Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, November 20, 2017

5 Tips To Work Out With Your Kids

Being a busy mom of 3 means that I might have to do my workout with one, two or all of them around or joining me. If they around (and refusing to nap like Mr. C) encourage them to join you. Now that they are used to me working out most of the time they join me for the first little bit then do their own stuff. 

Don't miss a workout just because a kid refuses to nap or wants to be around you more. Use that as an opportunity to help them get active or at least to show them that taking care of your body is important to you! 
You will never regret your workout you did. Only the one you missed doing.

1) Always invite your kids to join you. 
Better to let them do what you are doing and see if they like it.

2) Be safe and make a safe environment for your kids. 
Encourage them to use their toys as their "weights" so that they don't use yours and accidentally drop them on their little toes. Or invest in "kid approved weights" for your kids to use so they feel like they are just like you. Check out these weights for kids! 

3) Make exercise fun
When the kids see that you are having fun, they will find it fun which will help establish a healthy relationship with exercise. The last thing I want is for my kids to think that exercise is torture, or the only way they will be able to eat that cupcake without feeling guilty or remorse.

4) Talk to your kids about why exercise is so good for them
Open up that conversation about how good exercise is for our bodies. Exercise is not about losing weight or being skinny. It is about our bodies being able to move better, feel better. Get stronger and help improve our thoughts.

5) Be consistent with your exercise and they will be consistent with it too
The biggest thing I have noticed is that my kids know when I am exercising. The clothing I'm wearing. The things I need set up. And often I see them just start to do their exercise because they want to do it for the day. Again it is about building a healthy relationship for them with exercise. Be that example of what living a healthy lifestyle is all about.

If you are looking for exercises to do with your kids, Beachbody On Demand has an exclusive KIDS AND FAMILY CHANNEL. It comes included with your year membership to Beachbody On Demand.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge - Phase 2 Results

Phase 2 has been completed! This time around I did Shift Shop. It's cardio and strength training. Each week is ramped up in intensity and length and honestly, the longer the workouts the more I loved it!

Official Results: 
Lost 4 pounds in 21 Days- 2 pounds total from day 1
Lost 7.25 inches total from day 1

I haven't been 100% on my nutrition plan, because I honestly believe in balance because momma needs a burger every now and then to stay sane. But the more I exercise and take care of me and drink my daily shake the more other foods (sweets and treats) don't taste very good to me.

THESE RESULTS ARE OVER HALLOWEEN BY THE WAY! The first Halloween ever that I didn't eat tons of candy. I only had my 1 Snickers Pumpkins that my hubs bought for me and I saved for a week to enjoy on Halloween. But it didn't taste as satisfying as it had in the past.

I am getting so much stronger. I am now modifying less, but still modify plank type movements for my core. I'm listening to my body and doing what I can but still pushing myself.
These next 21 days are going to be crucial. I am breaking past a plateau. That means staying consistent and on my game, especially over Thanksgiving. Phase 3 started on Monday, but if you are seeing these before and after pictures and are ready to join me EMAIL ME or MESSAGE ME ON FACEBOOK and let's chat!

Not sure where to start in your weight loss journey? Join me in my current challenge to help you start with the right program that will fit your busy lifestyle, get great nutrition every day and learn the right amount of food you should be eating daily. Plus 1:1 support from ME! It all start with you getting your year membership to unlimited streaming access over 600 workouts for variety to keep you motivated and your first month supply of my favorite, cravings crushing drink! CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO ORDER and I will reach out to you within 24 hours!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, November 13, 2017

10 Days To Thanksgiving Commitment

10 PEOPLE! I'm looking for 10 people to commit for the next 10 days to their health to have a GUILT FREE THANKSGIVING! STARTING TOMORROW!!!

EXERCISE AT LEAST  8 DAYS in the next 10 days.
CHECK IN DAILY FOR ACCOUNTABILITY (sweaty selfie and posting food log for the day)

14 Day FREE TRIAL of Beachbody On Demand with access to over 600 workouts to choose from for your exercise, meal plans, and check out FIXATE the healthy cooking show.

The top 2 people who complete the daily accountability check in with pictures will win a PRIZE from ME! 

*Must have either the Free Trial of BOD or a current membership to BOD, with me as your Team Beachbody coach, to participate. (use link below for the free 14 day trial and get me as your coach)

EMAIL ME or COMMENT BELOW THAT YOU ARE READY TO COMMIT So I can add you to my list! Must commit by 11/14 10am Eastern! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge- Phase 3

MONDAY, November 13 we begin phase 3 of our Learn To Be Obsessed Challenge and the big push to NOT GAIN WEIGHT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! If you have struggled in the past with gaining weight during the holiday season, feeling those winter blues, or just giving up and waiting until the new year because it is a "lost cause. I'm going to gain weight no matter what I do." This is the challenge for you. Why?
  • Because you have a plan for daily workouts
  • A meal plan (actually you get access to over 30 meal plans!) 
  • Daily super nutrient dense shake that helps cut those cravings and makes it easier to control what you put into your body. 
  • PLUS you get access to my exclusive group
  • Exclusive tools I created to you on your journey
  • Daily motivation
  • Daily accountability
  • An app to help you stay on track
  • AND ME AS YOUR COACH to support you, cheer you on and help you when you are on the struggle bus! 
What do you need? Beachbody on Demand All Access Pass to get access to the workouts and meal plan and your your first 30 day supply of my favorite shake that I enjoy daily (momma needs her chocolate!). And you get those cute little color coded containers to help get your nutrition on POINT!  CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to get your membership bundle!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

When's The Best Time To Workout? Before or After A Meal?

Are you struggling finding the "right time" to eat before you workout so that you have enough energy to make it through your workout but don't feel like puking during your workout because you have too much food. Below are a few of my favorite snacks, plus my favorite pre-workout drink, during workout drink and after workout meal to help my body repair and heal!

Exercise uses energy to burn calories and most of the energy that is burned comes from carbs because they are considered fast burning energy. If you are looking to lose weight, it might not be good to workout on an empty stomach due to your insulin and blood sugar levels dipping too low. Which can make you feel weak or shaky and impact your workout.

If you do eat a full meal before exercising, try to allow time for your body to digest some of it. Around 2-3 hours prior to working out. If you are able to, have a small snack about an hour prior to your workout. Aim for a combo of carbs, produce and protein. Especially if you are working out before having breakfast.

  • Granola bars (homemade, or no sugar added and preservative free is best)
  • No Bake - Protein Energy Ball Bites 
  • whole-wheat toast with peanut butter
  • fruit (I like to have a banana before a strength training workout) 
  • yogurt 

Also, make sure that you are staying hydrated before, during and after your workout. I drink a PRE-WORKOUT DRINK by Beachbody to help give me energy (without getting any jitters!). "It has key ingredients to buffer lactic acid buildup, and delay exercise induced muscle fatigue, improve performance and help push to max intensity." My DURING WORKOUT DRINK, HYDRATE by Beachbody is for workouts that are longer than 30 minutes. "It is specially formulated for all-out performance with an optimal balance of carbs, electrolytes, and water that quickly replaces what's lost and improves endurance so you can workout out longer and feel better." And after my workout, I enjoy a nice cup of water just to make sure I am staying hydrated enough. Followed by a protein based meal or shake, like Shakeology within an hour after my workout to help my muscle repair and build.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free daily advice, support, motivation, encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Are you following my INSTAGRAM yet? Check out my stories and feed to see how I fit a healthy lifestyle into my busy mom life!

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