Read Across America Day: Top Pick for Moms

In honor of today as the National Read Across America Day Mason and his classmates will be reading throughout the day. Mostly Dr. Seuss books I believe since he was encouraged to bring his favorite book with him and of course it is a Dinosaur related Dr. Seuss Book. But I wanted to encourage you today to pick up a book and read for a good 30 minutes! And not just any book, but a book that will help you feel strong, empowered, sexy, confident and like a total badass that can accomplish anything! Here are my favorite picks to check out, and most can be ordered on Amazon Kindle if you are in to that thing. Always be sure to support your local library too as these books are also often carried there!

Girl Confident: There is nothing sexier than a confident woman in this world (only available on Kindle Unlimited)

This book helps you to realize that if you believe in yourself, you are unstoppable. This is a tongue-in-cheek guide for millennial women who are embracing a journey to find themselves. The author is from Mongolia but she earned her bachelor's degree in business at University of Colorado. After graduation, she moved to Seattle to find a job and recently she moved back to Mongolia. You will find out about what she has learnt so far about life and everything including dating in a digital age, travelling, surviving in a foreign country and how she learnt to love working out when there was nothing she hates more than exercising. The book also includes topics from finding confidence, getting over rejections, personal finance, and finding your strength after a break up. This book is perfect for anyone who is going through times ;-)

Brené Brown- Rising Strong: The Reckoning. The Rumble. The Revolution.

Social scientist BrenĂ© Brown has ignited a global conversation on courage, vulnerability, shame, and worthiness. Her pioneering work uncovered a profound truth: Vulnerability—the willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome—is the only path to more love, belonging, creativity, and joy. But living a brave life is not always easy: We are, inevitably, going to stumble and fall.

It is the rise from falling that Brown takes as her subject in Rising Strong. As a grounded theory researcher, Brown has listened as a range of people—from leaders in Fortune 500 companies and the military to artists, couples in long-term relationships, teachers, and parents—shared their stories of being brave, falling, and getting back up. She asked herself, What do these people with strong and loving relationships, leaders nurturing creativity, artists pushing innovation, and clergy walking with people through faith and mystery have in common? The answer was clear: They recognize the power of emotion and they’re not afraid to lean in to discomfort.

Walking into our stories of hurt can feel dangerous. But the process of regaining our footing in the midst of struggle is where our courage is tested and our values are forged. Our stories of struggle can be big ones, like the loss of a job or the end of a relationship, or smaller ones, like a conflict with a friend or colleague. Regardless of magnitude or circumstance, the rising strong process is the same: We reckon with our emotions and get curious about what we’re feeling; we rumble with our stories until we get to a place of truth; and we live this process, every day, until it becomes a practice and creates nothing short of a revolution in our lives. Rising strong after a fall is how we cultivate wholeheartedness. It’s the process, Brown writes, that teaches us the most about who we are.

Andrea Owen- 52 Ways To Live a Kick-Ass Life: BS-Free Wisdom to Ignite Your Inner Badass and Live the Life You Deserve

Like many women, Andrea Owen always lived life on the sidelines, watching each day pass by without ever catching a glimpse of the happiness she yearned for--until the day she had enough. She realized that she had to take action and step out of the box she had created for herself if she really wanted the best life possible. And now, as a celebrated life coach, she shows thousands of women how to take the reins, create an actionable plan for their goals, and finally reach their full potential.

In this powerful book, Owen guides you through her acclaimed strategies for creating a more fulfilling life. Each goal-orientated lesson empowers you to take control of the barriers that keep you from achieving the love and success you desire. From breaking the unrewarding cycle of people pleasing to dealing with unsupportive friends, this book approaches the problems you face with a candid look at why you aren't satisfied--and how to fix it. Owen's life-changing wisdom helps you uncover your self-limiting beliefs as well as push you out of your comfort zone by zeroing in on the most difficult issues. Never one to sugarcoat the truth, she holds you accountable for your actions while offering expert advice for knocking down that cynical inner-voice and loving yourself wholeheartedly.

With 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life, you will shut off your internal auto-pilot; kick empty expectations to the curb; and live a bigger, gutsier life.

Jen Sincero- You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

In this refreshingly entertaining how-to guide, #1 New York Times Bestselling 
Author and world-traveling success coach, Jen Sincero, serves up 27 bite-sized chapters full of hilariously inspiring stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and the occasional swear word. If you're ready to make some serious changes around here, You Are a Badass will help you: Identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you want, blast past your fears so you can take big exciting risks, figure out how to make some damn money already, learn to love yourself and others, set big goals and reach them - it will basically show you how to create a life you totally love, and how to create it NOW.

By the end of You Are a Badass, you'll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can't change, how to change what you don't love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.

If you're wanting to kick some serious ass in the money department (you wanna?) and start making the kind of dinero you ain't never made before, pre-order the next book in the series that's all about your financial badassery: You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth, coming in April, 2017 from Viking Press.

Jillian Michaels- Unlimited: A 3-Step Plan for Achieving Your Dreams

Many self-help books offer a lot of new age platitudes and sappy mantras:

Just love yourself.

See the glass as half full.

Believe it and it will come.

Really? That’s not how it works, and you know it. A lifetime’s worth of struggle is not overturned in a small moment of positive thinking. But if you have the right attitude—attitude and skills—you can and will accomplish anything and everything you want. This book gives you both, attitude and action. By its end you will have all the tools you need to change your life. No hype. No false promises. 

You will learn to:
• Cultivate your passion and embrace your uniqueness to create a purpose-filled life . . .on your own terms.

• Transform your suffering into peace, wisdom, and strength.

• Work through fear, worry, shame, and negative self-talk to blast through obstacles and create self-confidence, self-esteem, and a healthy self-image.

• Take powerful, informed, deliberate actions to make your dreams a reality.

Forget surviving: it’s your time to thrive. You do have the ability and potential to achieve unlimited health, wealth, and happiness. Getting there won’t all be easy—nothing worthwhile ever is—but take this journey and your life will change dramatically. Your possibilities are unlimited, and your life is waiting for you to break free and claim it

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here . You'll get a FREE COPY of my CLEAN EATING GUIDE to help you get started NOW to connect the dots to your health, fitness and life! Plus join my FREE private group to give you that daily motivation to stay on track! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

5 Simple Steps To A Healthy Lifestyle Change - FREE CHALLENGE

Hey Guys! I am so excited to invite you to my brand new FREE 5 day challenge in my Private Connect The Dots To Your Fitness, Health and Life Group next Monday, March 6.

We will be focusing on how to create a lasting healthy lifestyle change with LIVE videos!

Here's a glimpse to what we will be learning:

  • Weekly Meal Planning With A Purpose
  • Weekly Family and Activity Planning
  • Making A True Mindset Change From Dieting To Lifestyle Change
  • Goal Setting For Success
  • Finding The Right Motivation To Continue Long Term
I am so excited to present this to you. It wasn't until I put these 5 changes together that I started to see results on the scale and mentally. 

WANT TO BE PART OF THE FUN? You get a FREE GIFT TOO! CLICK HERE to request your free Clean Eating Guide to get you started today with tips on how to transition to clean eating in your household and there is also a link to request to join the group! 
Oh and if you have friends that would benefit from this challenge, be sure to invite them too! Just send them THIS LINK for them to get their free gift too and to request to join! The more, the merrier!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here . You'll get a FREE COPY of my CLEAN EATING GUIDE to help you get started NOW to connect the dots to your health, fitness and life! Plus join my FREE private group to give you that daily motivation to stay on track! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

FREE Swag Just For Being Healthier

As I was putting everything away I got a special delivery from Beachbody! Every year that I drink Shakeology I get a special Thank you!! Last year I got a special shaker cup with a golden scoop. This year it is a HUGE! Golden Canister for storing my Shakeology in! Wonder what it will be next year? 

You guys hear me talk about Shakeology all the time. I really do love it because I know I'm getting the good stuff in me and that it is simple and fast to make (perfect for me as a busy mom of 3!) but honestly when we started getting it two and a half years ago I was at my last straw with trying to lose weight. We were paying 2 mortgages and didn't have the extra money to spend. Collin was a couple months old and I didn't want to go through the whole weight loss process again and had thought about doing weight loss surgery just to help me and make it easier but then my friend Janet said, "try this!" And I fell in love with it! We figured out that it would save us money ordering Shakeology in the long run by not eating out as much and not buying any more junk food and I felt at the time and still feel that it is my secret weapon to helping control those nasty cravings for sweets and treats because I can finally say no to them. No more binge eating. No more hiding junk food in the house. No more secret trips to the store for a doughnut. I found the one piece in the puzzle that made it possible for me to finally have control with my eating! 

Having tried Shakeology yet? 

TRY OUT THE NEW CLEAN WEEK! Comes with 7 Samples of Shakeology either Vegan or Original Flavors, PLUS get a week access to BEACHBODY ON DEMAND EXCLUSIVE Clean Week Workouts to help you get familiar with the streaming services and start moving! Plus me as your coach! 

Clean Week 7 Day Kit: Original Flavors Option 

Clean Week 7 Day Kit: VEGAN Flavor Option

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Does Breastfeeding Help With Postpartum Weight loss?

One of the first things I try to tell newly expectant moms when they mention breastfeeding and weight loss might not work. I know, big bubble I just burst for so many of you. But...for me. I have had 3 babies now. Breastfed all 3 of them. Never pumped. Never supplemented with bottle. We are talking 24/7 boobs on call type of breastfeeding. And I did not lose 1 single pound because of breastfeeding. The only weight I lost was the first big drop after having the baby, and only about 13 pounds. After that 0. From breastfeeding. What I learned about 10 months in after having Mason is, in order for my body to lose weight, I have to buckle down with diet like, get really serious and cut the crap from my eating. I started working with a nutritionist when Mason was 10 months old and from that point on for the next 6 months, I lost 40 pounds. With Collin, again, it wasn't until I cleaned up my diet that I started to lose weight. So I knew, with Elyse. I would have to just start out ASAP after I had her, eating better and making better choices in the kitchen! So glad I did because I am currently sitting at 21 pounds weight loss since I had her. And half of that weight is from me working hard to work it off.

For some women though, yes they lose weight while nursing. My sister in law did with all 5 of her babies. And before I had my babies I would often joke that it didn't matter how much I gained while pregnant. I was just going to be part of the Allen Weight loss Plan of breastfeeding.
Here are some reasons why breastfeeding can be so beneficial to you and your baby.

1) You do burn 300-500 calories a day breastfeeding and producing milk. But remember because you are breastfeeding you might feel more hungry. Make sure you are snacking on healthy snacks and stay away from processed foods or junk foods. Even when they are calling to you! If you are following a Beachbody Program and the color coded containers system, I recommend that you bump up into the next higher calorie bracket since you are burning an additional 300-500 calories a day. I also, if I have to have it, will add an additional yellow container into my allotment to give me that fast burning calories that my body is requesting for.

2) Be sure to use both breasts each time you feed. to keep up a good milk supply you want to stimulate both breasts to make more milk. It's a good idea, even as the babies get older and they show a preference to a breast, that you still try to nurse on both breasts. Also starting on the opposite breast you started with last time. With all 3 babies my right breast is what I call my milker. That sucker produced like nothing else. But my left one not as well. But I still try to get a feeding done on both each and every time.
3) Stress and craziness around you will not make your milk supply low. There are plenty of women with stressful lives and even with poor nutrition that produce perfect amounts of milk for their babies. Low milk supply is generally caused by poor breastfeeding management (not feeding often enough) poor latch, or hormone issues with mom. If you have any concerns about the amount of milk your baby is getting be sure to talk to your babies pediatrician.

4) Exercise won't affect your milk supply. I tell moms getting back into exercise to listen to their body, when they are getting back into exercise. It is a change and often what causes a reduced supply is that the mom is not getting enough food and/or water to compensate what is being burned during your workout. This is where the tricky part is. You do not want to reduce your caloric intake. Again, you burn 300-500 extra calories making milk. If you are burning too many calories then your milk supply will dip. As long as you are eating enough calories you will be just fine! Combine that with a healthy diet and you will safely lose weight.

5) Slow and steady wins the race. Don't expect to drop 20 pounds in 1 or 2 months while breastfeeding. Keeping that balance of eating right and exercising is a fine line. I am aiming for 1-2 pounds a week of weight loss to keep my milk supply at its best.
While nursing really isn't the "quick fix"  to get back to your pre-baby body like some of us had hoped, it does burn calories and pairing it with a healthy lifestyle and balanced nutrition plan, it can help you slim down to your pre-pregnancy weight more quickly, than if you didn't. Remember it is quality of calories that counts. So ditch the junk food, processed foods and sweets and treats.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here . You'll get a FREE COPY of my CLEAN EATING GUIDE to help you get started NOW to connect the dots to your health, fitness and life! Plus join my FREE private group to give you that daily motivation to stay on track! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

Friday, February 24, 2017

How Bad Do You Really Want It?

It doesn't matter how big or small your goals are. If you want to reach your goals it all comes down to one little question...How bad do you really want it? This is the deciding factor to if you will reach your goals. If you want it bad enough you will do everything in your power to get it. Think back to one of the biggest things you ever wanted. A new car. A new job. House. Race. Losing weight. If you decided, put in the time and the effort you made it happen. This one choice is going to have a HUGE impact on connecting the dots to your daily fitness goals, which work to reach your health goals all while still being a busy mom and taking care of your family but making it work for you!

With 4 days left of the month, how close are you to reaching your goals that you set at the beginning of the month? Are you doing something right now to help you get one step closer to your goals? What can you do starting right now to get you back on track?
If you need help or want help reaching your goals. JOIN ME in March with my EXCLUSIVE group. It is all about goal setting. Goal getting. Turning up the focus to what you really want to achieve and making small obtainable goals so you can work towards a bigger one over time!

If you truly want change to happen with your body or nutrition you have to put in the work and work for it!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here . You'll get a FREE COPY of my CLEAN EATING GUIDE to help you get started NOW to connect the dots to your health, fitness and life! Plus join my FREE private group to give you that daily motivation to stay on track! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK.

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