Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, September 12, 2016

Favorite Late Pregnancy Yoga Moves

As I am getting closer and closer to my due date, exercise is getting difficult for me. Not that I don't want to do it but physically I am starting to be in pain. My hips ache, my lower back aches. I am pretty sure baby girl is sitting right on a nerve sometimes because one of my legs will just give out on me when I go to walk. It isn't very good. So to counteract the pain I am again upping my yoga, and leaving the days that I am truly feeling well to Dancing the baby out!) I am aiming for 3 days of dancing and then the rest of the time will be yoga, yoga and more yoga.

I have found a great workout that is no joke. Lara Dutta. I thought it looked easy at first but honestly being 38.5 weeks pregnant my heart rate goes up a lot faster than it used and and in some of the exercises I am actually almost breathing hard. It is just a different type of workout. Especially if you follow the deep breathing! That is the key! Check it out below!
Here are some pictures of my favorite moves in this whole workout. They just feel so good! 

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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Dealing With A Cold or Flu While Pregnant

UGH! Getting a cold or flu while pregnant is THE WORST! You can't take anything, and you just feel miserable the whole time. But we can survive! I PROMISE YOU! Sadly it just takes a little time and patience and a whole lot of rest. The past few days I have been battling a cold thanks to my 5 year old who brought the back to school crud home with him and infected me and Collin. Poor little Collin is worse than I am but I still feel awful. Headache, stuffy nose, cough, and more aches and pains. So not fun. Here are my tips to helping you feel better if you are sick while pregnant. And hey, cold and flu season are upon us/coming up very soon.

Staying hydrated while pregnant is KEY! If you are not drinking enough water it can actually put you into labor. So it is key, but while pregnant and sick, make sure that you are getting enough fluids. Drink some water every time you have to go to the bathroom. Water out, water in. If you are drinking enough water you will be using the bathroom enough. Keep that mindset. If you can't stand water, drink some warm tea that is ok while pregnant. Right now I am drinking 3rd Trimester tea to help me prep for labor. Even just some herbal tea would be great. Read the labels and avoid anything that says do not drink while pregnant. Lemon, ginger and honey tea are a great remedy too!
Honey Lemon Ginger Tea Recipe: 

About 1 inch fresh ginger root (no need to peel it)
1 Tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 Tablespoon honey, plus more to taste

Grate the ginger root into a tea pot, medium bowl, or large measuring cup. Best case scenario: Grate the ginger on a microplane zester. Next best situation: Grate the ginger on the fine holes of a four-sided grater (or similar). Go ahead and put it all on the pot—you're going to strain it out anyway.

Pour 1 cup boiling water over the ginger and let it steep for 3 minutes.

Meanwhile, put the lemon juice and the honey in a large mug. Strain the ginger tea into the mug.
Stir to dissolve the honey, taste, and add more honey or lemon juice if you like.
Want to mix it up?
Add a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg or cardamom at the end.
Or, use a cinnamon stick to ​do the stirring to dissolve the honey 

Make a baby is already hard work. Making a baby and fighting a cold or flu is even harder! You are going to be exhausted. The past 2 mornings I was passed out for a nap by 11am and slept until 1 or 2pm. I am thankful that I was able to do that and that Collin needed just as much rest as I did but man, I have just been exhausted! Even if you are feeling ok, just make sure you rest your body to let it heal and take care of itself. if that means you have to miss a workout or 2 that's ok. You don't want to overexert your body too much.

3. EAT
Even if you don't feel like eating, you need to eat. I actually threw up yesterday but I still forced myself to eat. Try to eat what sounds good to you, and what looks good. A big green salad might be the last thing on your mind, but pasta might be that comfort food you were looking for to help you feel better. IT'S OK! Tip: If eating pasta or other carb heavy food, just make sure that you are eating a smaller portion. You don't need a lot of pasta to feel satisfied. And try to add some veggies to it so that it is a healthier type of pasta. I made spaghetti casserole as a freezer meal but I doubled the veggies in it. So lots of hidden green and some pasta.

One of my favorite things to do while pregnant is to take a nice warm bath. And the same holds true for while sick. I have aches and pains from pregnancy but even more while sick and the bath helps to soften those pains. Plus it helps to clear up my sinuses so I can actually breath better, at least for a little while. Pull up a good Netflix movie while you watch too just to relax even more!

Know that this is only temporary. Even though you might feel like death, the more you take care of yourself the faster the cold or flu will pass. But while you are not feeling well, ask for help. Ask your partner to help around the house. Clean, make food, take care of the kids a little more. This morning I asked my hubs to just let me sleep in until 8am so I could get a little extra sleep. And since he has military training today, I needed that extra sleep to help me get through the day with my 2 boys at home! Ask friends to help out too if you need it. You are pregnant. Don't think you have to do everything. It's ok!

Hope these tips help you feel better in no time to welcome your baby into the world! I have less than 2 weeks left until my due date and I want this cold GONE! So I am sticking with these tips as much as possible! After 2 days of rest I am already feeling so much better, but I still have just a little bit more to go before I am feeling back to normal!

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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bump Update: 38 Weeks

Here we are two weeks out to my due date exactly! CRAZY that we are finally here. And really if she is ready to come she can come, however, my mom won't be too pleased about it if Elyse arrives before she does. So technically, Elyse needs to wait less than 2 weeks to arrive. I did have had a few nights in this past week where I have had some regular contraction patterns. Kind of freaked me out, and freaked people out when we were out and about on our date night and I had to stop every 25 meters or so to get through them. Elyse is definitely locked and loaded. Now it is just the waiting game as to when she will officially arrive! I did have a talk with her the other night telling her that her Gummy won't be happy if she arrives before Gummy does. And Elyse went back a little higher in my belly. I just need to keep reminding Elyse that Gummy isn't here yet. Matt now thinks that my water is going to break the instant that Gummy arrives at our house! 
I got a lot of cleaning done this past weekend and Matt really likes "Nesting Becky!" Our house is very clean and organized excpet for the kitchen. That is now Matt's chore to help out with. But that is always a constant mess. I feel like I have a lot to squeeze in during this next week. I'm trying to fit in time with friends, and fun times alone with each boy so they know how much I love them. And next week I am getting my hair done for the last time before Elyse arrives (hopefully!) Plus hair cuts for each boy. And I am still teaching my private music lessons as of right now. I'm down to the wire but still running strong! 
Total Weight Gain: Gained 25.7 pounds total. Weight as of this morning 263.4 pounds. I am still dealing with the bloat from our Anniversary and weekend foods! 

Symptoms: Smaller appetite, eating smaller meals throughout the day. Having to "go" a lot since she is head down. Hard time sleeping. Waddling and lower back soreness like nothing else! Man at the end of the day my back is just killing me! CRAVING MILK!
Baby’s Size: Swiss Chard (~19-22 inches, 6.5-7 pounds)

Labor Progress: As of my weekly check up appointment last Thursday I was 1cm dilated. Baby was at a engaged in my pelvis -1. Doc could feel her head sitting right there. (change from the previous week where she wasn't even there). She is totally locked into position head down. She is locked AND loaded oh man is she loaded. Next appointment is TOMORROW! I have been having bouts of regular consistent contractions but they go away after a short amount of time. Gotta love Braxton Hicks Contractions! I just didn't think I would have to go through this "game" since this is my 3rd full term baby.
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts but those are tight now. I am actually running out of clothing. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy!
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. I think I am getting some new ones or my old was are just being stretched up higher on my belly. No bright purple ones just the faded white ones. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones. I apply it at night and right after I get out of the shower. 

Belly Button: Innie! I never had my belly button flatten out or pop out during my other 2 pregnancies, but this might be the one that I do! Every week it is getting closer! We are actually pretty close to having my belly button flatten out. But not yet. It is still an innie!

Braxton Hicks Contractions: I am getting them throughout the day now, many times a day. Including some strong ones that kind of make me stop and take a breath. I get two different kinds. Upper belly and lower belly, but never at the same time. (that would be labor!) Upper BH are generally caused by exercise and getting up and down too much and just a reminder to slow down and drink water. The other kind I am getting are lower belly ones that really take my breath away. I only get a couple of them a day, not as frequent as the others but these, yeah, remind me more of actual labor pains. They just happen when they want to happen!
Gender: GIRL!!! So excited about all the cute stuff we got for her! We have her coming home outfit and her picture props! So girly, and way too cute!
Sleep: I need to take a nap every day but I haven't been this week. And I am waking up many times a night to go to the bathroom or trying to get comfy. (If you see me make a comment on FB or IG at 2am this is why!) I am still getting up at night at 11:30pm, 3:30am, 5:30 without fail. Always around 9pm for about an hour she likes to put on a show and be super active! 
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings:  MILK! I normally don't drink milk any more due to an intolerance I have to it but I have been craving it like nothing else. 2 8oz glasses usually. Funny thing, ice cream doesn't do the trick. It has to be straight up cold whole milk. WEIRD! Oh and veggies of course. I am loving me some veggies!
Aversions: Sweets taste too sweet for me, so I can only handle a little at a time, I just want them throughout the day. We went to Melting Pot for dessert last Friday for our Anniversary dinner and it was too much chocolate for me even though we got dark chocolate.
Excited About: My mom will be here in less than 2 weeks. Tomorrow I have my weekly doctor checkup and will be able to hear her heartbeat and find out more about my progress. I do think things have changed since last week because the number of strong contractions I have been having have definitely increased. 

Workouts: Pretty well for this week! I got in 5 days of regular workouts this past week. I'm really enjoying, COUNTRY HEAT! I am trying to dance this baby out! If you are interested in joining BUSY MOM'S DANCE PARTY just click on the link to request to join and I will get in touch with you with all the details! And I am enjoying finding prenatal yoga routines online. I can't do the 21 Day fix yoga anymore. Too many modifications so I am sticking with prenatal specific ones. 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Celebrating 14 Years Of Marriage

Look at how YOUNG WE WERE! I was 20 and Matt was 24. Today we are celebrating our 14th wedding anniversary, and man have these 14 years gone by quickly. They really have. Just thinking back it doesn't seem that long, but 14 years is a long time! Now with 2.5 kids, 5 moves, 2 owned homes. We have traveled around the country enjoying each other's company along the way. We have had quite the adventures and now we are about to traverse the adventure of adding a little girl to our family! (which I think scares us equally!) Happy 14th to the love of my life and here's to all eternity!

1: Date often and laugh everyday! 
You have to rekindle your spark sometimes, especially if you have kids. Make sure you take time for each other. Go out (read more here on the importance of dating your spouse!). Get some ice cream. Take an hour of just the 2 of you. Swap with other parents to get out of the house and keep it just the two of you. IT REALLY IS THAT IMPORTANT. And don't forget to laugh every day. When you laugh together you touch more. You remember how much you had fun when you were younger and dating. Just make sure you have a good time and laugh often!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Friday, September 2, 2016

5 Tips To Eating Out For Special Occasions

It's a HOLIDAY WEEKEND! YAY! For us it is our Anniversary weekend. So Labor Day is pretty special for us. (hoping it doesn't turn into actual LABOR day though...3 more weeks baby girl, 3 more weeks! 14 years on Monday and we are celebrating tonight with an amazing dinner and of course we are going to indulge in a melted pot of chocolate! So let's talk about those fancy date night meals or indulgent meals. Hey, this is real life. No more restricting things. This is why we eat clean 80% of the time! So that we can enjoy the other 20%. I won't eat like this every single day (I used to want to!) Not anymore. Just occasionally am I ok with eating over indulgent food.

1. DECIDE BEFORE WHERE AND WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO EAT: We have already looked at the menu and the restaurant we are going to is African inspired but looks VERY healthy and has lots of healthy options. The only thing with eating out is you don't know for sure how they prepare your food. How much salt or oil. So try to pick something that is the healthiest option. Avoid cream sauces or deep fried foods. Your tummy will thank you the next day.

2. DON'T FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE TO EAT ALL OF THE FOOD. There is nothing better than enjoying leftovers guys. If it is a good meal, the leftovers can be pretty yummy too! Most restaurants give you too big of portions anyways. It is best to eat 1/2 or 1/4 of what is on your plate depending on how BIG the portion is. Think of your containers. Because as we learned from Autumn, it is still not good to over eat even the good foods!

3. START WITH YOUR VEGGIES AND LEAVE THE CARBS FOR LAST. I know I am no fun! But make sure you get some veggies on your plate, just like your momma taught ya! And start with them first. Hey, I think of it that if you don't like veggies, eat them first so that the rest of your food takes away the taste of them! ;) But get those veggies in because they are the most important, then go to your protein, and leave any carb for last. You don't want to fill up on quick burning foods and have no room for the stuff that your body really wants and needs!

4. DON'T BE AFRAID TO ORDER DESSERT. Share your dessert with your date. That way you aren't eating the whole thing by yourself. I struggle with this because we are often split on what we want for dessert and have in the past ordered one for me and one for Matt and then tried both. Occasionally this would be ok. But every time you eat out or go on a date. Probably not. I will be sharing my pot of melted chocolate tonight but only because it is so much I don't want to waste any!

5. DON'T ORDER TOO MANY "FUN" DRINKS! Make sure you don't enjoy too much alcohol or Mocktails. (that is what I get since I don't drink any alcohol. Try to limit yourself, because they are more empty calories and if you are doing an appetizer, dinner, dessert, that is already a lot of calories! Before you go decide how much you are going to drink, 1 or 2 glasses and stick to it! Your bill at the end will thank you too!
Remember, it is ok to eat out and enjoy what you are eating. Tomorrow you will be back on your regular eating of clean eating. You just need to think about it, plan ahead (just like you do at home!) And you will have an amazing time. Remember you are there with your partner and as long as you are together, that is all that matters!

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