Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Friday, June 30, 2017

End Of The Month Assessment

It's the last day of the month, wow...already!?!? It's time to look back at your goals for the month. Are you at those goals you set on June 1 or not quite yet? I personally am not quite there yet...again! (nutrition...has been my downfall! More on that later.) But I know where I need to improve on that. Think about your goals you want to accomplish next month and come up with a plan on what you can do to reach those goals.

Think of this as your end of the month assessment. But the great thing is, new month, tomorrow, and a whole new fresh start! But here is the thing...if you don't change what you allow, everything will continue.

Take the time now to figure out what happened this month, where you rocked and where you can improve. Then come up with a plan on what you can do this next month so that you reach your goals. Meal planning. Exercise planning. Daily affirmations. Daily action steps to help you stay motivated and on track.

Make a list of your goals and what the heck you are going to do to reach them for the month. And check back to it often during the next 30 days to help drive you to keep going. To make better choices. The more you look at that list the more you will get determined to keep going! It about staying on track. It's about feeling better. It's about taking care of you in the end.
Ready to get unlimited access to workouts that help you reach your goals? With over 600 workouts, and a brand new program being released July 12, he time is now to get your membership! Send me a message and let's get you hooked up!

Or click the links below to order and I will contact you!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, info tips and support in my FREE online community + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Guest Blog Posts at KickAss Healthy Moms

I had the opportunity to write a guest blog post. Check it out for my story and the 5 steps I have taken to help me live a healthy lifestyle change!


Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, info tips and support in my FREE online community + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Healthy Fats For The Win!

Say it with me, "HEALTHY FATS ARE GOOD!" I grew up thinking fat was fat, no matter if it was considered good or bad. And fat was BAD. But that is not the case. There are bad fats that we want to and should be avoiding and there are good fats that our body needs!

Fats slow down food absorption which helps you feel fuller longer. Fat acts as the reserve energy source for when you need more fuel to burn while working out. They also help to regulate many of the body's hormones plus help to absorb the vitamins and nutrients from the food that you eat.

There are Healthy Fats Saturated fats and Trans fats.

Healthy good fats: Can have daily
Veggie oils
Fish (salmon especially)
Nuts and nut butters (no added sugar)
Olive oil

Saturated Fats: In moderation
Meat (fatty meats, poultry with the skin)
Butter, lard
Egg yolks
Whole milk
Coconut oil

Trans Fats: Only occasionally
Cakes, cookies
Packaged foods (including snacks)
Fried foods
Margarine or butter alternatives
And anything with "Hydrogenated ______" in the ingredients list, avoid.
This is why I use my chart of approved foods I can eat. Not only does it help me know what foods I am allowed to eat but I also have a clear and easy way to follow how much of each type of fat I can have.

Do not be scared of healthy fats! BE SCARED of anything that says, fat free, diet or sugar free. When I do eat healthy fats, like yogurt, cheese and milk, I aim for full fat. Fat free, diet or sugar free are generally products that have been over processed, use additives or use chemicals as a replacement for sugars. Think aspartame instead of regular sugar. When in doubt, go full out. We have whole milk in our house. 4% cottage cheese. Full fat yogurt and cheese. The key though, is in moderation. I personally don't eat a lot of dairy but I want to make sure that my kids are getting the right kinds of healthy fats and no other chemicals or additives.
Remember: It is okay to have a sweet or treat on occasion and GUILT FREE! If you are eating healthy most of the time, having a dessert once a week will not derail your results. It will keep you sane! But you have to be honest about it and remember only 1 time, not every day.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, info tips and support in my FREE online community + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Believe In Yourself

For years I knew what i wanted but never really thought I could reach my goals. Am I at my goals right now? Nope, not yet. I'm a work in progress. And the key word is YET! I am working every day to reach my goals. It isn't easy. And I have good days and bad days just like anyone else. It doesn't just happen, as much as I want it to. You have to get your stuff together to MAKE it happen.

The key is TO BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Then...

Eat better
Love yourself as you are

Think about it...The last time you were on your journey and you stopped exercising or eating better, why? You stopped believing in you and the progress you were making and the plan you were on/what you were doing. But you HAVE TO believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, you aren't going to eat better. You won't exercise. You won't put your heart into it. And you are still going to see yourself in a negative way. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Because as hard as you have tried, you can still reach your goals. Never give up on what you want. It is there, but you have to believe that you can reach your goals!

I struggled for years to truly see myself as I am and to love who I was. I would think and tell myself that I was fat, and ugly. It wasn't until I finally dug deep and focused my energy on building my self confidence, happiness, self love, joy in my life, self respect and learning positive body image and finally forgave myself that I finally was able to let my walls down and learned how amazing I really was. Do you struggle with loving yourself as you are right? Check out my Love Yourself Fit: 7 Ways to Love Yourself Fit ebook with my tips to help you learn to love yourself as you are right now!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, info tips and support in my FREE online community + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Monday, June 26, 2017

EXERCISE: How To Get Results In 30 Minutes

I am a busy mom of 3 kids. I have said it before. It was even implied today at the store that I wouldn't have time to do other things because I am too busy with my kids, you can watch that video over on FACEBOOK HERE. And because I am busy, I choose to do 30 minute workouts at MAX EFFORT. Gone are the days of just going through the motion and using lighter weights. Now, I work for the body that I want.

I used to think that I had to exercise for 2 hours a day to lose weight. I was literally doing 2 hours of the elliptical a day 8 years ago. But that isn't the case. At all. Not if you are giving it your all and actually pushing yourself, and WORKING. You can do just 30 minutes a day of exercise.

30 Minutes Of Effective Exercise WORKS!

Just think about. If you did 30 minutes on the treadmill of walking at 2.8 speed for 30 minutes compared to doing interval training at a 30 second run and 1.5 minute fast walk, which is going to make you feel more out of breath? Which one did you work more towards. Don't get me wrong. Walking is great. If you love walking, great. But I am talking about the max effort to GET your results in your timeline.

Sure, we all have days where we drag and just don't want to do it, but you still need to do it as best as you can even on those days.
Key Things To Do In Your Next workout: 

Try before you modify: 
Make sure you are trying the move before you modify, unless you have preexisting injuries. If you are just getting into exercise or have been away for awhile. Try the move at least once to see where your starting point is. YOU MUST USE CORRECT FORM THOUGH. Don't strain yourself though. If you can't get into the move, modify for sure. But it is best to try before you modify. You might be surprised that you can do 5 jump squats when you didn't even think you could do 1!

Take your effort up a notch: 
If you have been doing the same workout for 3 weeks and you are still doing the same move at the same speed it is time to take it up a notch. Increase your weight. Or go just a hair faster. Jump higher. Whatever you have to do to take it up a notch.

Do Just 1 More:
Ever week do just 1 more rep than you did the week prior. This helps you see and feel how much stronger and better you are getting. And it is causing you to make progress in your workouts instead of just staying stuck at what you have done before.

Aim To Sweat:
If you are aiming to be sweating by the end of your workout then that means you worked your heart. And increased your heart rate. THAT IS GOOD! I have heard people don't want to sweat while exercising because they don't like to sweat or have to go back to work. Go on a walk and get a short little bit in but...It should be a fast walk and if not, then it might be time to find another time to do a more higher intensity exercise. You want to reach your goals right? Then you have to work for it! Your heart rate should go up a little bit and by doing that your body is exerting and will start to perspire to help cool you off. Even bit of sweat you drop is that much closer to reaching the body you want. Don't back off on what you are doing just because of a little sparkle!

Believe In You:
Believe that you can actually do the workout or actual exercise. Burpees, I hate them. Just like everyone else. They are hard. They spike my heart rate like CRAZY! And often I will modify before I try because I know what they do to me...But not anymore. My goal is to always do one full out. Then the next time I have them do 2 and so forth. I can no longer be stuck. I know I can do this and I know that I can work my body. Time to start believing it!

Want results you have to do something every day to get them. That means you have to workout 4-5 times a week. Think of it as your job (it can be by the way. Through coaching just like me! Have questions? Send me an EMAIL!) . Think of it as part of your everyday chore. How ever you have to think about it but you have to do it everyday. Just here and there isn't going to work anymore. It has to be on a regular basis.
Ready to make a complete lifestyle change and rock your goals and results in just 30 days? Be sure to get my 30 Days To A Healthy Lifestyle Change Workbook to help you learn the tricks to make a true and lasting lifestyle change!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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