Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Monday, July 4, 2016

Thank You! Celebrating 100,000+ Pageviews

And just like that, has hit 6 digits in it's all time page view history! Less than 3 years ago I started this blog. I remember when I was celebrating my first 20 page views and then my first 1,000 page views. I honestly didn't think anyone was going to be reading anything I had to say. But through being consistent and helping others, my blog has started to take off, and it is all because of you reading it! YOU ARE AMAZING! It has transformed a lot over the last 3 years and I am so proud of the blog that it has become! 

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! for following along and sharing with your friends and family! I hope that I can continue to inspire and help others out there finally connect the dots to their fitness, health and life and help women live a fit and healthy life!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey today! 

Red, White and Beautiful 4th of July Workout

Ready to get your grilling on??? Before you go eat tons of yummy healthy grilled foods check out this easy workout for you to do today to start the day HEALTHY! ENJOY! 
Hoping you have a safe and healthy Independence Day for those of you who celebrate it! Today we are grilling with friends and I'm brining the desserts! I'm bringing 2, why not?!? I'm taking my stuffed strawberries and this awesome, much healthier option for the kiddos to enjoy! A skewered fruit flag! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey today! 

Friday, July 1, 2016

New Monthly Goals

Just because it is July doesn't mean you can't reach your summer goals! I love new months because you can set new goals no matter what they are! Take some time today to make some goals on what you want to accomplish this month. Need help in how to set goals? Check out HOW TO MAKE SMART GOALS HERE

Go on a hike every weekend. Lose that muffin top. Go on a walk 5 days a week. Eat healthy unprocessed meals 5 days a week for the whole month. Anything. Make goals, write them down, look at them everyday and STICK TO IT! 

Want everyday accountability, motivation and support? Join me in our Junk FREE July group this month. I want you if you are finally ready to reach your goals! FILL OUT THIS APPLICATION to let me know you are ready to get started! 
Daily reminder tip to reach your goals: 

Each morning remind yourself. What am I going to do today to reach my goal or be one step close to my goal! 

Comment below with one goal you want to accomplish this month!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Cream Cheese Stuffed Strawberries

One of my favorite little treats to make for my family are these awesome and totally yummy stuffed strawberries! But because there is cream cheese in it, I can only eat them occasionally. Since I follow the 80/20 clean eating rule. So any patriotic holiday I treat my whole family with these yummy popper size desserts where 1 is just not enough! Recipe below!

Cream Cheese Stuffed Strawberries

1 package fresh strawberries
8 oz block of cream cheese, room temperature
1/4 cup confectioner's sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp almond extract


1. Remove the stems from the strawberries, and using a melon baller or 1/4 tsp, scoop out a hole from the top of each strawberry, you can also splice down the sides to make it split open like a star. Cut a small part of the bottom of the strawberry to create a flat surface for the strawberries to stand on.

2. Mix together the cream cheese, confectioner's sugar, vanilla extract and almond extract until light and fluffy.

3. Transfer the cream cheese mixture to a piping bag, I like using a star tip, and pipe the filling into each of the prepped strawberries. top each cream cheese with a blueberry. Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes-1 hour for the cream cheese to set if taking to an outdoor event.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey today! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Bump Update: 28 Weeks

This week has been so hard. I have technically been a single mom for the past two and a half weeks. Just me and the kids and little to none outside communication besides Facebook and blogging. Matt has been out of town for work and military. I had a huge stress breakdown at church, in public, on Sunday. That was no fun! but I was thankful for the break I got sending the kids to nursery or class. Plus my heightened emotions and hormones didn't help much. I kept telling the other moms: "WHAT WERE WE THINKING! ADDING ANOTHER ONE?" My biggest fear came to pass at church. I was outnumbered with kids that weren't behaving and it was hard. The hardest thing I have been thinking about this whole pregnancy is the fact that we are going to be outnumbered. How do we do that? Anyways, it was nice to remember that I have friends here wanting to help me. 
YAY! For the 3rd trimester. I want to say the last trimester but it isn't. Since there is a 4th trimester too, after baby comes. But the last trimester before Elyse arrives! Normally for me these last 12 weeks go by a little slower. But we have some fun things coming up in our family that we are looking forward to! Mason's birthday, family vacation, school starting. Hoping that those things help make the time go by more quickly. (the past couple of weeks has really dragged by!) 
Total Weight Gain: 15.5 pounds total weighing in at 253.0 pounds. 

Symptoms: HEARTBURN! Lack of sleeping well. Still have to take 1 nap to make it through the day And round ligament pain from my pulled ligament I injured during my last pregnancy. Feeling HOT all the time! Oh and FEELING HUGE already! 
Baby’s Size: Cauliflower (~16 inches inches, 2.5 pounds)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy!
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones.
Gender: GIRL!!! 
Sleep: HORRIBLE! I have heartburn like crazy at night, so I am sleeping propped up. That is no fun and not very comfy for me. I have been tossing and turning trying to get comfy too, and I have restless leg syndromeI have been falling asleep to my hypnobirthing. And I am sleeping like a rock when I do that. Plus she is starting to move at night more and it wakes me up, or when I flip over it wakes her and she kicks me to tell me to go back to sleep. She is a feisty one! 
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Nope. I did enjoy a ton of Rainer cherries the other day, those were AMAZING! 
Aversions: Nope. But sweets taste too sweet for me, so I can only handle a little at a time.
Excited About: 3rd Trimester! TODAY is day 1 of 3rd trimester. YAY! I'm super excited for my hubs to get back home. 3 weeks without him is hard! This momma needs some me time which I am getting on Saturday, thankfully! Oh, and I have an ultrasound this coming Tuesday! It should be my last one. The doc who does my ultrasounds said "since you are close to the magic number you get an extra ultrasound at 28 weeks!" Ugh, just another reminder that I am turning 35 this year. Doesn't seem possible but I am! (did you know I was almost 35?) 
Workouts: AWFUL this week! I only got in 3 days this past week. I had planned on doing my regular Workouts which included: 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity and Diary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts in daily. We have done most of the walks this week though. With Matt being gone I need to get the boy's energy out so they go to bed when I need them to! 
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!
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