Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Elyse's Birth Story: Part 1

I finally have some time to sit down and write out Elyse's birth story! YAY! I never thought that I would carry her beyond 41 weeks. We thought for sure she would be born just after her due date. So when I hit 40 weeks and kept going it was a little frustrating. And when I passed 40 weeks and 5 days, the time I had Collin naturally, I was a bit disappointed. Plus my mom was here for over a week before she was born which meant less snuggle time for her since she had a flight back home at a specific time.

At my 40 week appointment, I talked to my doctor and set up our induction date incase she didn't arrive before that point. The date was set for 41 weeks exactly. My doc did strip my membranes to try to encourage labor to come naturally. I was already 3 cm dilated at that point and almost completely effaced. He was convinced that I would go that weekend. And I didn’t. I did have a few episodes of regular contractions but they would just stop after I finished exercising or after I sat down and rested. Wednesday rolled around an called the hospital. They told me  that they didn’t have any beds available for the induction because they had 4 c-sections that day. They advised me to call back around 10 to see if anything had changed. I called back and again they said that they didn’t have anything available and that they still had 4 c-sections scheduled. I pleaded with nurse saying I was 41 weeks pregnant and she said I just had to call my doctor. She did say that the next time I am scheduled that they will try to get me in since I had already been “bumped”. GRRRRR! 
I called my doc right away and told the nurse what happened. My doc was in surgery and would call me back as soon as he could. Just an hour later he called me personally and was PISSED! that I was denied my medically needed induction. He asked how soon I could get into his office so he could check me and do another “very aggressive membrane strip”. I told him 30 minutes and Matt and I were on our way. I kept telling Matt how upset my doc sounded over the phone and it wasn’t until we saw him in the office that we could actually see how upset he was. He was livid! He went to the L&D wing and talked to the head nurse. She said that they had my due date as 9/27 not 9/21 and thought it was an elective induction not a medically needed one. I had two reason why we had to get induced, 1 because I was a week over and 2 because of my placental abruption last year, they wanted my placenta to be as strong as possible to avoid a possible hemorrhage. 
Me in the middle of a "strong" contraction. Before all the fun started of course.
While in the office my doctor did an exam: I was 4cm at that point and then did an insanely aggressive strip. IT HURT! He did say, I should just break your water right now but I want you to go naturally. And this should do the trick. He also sent me home with specific instructions to do Castor Oil. EWWWWW! This stuff never worked with my others. (it kind of worked with Collin, but I didn’t drink enough of it to induce.) This time he wanted me to do the full amount. 4 oz. Not going to lie. I was scared. That stuff is gross and the after affects are HORRIBLE! I told him I was not constipated and that I was already pretty regular. He said that this is purely to self induce labor not to clean me out. So off to the store we went to get some castor oil, orange juice and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. 4 hours later it was working it’s magic and I was having my first volley of a pure laxative at work. I made sure to drink lots of water and stay hydrated. After 5 different times of it working no contractions. I knew it wouldn’t work and was just resigned that I would be in the hospital the next day for my rescheduled induction.
I had to get up at 2am for my 6th visit to the bathroom, but things felt different. I was feeling contractions by that point. I started clocking them around 2:30am. They were consistent and getting pretty strong. And they were only 9 minutes apart. I woke Matt up by 3:20 and asked him to push the contraction timer as I wanted to get into the shower and just use the hot water in there. It seemed better to me than the tub. Over the next 40 minutes my contractions went from 9 minutes apart to 3-5 minutes. I would have a big one then a couple small ones. By 4am, we decided it was time to call my doc. Granted the contractions were not as intense as they had been with Collin when I called for him, but I honestly didn’t want to be at that point of them being that intense. I was too scared to have the baby in the car. Doc asked us to meet him at the hospital between 4:30 and 5am. So I got ready, changed into my birthing dress, let my mom know we were on our way to the hospital and off we went. Still timed the contractions in the car and they were a consistent 5 minutes apart. I was feeling fine. They were a little strong but nothing to make me wish against them. When we arrived at the hospital, we went to the ER and were escorted up to the L&D wing. He asked if I wanted a wheel chair and I opted to walk. On our way to L&D we ran into my doc and he was like, “You are not contracting.” I promised him I was but they weren’t that intense but they were 3-5 minutes apart. The hospital hooked me up to the monitors, asked me the million of questions they asked and the doc looked at my scans and sure enough, I was actually contracting every 2 minutes. He did an exam and I was 5-6 cm dilated. He was like, “Ok, it’s time!” And he broke my water by 5:15am. 
My tub and sanctuary for a little while
They had to keep me on the monitors for awhile longer to get a good baseline of what was happening. I hated that. I wanted to go into the bathroom and labor on the toilet. Because I do not like the feeling of stuff gushing out and just getting everywhere, but oh well! Finally after 40 minutes they started the tub for me and said I could get in. It was my sanctuary. I had my hypnobirthing positive affirmations on a constant loop and labored in the tub for awhile. The doc and I placed bets on when the baby would arrive. I guessed by 6am, holding true to my 3.5 hours of labors from start to finish. He said 6:30. I started getting very strong contractions in the tub. Matt was in there with me and helping me through them. This was my first labor without a doula. After an hour or so I started to have pressure and a strong desire to push for a bowel movement which is a sign of baby coming out. I called the nurses in and they rushed in but before I could get out of the tub a push happened but the wrong kind. I literally had a bowel movement in the tub. I was mortified and frustrated and so upset. I thought it was the real deal but nope. I crapped in the tub. And honestly S*** happens during labor but not in the tub! COME ON BECKY!

I had to get out of the tub at that point and that is when my contractions basically stopped. 7am and I stopped contracting. Doc checked me again and I was still only at a 5-6. I think I was further along until that BM happened and my body literally closed up and stopped. They had me walk the hallways to get them started again. We just walked the halls and then would rest for a bit in the room after and use the bathroom. Since my water was broken I was still leaking as I walked and that was uncomfortable! Matt went to go get some breakfast from the cafeteria and I stole some of Matt’s breakfast since I was starving and it was the best meal I had had in forever! Against the rules of course but I didn’t care. I was starving! After an hour and a half my doc found us and said, “Let’s just get this started again. Time to put you on pitocin. I know you don’t want to but they stopped and cydotec didn’t work for you last time. Let’s get this baby out!” So back to the room we went and strapped into the monitors again and an iv I went. I begged the nurse to let me not be strapped down in the bed. I actually thought that I could get up and move around while on pit, but the nurse said nope. So I was stuck in the bed. My worse fear! 

Ok…that is the end of part 1! This is already pretty long. Ready to read part 2? CLICK HERE

You can jump ahead and read my 1 week postpartum bump update! CLICK HERE

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Friday, October 7, 2016

8 Healthy Snack Ideas

When living a healthy lifestyle you want to aim to eat 5-6 meals a day to keep your blood sugar from dropping and to help keep your metabolism revved up and working! One of the hard things for me to get in sometimes are snacks. You wouldn't think they would be so hard, but sometimes my day just gets away from me and I just...miss it! Stop forgetting your snacks. They are too important. (This is what I tell myself all the time!)


Now as a exclusively nursing momma, I have to eat all the time because I AM STARVING ALL THE TIME! It is time to set myself up for success. In general I try to have 2 oz of protein with my snacks so if I am having a fruit for my snack I will often pair it with 2 oz of cooked chicken. Here are a few of my favorite healthy snacks to snack on during the day!


10 unsalted almonds
1 Tablespoon pumpkin seeds
1 Tablespoon dried unsweetened cranberries
(need chocolate? Add in 1 tablespoon of chocolate chips)

Combine and store in snack size Ziploc bags for grab and go! 

When I make this trail mix I make 10-14 bags at a time. So that he can just reach in the pantry and pack it in his lunch! EASY and healthy!


I actually just started enjoying these bars. They are easy to carry in your purse or diaper bag for a quick snack on the go. They are gluten free, made from whole foods and have 9 ingredients or less.

Simple and easy and old school.

I saw this picture from Courtney's Sweets and fell in love with the idea!


1 large container of greek yogurt (2 cups)
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
2 cups chopped fruit
3 tablespoons honey
Optional-add chopped nuts (pistachio, walnuts, cashews, pecans, almonds)


Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper
Mix the yogurt with vanilla, honey and salt
Pour the yogurt onto the baking sheet and spread a little to even out
Sprinkle the chopped fruit and freeze for 3-4 hours until frozen solid
Slice or break and enjoy


Can't go wrong with fruit. On the 21 Day Fix nutrition program I have 4 purple containers of fruit so I try to get them in during my snacks.


I am loving having this as my afternoon snack. The perfect pick me up before dinner and still have room for dinner! Throw in some kale or spinach to add more greens to my daily eating. Wanna get your hands on Shakeology? CLICK HERE! And if you are interested in getting a 25% discount every month on your shake, LET'S CHAT


Can't go wrong with bell peppers and yummy hummus. It took me awhile to get into enjoying hummus but I do like it. I go through phases though.


Going back to the kid in me, gotta love me some kiddo snacks. Plus I can share these with Mason and Collin. And when having pizza, well, it is a healthy side dish too!
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Bump Update: 1 Week Postpartum

I am 1 week postpartum. I can't believe that I have a week old baby. I was so anxious to get her out and now she has been with us for 1 week. But on the other side of that, it feels like she has been with us forever. It is a very weird feeling since she hasn't been with us forever but she just fits right in. 
Transition to a family of 5 has been a little rough. Mason was scared at first of her, but quickly got over it. He is eager to help me and her. He loves her so very much. Collin on the other hand, he has turned into a little gremlin. He is not liking the attention being on someone else. So he has been acting out. But he also loves her so very much. He will give her kisses and hugs and asks to hold her all the time and will give the cutest little smile when he does but man, the other times, he says no to everything we ask him to do and he has just been a trouble maker! 

I am enjoying having a little girl. It has been fun to dress her up in very pretty things and the BOWS! I can't get enough of the bows. Yesterday we had our family and newborn photo session. Again, Mason was great, Collin was a pill and Elyse was AMAZING! She was quite the little model. She feel asleep for most of it and the photographer was very impressed! 

Recovery: Recovery has been pretty easy compared to my other 2. I didn't tear so I don't have any stitches to deal with so that has been nice. I finally started feeling better on Tuesday. My body ached less basically. My biceps and back were KILLING ME from the actual labor up until Tuesday. Plus I was having a hard time walking because my hip was out of alignment. I saw my chiropractor on Tuesday and since then, I have been SO MUCH BETTER! 

Weight: Pre-pregnancy weight:237.7. Weight morning of birth: 264.8. Current weight this morning: 251.6. I'm not concerned with weight. I am still very swollen right now. I actually swell more after labor than before. I know that I lose a chunk at first and then through good eating habits and exercise the rest will come off.

I won't be doing these every week. I am going to transition to every month after this post so that I can write about both Elyse and my postpartum journey. Which I will be sharing more of here! Be sure to check back often to keep up with everything that is going on! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Week By Week Pregnancy Progression

I have been collecting my weekly bump updates so I could make this great little video of my weekly bump progression! AND I AM SO EXCITED TO SHARE IT WITH YOU! Check how much my belly changed over the past 42 weeks!

My main goal during my pregnancy was to be as fit and healthy as possible. Exercising 5 days a week. Following my 21 Day Fix nutrition program. In the end I was on point about 85% of the time. Yes, I had some sweets and treats. Yes, I missed some days of working out but over all, I did very well. I gained a total of 26 pounds, hoping most is in my belly with the pregnancy and that over the next few weeks my body releases the excess weight. And once I get the all clear from my doc I will be back at my daily workouts and getting my body in even better shape than it was in. I am so proud of what I accomplished, living a healthy and fit plus size pregnancy.

If you are pregnant and these sound like some of the same goals you have, but don't know where to start, or want daily motivation, support and accountability, LET'S CHAT! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR! I want to work with you. Support you and help you be as healthy as possible for both you and your baby! Send me an EMAIL or request to join my FREE GROUP (and get my free Clean Eating Guide!) and let's connect!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Hello October!

HELLO NEW MONTH! Who loves October? It is seriously one of my favorite months! The change in weather, the change in leaves. THE BEST! And as the weather is getting cooler, there is so much more opportunity for doing your exercise outside and enjoying some fresh air. Since it is the beginning of the month, don't forget.
1) GET YOUR MONTHLY WEIGHT IN: Take your beginning of the month weight TODAY, or tomorrow! BUT ASAP! Get those scales out of their hiding places and get your weight, then put them back away. Do not get in the habit of weighing yourself every day. The scale is a liar anyways and not what you want to be watching. Especially if you are doing a new workout that involves strength training. You might gain weight at first. So just weigh yourself once and be done for the month!

2) TAKE YOUR MEASUREMENTS: Take time to get your measurements done. THIS IS THE MONEY MAKER (as it were!) Because as women we actually will lose inches first over weight. And doesn't it feel great knowing that your tops are feeling looser for an actual reason. Seeing those numbers go down is so rewarding!
3) TAKE YOUR MONTHLY PICTURES: Set up those cameras or have your spouse or partner take them for you. This is where you are actually going to SEE the difference and seeing is believing right!?! Make sure you get those pictures taken, even if no one will ever see them. You will and they are great to compare from month to month to show, "HEY I really am losing weight!"

4) SET YOUR GOALS: the last thing you want to do, and it is a BIGGIE, is to decide what your daily, weekly and monthly goals are. Write them down and put them where you can see them everyday. Your mirror in your bathroom is a perfect place to remind you everyday to work hard to reach your goals so you don't give into those temptations around you.

You are worth all this hard work and I know that as you continue to trust your program. Follow the food and nutrition guide that you will get results. These programs really do work but it all has to be done together.

If you don't know where to start on your weight loss journey, I would love for you to join me. And since I have this postpartum weight to lose, we WILL be doing it together! Send me an EMAIL to chat and let's get you started today on your journey!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!
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