Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February Book Club

Book club! Love doing these because, I LOVE READING! Each day I start my day with reading and end it too! It is one of my must do things during my day.

Ok two awesome books as usual going on here!

So for book 1:
Fearless & Fabulous: 10 Powerful Strategies for Getting Anything You Want in Life by Cara Alwill Leyba ---- Bonus! It is FREE with Kindle Unlimited! 

What would you do if you weren't afraid? Imagine waking up every day knowing the world is literally at your perfectly manicured fingertips? Imagine living in a reality dripping with glittering opportunity and lush experiences at every turn? Imagine having the intuition to know how to handle every situation with total grace and discernment? I'm going to let you in on a secret: that life exists right at the edge of your comfort zone. And it's available to you once you learn to become fearless. Fear can be responsible for changing your life – for better or for worse. If fear persists, you run the risk of missing out on some of the greatest experiences life has to offer. If you can overcome your fears, you open yourself up to a world beyond your wildest imagination. A fearless and fabulous woman is someone who recognizes her desires, has the confidence to chase her dreams, and believes that everything is possible. She does not believe in the word “failure.” She redefines it. To the fearless and fabulous woman, a “failure” is just a signal that she needs to change her course and try a new way of doing something. She thinks positively, takes consistent action toward her goals, and never gives up. This book will help you cultivate the qualities that every fearless and fabulous woman possesses. It will arm you with ten powerful strategies that will help you overcome your fears and live the extraordinary life you’re meant to live. It will encourage you to challenge old ways of thinking and kick the status quo to the curb (in your most gorgeous pair of Jimmy Choos, of course!) So put your worries aside and dust off those dreams, sister. You are about to become fearless and fabulous!

Book 2: 

That is what SUCCESS Publisher Darren Hardy set out on a mission to discover.
What he found was startling. All the previously reported reasons and assumptions for the failure rate (capital, location, credit, inventory management, and competition) were wrong.
Failure was not due to outside factors--they were internal. They weren't economic--they were emotional. The unexpected and terrifying emotional roller coaster an entrepreneur experiences is the greatest factor in why most quit and ultimately fail.
The Entrepreneur Roller Coaster: Why Now Is The Time To #JoinTheRide, will prepare you for the wild ride of entrepreneurship. It will warn you (of forthcoming fears, doubts, and the self-defeating conditioning of your upbringing and past), inoculate you (from the naysayers, dream-stealers, and pains of rejection and failure), and guide you (as you build those under-developed skills of independence, self-motivation, and self-accountability) safely past the land mines that blow up and cause the failure of 66 percent of all new businesses.
You will learn the best strategies Darren has ever collected from the most successful people on the planet, covering the four essential skills necessary for entrepreneurial success: Sales, Recruiting, Leadership, and Productivity.
This book is for you if:
You've dreamed of having your own business but have a fear of the unknown.
You've stayed on the sidelines of entrepreneurship, not knowing what to expect or what to do.
You're already on board as an entrepreneur, but you want to ensure you re a success and not a statistic.


Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 28 Day Push-Up Challenge

Say bye-bye to that arm jiggle! Seriously! Wanna try a 28 day push up challenge for February? Great way to help build up your upper body strength! This is still my most popular monthly workout so, let's do it again! Who's with me? Check out the calendar below!

Want more workouts ideas? Click HERE!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Pregnancy After Miscarriage or Loss

So here I am, pregnant again. I wish I could be over joyed and happy about it. Honestly I wish I could. But sadly my feelings of this pregnancy have been, denial, fear, anger, frustration, sadness. I don't think I have really celebrated the fact that I am expecting yet. I mean, I can't even say "I'm pregnant," out loud. It's been, "another one is on the way." or, "we're expecting, again." but inside. yeah. I am scared. I am scared Sh**less! That's the truth. I am trying not to let my feelings run me. Or trying to let my fears overcome me. I have been reading a lot of positive books to help me just have faith, and hope, and confidence that this will work.

These feelings are real. They are true. And I can almost guarantee that any woman who has gone through a miscarriage (and knew about it) or a loss has felt these feelings one time or another when they found out they were expecting again. It is so hard to get excited for something that can easily just disappear. It is so hard to want to open yourself back up for the possibility to be broken hearted again. I literally had a cry fest and lost it when I was in my docs office. Because I told him I was so scared for the same thing to happen to me again. I didn't and don't want to go through that again, nor do I want to almost lose my life again.

If you have friends who have gone through a miscarriage or loss, they might not tell you until they are much further along about the fact that they are expecting. I only did, because of what I do. And honestly, I hate having to cover up how my workouts have been suffering  because I am exhausted, or I am so sick to my stomach. So for me it was only natural to let everyone know so early. Plus, we really feel it is important to honor every pregnancy no matter how long because it took us so long to get pregnant. It truly is a blessing that I can get pregnant naturally now.

If you have friends who are pregnant again, support them. Be excited for them. Because they are scared. They need someone strong for them, to believe that everything is going to be ok, even though they don't believe it themselves. Talk with them. Encourage them to get out, exercise, eat healthy. Not to stay in. Because that can cause them to reflect on their pregnancy and former loss. Oh and yes, encourage them to go on a walk with you, or ask about exercise. Because they are not going to want to for fear that they are going to cause another miscarriage. The best thing they can do for themselves and baby, is to be as healthy as possible. I honestly believe, since this is now my 6th pregnancy, that if it is meant to happen, it will happen. There is nothing that I can do to stop a miscarriage.

For me I am just trying to take each day as it goes. Praying that I make it one more day and that the little soul inside of me is developing perfectly. That all will go well, and that we will get to meet our new baby in about 8 months from now.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Fit and Healthy Pregnancy #3

I can't keep secrets you guys! And the reason why I haven't really blogged in the last 2 weeks is because I had a huge secret that I wanted to tell you about and I wasn't ready to spill the beans quite yet. Well, I am ready now!

BABY #3 IS On Its Way, Again!!!! And with the same due date as my last pregnancy. Weird huh!

To be honest with you, we thought I was broken. My cycles have been so off since the miscarriage. Never regular and all over the place. We didn't think I could get pregnant again. Matt even scheduled a deployment so that we could save some $$ to pay for fertility treatment again, just to get pregnant. Apparently we don't need to do that anymore!

I have been in major denial, sad, angry, confused. I haven't let myself really be happy yet. And that is ok, considering what I went through last year. I didn't even want to share the news this quickly either. What if it happens again? But you know what? Every pregnancy is a miracle. Every pregnancy is a blessing. And I should know as it took us 8 years to get our first positive test after years of trying! So regardless of what happens. I still want to celebrate and honor this and every pregnancy. The main thing I am doing right now is trying to be as healthy as possible for me and the baby. So here we go again! Another fit and healthy pregnancy to share with all of you! Hope you enjoy the journey!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Celebrate Your Small Victories

If you have been working hard on a new workout plan this month, or started a new workout schedule, CELEBRATE how far you have come this month! We made it! CELEBRATE that fact. That you stuck with your goals and challenge! That is a lot! And that is the step in the right direction to changing your lifestyle. To helping you get stronger physically and mentally. I am hoping that by today you are noticing the difference in your endurance and strength. Can you believe how far you have actually come since you started? Crazy how fast your body actually does adapt. 

It is totally great to celebrate the fact with how far you have come. I celebrate all non scale victories. Take the time to celebrate the small things in your journey. Because all of these little celebrations will add up to huge results and HUGE CELEBRATIONS! Be proud of the fact that you stuck with something. That you did this! So celebrate! Tell all your friends what you accomplished. Tell them that you did a plank for x amount of minutes, or that you ran 1 mile, or that you were able to survive an entire Zumba class, or that you made it through Chisel Agility without feeling like you were going to die. Share with the world because you can help to inspire someone who might be struggling in their journey. You never know who you can inspire. How awesome would it be if your friend told you, ”Because of you I didn’t give up!” Believe me, it will make your day! And you are sharing it forward! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Snow Day Activities For Young Kids

We are officially snowed in! YEP! Thanks a lot Jonas! But we are loving every minute of it. We are trying out some fun snowed in activities to keep the kids occupied and happy, without going over our allotted tablet/tv time. That means getting a little creative. So here are some fun activities we are trying out!

Schedule a Neighborhood Play Date
Go out when everyone is out. We had a fun time sledding in our neighbors yard yesterday with quite a few neighbors we haven't seen in awhile! Mason was quite upset when it was time to say good-bye. That just means he had so much fun! 

Whip up Snow Cones
After playing in the snow with the kids, gather up clean, freshly fallen snow and bring it inside. Divide it into cups and pour lemon juice and a little sugar or some fruit juice over each and you and the kids can enjoy some healthy homemade snow cones. For an even more fun recipe click here.

Build a Living Room Campsite
Kids love when their parents flip normal household routines upside down. Creating a campsite in the living room is the perfect way to take them by surprise! Turn out the lights, wear PJs, bust out the sleeping bags or fun blankets and sit around telling stories. If you don't have a tent, be creative and build a fort using blankets, couch cushions and pillows. Oh and stock up on some marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers for snow day s'mores.

Craft an Indoor Snowman
You don't always have to freeze outside to build a snowman -- be creative and make one using marshmallows, or cotton balls. Outline a snowman on construction paper and trace glue around each circle. Place mini marshmallows or cotton balls onto the glue. Add details with other materials from around the house. Grab scraps of felt for his hat or yarn for his scarf and color in his face with markers or dried food products. When he's dry, the kids can name and hang him up in the house. 

Snow themed Coloring Books
Have a grandparent in another part of the country. Have the kids color snow-themed coloring pages and mail them to the grandparents to let them know that you were thinking of them on your snowy days! Google free printable coloring pages for TONS of options! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Friday, January 22, 2016

9 Tips To Transitioning Your Family To Clean Eating

Often times it is us mom's who want to change our diet. What is that old saying, when mom is on a diet, we all are! So true. But here is the thing. I remember always fussing and complaining about the change of foods growing up. So here are my 9 tips to help transition your family into eating a more healthy clean diet. 

1) Start slow if you need to. Rather than trying to make a big change all at once or eliminating all their favorite foods, start by adding in the healthy stuff. Before you know it, some of the unhealthy choices are being crowded out. 

2) Make changes to the meals you already enjoy. Clean eating doesn’t mean you can never eat things your kids love like pizza and spaghetti.  Just make healthy swaps. Whole grain pita for the crust, low sugar pizza sauce (or make your own) and loads of veggies.  My kids love spaghetti, so I use whole wheat or brown rice noodles and sauce without added sugar.  Is it completely clean? No, but remember the 80/20 rule. 
3) Encourage your kids to add a fruit or vegetable to every meal. I find if I let them pick something out at the grocery store, they are excited about eating it.  

4) Meal prep on the weekend for the upcoming week. I try to cook a large batch of chicken breasts for the upcoming week in the crockpot, then shred and freeze it.  I am going to start pre-cook lean hamburger and ground turkey. We love Mexican food, so I often cook salsa chicken or baked chicken fajitas so we have meat ready to add to tacos, burritos, salads, etc. I make oatmeal and a large baked omelet so there are healthy breakfast options available to reheat. 
5) Add extra veggies to everything. Casseroles are easy to sneak them in, but you can also add them to most sauces, smoothies, meatloaf, etc. 
6) To save money, buy things in bulk. Also, since meat is expensive, I often replace half the meat in a recipe with quinoa. It’s still high protein and makes your grocery budget stretch further.  

7) Don’t fall into the trap of making one meal for your family and a separate clean meal for you. I often add something to the meal that I know my family will like even if it’s something I may not eat.  
8) Educate yourself and your family as you make these changes so you know WHY you’re doing it. Help them see it’s not just “another new diet,” but a lifelong plan to keep them strong and healthy.  

9) Most important of all. Don’t stress. You’ll get the hang of it, and soon you’ll be surprised how much your family loves it.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

6 Tips To Eat Clean While Eating Out

Here are my tips to eating clean while eating out! It can be so hard,and so tempting to just eat what you want, why not! You are eating out, and we only do that every now and then. So when you are going out, here are my 6 tips to keep me on point for the day! 

1) Find local restaurants that have healthier options. Farm to table restaurants are amazing!

2) It is ok to ask what is used to prepare a meal or what ingredients are used

3) Look online to view menu options and nutritional information and plan ahead

4) Pay attention to portions. Don’t be afraid to eat half of your meal and take the rest home for lunch

5) Ask for healthier options. Most restaurants will be happy to cater to your needs

6) Eat a salad before your main meal, but be cautious of unhealthy dressings. Oil and vinegar dressings are usually a safe bet.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free daily advice, support, motivation, encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Are you following my INSTAGRAM yet? Check out my stories and feed to see how I fit a healthy lifestyle into my busy mom life!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Clean Eating Does Not Have To Be Expensive!

The biggest complaint I have about someone starting to eat clean or organic is: But Isn’t It Expensive?

Eating real whole foods does not have to be expensive! You buy what you can eat and not more. And you make the intention that you ARE going to eat what you buy. I can easily get a haul of fresh fruit and veggies at a really low cost. Shop at smaller stores, like Trader Joe’s. Or go to Costco and freeze what you don't eat in the week. I often hear the excuse that eating healthy is expensive. I do keep some thing at the house to always have and to munch on or use for meals (such as beans $.80/can — chicken breast ~$2/lb — brown rice ~$3/bag — quinoa ~$3/bag — frozen veggies and fruit ~$2/bag) and this stuff normally lasts a while.
Here are a few tips to help keep the cost lower when making that change to buying organic or "clean foods":

  • Keep it super simple
  • Make a plan
  • Buy ingredients that can be used multiple times
  • Stock up on staples
  • Make your own dressings
  • Season and prepare your own food
  • Stick to the outer perimeter of the store
  • Freeze portions to prevent waste. Freeze fruit and veggies too!
  • Try new things
  • Drink water…it costs way less than sugary beverages
  •  Decide where you will spend the extra money on organic foods. Organic milk, grass fed meats, organic eggs, or organic produce.
  • Not everything has to be organic, but generally for produce, if it has a soft exterior it should be organic.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Always Read The Ingredients List

I attended a couple of discussions this past weekend about health and wellness. One thing is very clear. DO NOT GET ALL CAUGHT UP WITH THE FRONT OF BOXES AND SUCH! One of the most overwhelming things out there is going to the store and looking at foods that say, "Whole grains!" "LOW FAT!" "HEALTHY" These are all marketing strategies used to get you to buy what might look healthy on the front. Which is exactly why cereal companies and "health foods" spend so much on on marketing. 

I get it. Eating healthy, or organic foods is more expensive. But here is one thing you can do in the grocery store on a tight budget to ensure that you are getting the best food for you and your family! 

Read The Ingredients, not just the nutrition facts but the INGREDIENTS! 

The ingredients are the most important thing you need to know about your food. Big companies spend MILLION of dollars to advertise their products to you, and there is a lot of false advertising going on! Skip to the labels, calories and nutrition facts and go straight there. No of that matters if you are putting harmful materials into your body. 

Here are my two biggest tips: 

If you don’t recognize it or can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it!

Try to stick to food that is in its whole state (ex. fruit/vegetables) or food that has just a few ingredients. Make sure they are ingredients you recognize.
Which one would you choose? 
Avoid anything that is labeled low-fat, fat-free, or diet!

When the fat is taken out of food it becomes “bland” so most fat free, low fat or reduced fat foods are filled with processed fillers, chemicals, or artificial flavors to replace it. These can be harmful to the body.
Take the time to read the ingredients. The more you do it the more familiar you will get with it and it will become easier. Boxed foods are the biggest culprit so make sure to look closely and carefully! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! 
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