Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Saturday, December 21, 2013

How Much Recovery?

(Mason decided not to nap in his room during Mommy quiet time and later passed out on the dog.)
Are you in the mood for a nice healthy meal after you run? Or do you like to just rest while stretching. Or how about a nice nap to help get your body feeling like it is back to normal. Ever since I got pregnant I have felt that I NEEDED a mid day nap just to be able to function during the later end of the day. Add in exercise on top of pregnancy, I will literally crash at about 5 if I don't get a rest/nap. The big key is to listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs. 

This week on Tuesday, I did my first run since Thanksgiving. Like actual, pushing myself run. Mace didn't want to nap later in the afternoon. I went straight during the day without a single rest. Then I had to teach, make dinner, family time, and put the kid down. At 8pm my body just crashed, and crashed HARD! I could hardly stand up. Matt had to help me up to bed and once my head hit the pillow I was out, until my dad called about an hour later. I learned my lesson. I know that I need to rest, I have to rest. I am pregnant. I am also putting my body through rigorous exercise while pregnant which means I require more recovery time. It is what it is. 

So now I know. I know that on long runs, like today, I have to nap. Even if that means for my nap to be during Sesame Street, then in my bed with my 2 year old next to me cause I don't have enough energy to deal with him not wanting to sleep in his own bed. (At least he slept for 2 hours, which is exactly what I needed.) 

I am planning ahead now. I know that the day of the 1/2 marathon we will be go back to our hotel, request late checkout and go back to sleep for as long as possible, then go play! (That is the plan at this point.)

Listen to your body. Do what it needs and it will thank you and work with you in the end! 

QOTD: How do you recover after a long run, or any workout in general?

Friday, December 20, 2013


I am so excited to share this post with you. I have had a lot of women asking me about hypnoBirthing since they know I did mine with it and drug free. 

What is Hypnobirthing? Per it is a simple, straightforward program, thoughtfully developed over the years to remind mothers of the simplicity of birth itself. Just as the majority of birthing women do not need interventions and procedures for safe and healthy birth, they do not need a complex set of exercises and scripts to prepare themselves for peaceful, calm and comfortable birthing. 

Here is a 9 min video on hypnoBirthing:

When I was 14 years old my nephew was born. I remember hearing about the epidural process and it freaked me out. Why would you put a needle in your spine? It didn't make any sense to me. I told my mom that day that I was never going to get an epidural when I have a baby. She just looked at me and said, "We will see." Ever since I got married I looked forward to getting pregnant and showing all the naysayers that yes I could do it without pain relievers. (I had told countless other people by this point my plan on a drug free labor. Common response was "yeah right".) 

When I finally got pregnant after 8 years of trying, I called my sister in law who had 5 kids all drug free. She was induced with all her labors because she wouldn't go into labor naturally. So yes, while on pitocin she did not get any pain medication. Did she want it, heck yeah. Until her 5th birth. She used hypnobirthing. I talked to her a ton about it. She sent me the CD's to listen to and told me the book to get. (HypnoBirthing the Mongan Method) I was about 24 weeks when I started listening to the CD's. I would listen to them when I walked on the treadmill. (Use your own judgement.)

I would listen to them about 3 days a week at the gym and then maybe 1-2 days at home just to relax. I loved listening to the positive affirmations CD the most. It just made me feel better. 

My labor story with Mason: 

Mason was induced with cytotec, not pitocin, since my hubby was leaving for Iraq 3 days after Mason was born. During the induction, waiting for things to happen, I listened to the positive affirmations to get them clear in my head especially for during the "hard part" and after. At 4:30 I had a failed induction. I was only a 4 and 100% and -1 station. Doc said I could go home or break my water. We broke my water and got the party started. (I didn't want my water broken prior to 7cm by the way because I was concerned about other things happening than can happen. But I needed my hubby there. Personal choice I made.) Water broke, doula was called and got there in 30 min (which felt like FOREVER by the way) I got in the tub to labor and that is when I found my relaxation spot. I imagined my white chair at the end of a long hallway. I had ever-changing walls around me and when I had a surge (contraction) I would see waves lapping on the beach all around me. In between surges I laid back in the tub and went to my quiet place. My husband said it looked like I was asleep. The only pain at this point that I complained about was my feet were hurting because I was kneeling in the tub and the top of my feet hurt in the tub. At about 8ish, I started feeling the urge to push in the tub so I had to get out. Couldn't relax in-between the contractions as much as I had to make my way back to the bed and contract in the middle of the room with my hubs as support.

Got checked in the bed and it was go time. Doc and nurses said I was an awesome pusher and baby could have been born in 3 pushes but they needed me to "stretch" So the doc kept the head crowning so I could stretch around it. I never once felt the "ring of fire." I felt pressure. I didn't scream. I grunted like a gorilla, because that is what my body needed to do. Mace was born at 8:52pm. I did have a 1 degree tear, not from the head by from the force and speed at which I birthed his shoulders. I also felt the stitch when the doc stitched me up. I said, "ouch!" when he stuck me with the needle, I guess he didn't numb me. He remarked, "You are complaining about a stitch after you just pushed a baby out!" He was dumbfounded by it. I told him it was a different pain. But it quickly went away as my endorphins covered up that pain too. It was just the first stick that was different. 20 minutes after I had Mason, I remember saying, "I want to do that again!" The nurses thought I was crazy! The adrenaline rush afterwards was AMAZING! Not even the scariest roller coaster has given me that much of a rush, but it was easier than I thought it would be. Then nurses also told me that I was born to birth with how well I did. (FYI I don't remember most of my labor experience. I was that relaxed and focused. My doula and hubby had to fill in the blanks for me about what happened.)

Ever since I had Mason I have been excited to get pregnant and bring another life into this world but also to go through birthing again. It was not like it was in the movies, or the 2 ladies around me in the hospital before they got their epidurals. They were screaming, like I'm going to die screaming. We knew when they got their epidural because it got very quiet. I made noise, I grunted a lot. I did a lot of breathing. I did it drug free. I was also open to the fact that if I needed an epidural I would get one, but I never got to that point. Now it is time for me to start listening to the CD's again and I am so excited. I am going to try this again. My concern, will I get into that super relaxed state if my labor is less than 4 hours. Mason was 4 hours, this one should technically be faster. We shall see. 20 more weeks and we will know for sure.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

New Tab

I added a new tab! RECIPES!  Quick find for all the recipes that I have posted on the blog! Check it out!

Seriously the Spinach Salad is still the most viewed recipe I have posted! Anyone try it for Thanksgiving? Are you planning on trying it for Christmas too?


Not only did I make 8 dozen cookies this past weekend, I also signed up to take some cookies to a church function tonight, which means more baking. Then I got a call from the hubs yesterday that he is supposed to bring something to a potluck today. I got the call yesterday afternoon. He has known about this party for over a week and I get the call the day before!

I told him, I bet this is what it feels like when a 10 year old comes up to his mom and says, "mom I have a project due tomorrow. Can you help me make it?" A mom would internally scream, takes a deep breath and calmly asks her kid, " how long have you known about this project?" "3 weeks." ARGH! I know this will happen to us at some point, and more than once. But it just goes to show that my hubby is a big kid! Anyhew, I am making my grandma's marshmallow fruit cocktail (see below for recipe if you want to try it, but my Grandma made it and it is really yummy!) for him to take to work and the cookies for tonight, I am making this easy fudge.

Tuesday while on the on the treadmill running the Pioneer Women came on the food network and she made Quick and Easy Peppermint Fudge. It looked totally too easy! Just chocolate, sweetened condensed milk and peppermint candies for the topping. That's it! Not sure how it will turn out but 3 ingredients and 2 of them I already have on hand, can't beat that! (Also, I am going to add some chopped walnuts to it. YUMMY!)

Now, time to plan our Christmas meal. What should we do? Oh and yesterday I found out that my mom reads my blog! HI MOM!!! She was asking me questions about the hidden gifts in the house growing up.

Marshmallow Fruit Cocktail: 

2 cans Fruit Cocktail
1 can pineapple triangles
1 can mandarine oranges
1 can maraschino cherries
1 cup shredded coconut
1 c of "tiny" marshmallows
16 oz sour cream
12 tablespoons sugar

Mix together and let set in fridge for a couple hours before serving.

QOTD: Do you do too much cooking/baking around the holiday?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas like a Kid!

I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday of them all! I remember as a little girl sneaking out of my room and taking a peak at all the gifts under the tree and silently walking back to my room before anyone knew what I did, especially Santa. Didn't want to upset the big guy! I know one year I went out, then after I got back in my room, I heard my brother do the same exact thing. Then at some awful hour in the morning, I would sneak into my brothers room and ask when we should go wake up Mom and Dad, who specifically told us not to bother them until at least 7am. At 7am on the dot we would pounce on them in their bed and ask to open our gifts!!!

As I got older the fun thing was trying to find the hidden gifts in the house. My parents only had a few places that they could hid the gifts, but we found them most of the time. On top of my dad's dresser, in the top of my mom closet, or the back of her filing cabinet. One year they were piled high in the trunk of the car. Another year they were in the attic. Yep we found most of them. Or would shake the ones under the tree trying to figure out what was in it.

How as big kids now can we experience the same excitement about Christmas. This year I feel rushed to get everything sent out. I haven't figured out what I was going to do for Matt.  (actually I did but he spied it and got it last night!) Now to figure something else out. My gifts for me are on their way, and I picked them out. Also this year, Matt and I will be up until all hours of the night on Christmas Eve assembling Mason's HUGE gift from Gma and Gpa. I still plan on having a surprise for Matt, (yes dear you will be surprised by something!) I also can't wait to see Mason's face when he see his awesome gift in the basement! It has to do with Cars, Disney Cars. I will post plenty of pix of him with it on Christmas, have no fear about that!

Try to surprise your significant other. Get them something special that they won't be expecting but will love. See the joy in others around you and in your children on Christmas morning. Not is as sweet and pure as a Child's joy of the magic of Christmas. Take time to spend as a family. Go on a walk or just play more than usual. I still want to make a special meal for us, even if it is just the 3 of us. I will miss not being with extended family but I look forward to making new traditions!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

One Worn Out Momma!

Whew! Yesterday I hit a wall! I was going, going, going all day long. No mid day rest/nap or anything. Just too busy to do it. I was gone from 9:15-1 doing church stuff and going to the gym. Came home showered, cleaned the house then taught piano from 3:15-5:45. Then went to Best Buy with the hubs to pick up his laptop and was there longer than I expected, picked up a late dinner and got home, ate, put the kid down and it was 8pm. After my body realized that I was satisfied with food I just crashed! I wanted to fall over and go to sleep. I was in bed by 8:30 and out like a light by 9, probably earlier but I don't know when I fell asleep.

Lesson learned. I need to rest mid day or else I will crash during the day. I was exhausted during teaching and almost fell asleep on my feet at the store but Mason was screaming so much that I couldn't. (he decided he didn't want to nap yesterday either.) So now I know, I have to schedule in some resting time. At least I accomplished a ton yesterday though! Positive note, always think about the positives!

QOTD: Do you take a mid day rest/nap while pregnant?

Monday, December 16, 2013

Workout Goals for the Week

Next week is Christmas! Can you believe it. Let me say that again, NEXT WEEK IS CHRISTMAS! It feels like it has snuck up on me this year which seems weird that Christmas would sneak up on me but it has. I have way too many things to do this week to get things done and sent out on time before it is too late.

One thing that I can no slack on this week is my exercise. I have really taken a break for the last 2 weeks from heavy cardio training due to my cold or whatever I had. I still don't have my full voice back. Everyone is asking if I am getting sick, nope getting over being sick. (The hard part about being sick while pregnant is you can't take anything to help you through it.)

I decided that today would be the day that come feeling 100% or not I was going to get my exercise done. It needs to be done. I do not want to gain excess weight with this pregnancy unless. In the last 2 weeks, when I haven't exercised, I was gaining the 1 lb a week that can happen. So at this point I am -2 from my pre-pregnancy weight for this pregnancy. Still 30 lbs over what my pre-pregnancy weight before Mason. Exercise is so important to me right now. I am using it as a tool to help me stay as healthy as possible and so that I can have a healthy as possible pregnancy for my baby. And eating right of course. But since next week is Christmas, I know that I will indulge just a little, and I did this weekend when I made my mom's yummy candy cane cookies. I might of had a couple.

Goals for this week:
Monday- 30 min elliptical, 2 miles walk-treadmill-CHECK- Totally did it today
Tuesday- 3 mile walk/run, Prenatal Pilates at home- CHECK- updated 12/17
Wednesday- 30 min elliptical, 3 mile walk-treadmill- did Pilates stretching 20 min- updated 12/18
Thursday- 2 mile walk/run, prenatal yoga
Friday- 30 min elliptical, 1 mile run
Saturday- 4.5 mile walk/run with training program

We shall see how this works. But I am determined to do better always. I am in full training mode now for my 1/2 marathon as I only have 9 weeks until race day!!!

QOTD: Do you hit it hard at the gym when you are getting back into the swing of things?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Good Eats- Holiday Treats

Tonight I was schedule to go to a cookie exchange but sadly I am still not feeling 100% and don't want to bake my germs into the cookies or scare the other ladies away with my lovely cough! Ahem. 

I thought I would share with you what I would have brought tonight just for fun. We were asked to bring an appetizer so naturally I wanted to bring pumpkin pie. (plus I would have had to make 2, one for the party and one for the hubs. IT IS HIS FAV!) It counts as an appetizer right??? And the cookies, well let's just say there is a yummy little kick with them. They are super easy to make too. Delicious too!

Both recipes are from Pilsbury, go figure. Now keep in mind these are Holiday Treats. Eat them in moderation because they are in no way healthy foods so eat with caution because the cookies, well, it is hard to have just one! 

A crunchy oat topping complements every bite of creamy pumpkin pie. Refrigerated pie crust makes it super easy! (but I make homemade because it is just more fun!)

8 servings

 1 box Pillsbury® refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box
I use this recipe by Ina Garten for my perfect pie crust! 

1 can (15 oz) pumpkin (no pumpkin pie mix)
1 can (12 oz) evaporated milk (1 1/2 cups)
½ cup granulated sugar
2 eggs, slightly beaten
1 ½ teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
¼ teaspoon salt

¼ cup packed brown sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened
½ cup chopped pecans
½ cup quick-cooking oats

1 teaspoon grated orange peel
1 container (8 oz) frozen whipped topping, thawed (3 cups)

1) Heat oven to 425°F. Place pie crust in 9-inch glass pie pan as directed on box for One-Crust Filled Pie.
2) In large bowl, mix filling ingredients until well blended. Pour into crust-lined pan.
3) Bake 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F; bake 15 minutes. Meanwhile, in small bowl, mix streusel ingredients.
4) Sprinkle streusel over pumpkin filling. Bake 15 to 20 minutes longer or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely, about 1 hour.
5) Gently fold orange peel into whipped topping. Serve pie with topping. Store in refrigerator.


(For cookie exchanges I call them Adult Nookie Cookies, cause they are hot, hot, hot!)
S'more flavors with a pinch of heat fill a yummy chocolate-chip cookie cup.

24 Servings

1 package (16 oz) Pillsbury® Ready to Bake! Refrigerated chocolate chip cookies (24 cookies)

1 ¼ cups Mixed Nuts with Peanuts
1 ¼ cups Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate baking chips
1 ¼ cups marshmallow creme
2 tablespoons half-and-half
1/8 teaspoon Ground Red Pepper (cayenne) (I use an extra dash to get a little more heat)

1) Heat oven to 375°F. Place paper baking cup in each of 24 regular-size muffin cups. Place 1 cookie dough round in each cup. Using floured fingers, press dough to flatten slightly.

2) Bake 7 to 10 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in pans 15 minutes. Remove from pans to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 20 minutes.

3) Meanwhile, remove Brazil nuts from mixed nuts; coarsely chop Brazil nuts. In 2-quart saucepan, heat chocolate chips, marshmallow creme, half-and-half and red pepper over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until chips are melted and mixture is smooth. Stir in remaining mixed nuts.

4) Drop about 1 tablespoon nut mixture onto each cookie. Let stand about 15 minutes or until chocolate is set. To serve, remove bites from paper baking cups. If desired, place each bite into a new paper baking cup.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

My First Feature!

I was featured on Fit Approach for being a new Sweat Pink Ambassador! I am so excited to share my story with so many women! Check out the site to read other incredible stories and meet amazing women, just click below!

Fit Approach Sweat Pink Ambassador- My Aha Moment

Our Christmas Tree- vol 1.

I thought it would be fun to start showing off some of my favorite ornaments on our Christmas tree. Our tree is FULL of memories. We have ornaments from my parents tree that they gave us to fill our tree a few years ago that I grew up with. We have some from my own tree that I had in my room growing up and then we the the ones that Matt and I have been given or collected. We get at least 1 new ornament a year generally we get 3-4 which is pretty cool!

On our tree we have mostly Disney ornaments. I also have quite a few french horns and pianos all over. I have my students look for the hidden pianos and horns and try to see if they can count all of them. I have about 50 horns and pianos all over the tree. I kind of collect them.

We have our small but growing Star Trek collection for both me and Matt. Mason loves it because we have a Borg cube and when you turn on the tree it says, "We are the Borg. Enjoy you holidays. Resistance is futile."

Then we have a small smattering of other stuff, Arizona State stuff, Santa and other fun stuff.

So here is the start of some of my favs this year! In no particular order!
~Mason salt dough ornament that my mom and I made last year with his hand print. Needless to say, his hands have grown.~
 ~Gma gave this to us for Mason's first Christmas! I LOVE IT!~
 ~One of the many french horns all over my tree.~
 ~First ornament on the tree every year. It's tradition! Our first Christmas ornament!It is near the top in the very middle~
 ~Another collection from my mom and dad. Each blue ball, and there are I think 9, has a different image of favorite original attractions at Disneyland. The castle always goes near the middle. Sad story, a few years ago during a move a few got broken and I glued them back together. So the ones with the most cracks are in the back of the tree. Thank goodness my fabs were unharmed.~
 ~One of my former students went to WDW in the beginning of the year and saved this through the year as a Christmas gift to me. The daughter picked it out and everything since Cindy is one of my favs. (she was my fave till Brave came out. Sorry Cindy.)
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