Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen: How To Gain Daily Motivation To Exercise In 4 Easy Steps

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

How To Gain Daily Motivation To Exercise In 4 Easy Steps

Are you wondering how someone, like me, has the motivation to exercise daily? I get asked, "How do you have the motivation to exercise daily?" After they have been watching my Instagram account. In truth, I didn't in the beginning. I mean beyond the excitement of starting a new program and before the soreness from said new program set in. I was just like anyone else who just wanted to sleep in, or catch up on watching last night's episode of The Bachelor. But what really changed my game was picking a time every day and sticking with it.

This was my big GAME CHANGER!

1) I carved out a time in my everyday for just that 30 minute workout.
2)  I planned out my workouts on Sunday night so I knew exactly what I was doing every day.
3)  I set up an alarm on my phone to remind me.
4)  I reminded myself first thing in the morning and had it in the back of my head that at 12:30pm I was going to work out.

MAKE IT A POINT NOT TO SCHEDULE ANYTHING DURIG THIS TIME! For me it coincided with my kids mandatory quiet time. Win Win! Me time and quiet time all wrapped up in one. And the more I was consistent with sticking to that time the easier it got every day.

STICK WITH YOUR SCHEDULE! Do the work when you planned on doing it and stick with it. You are your most important appointment you have all day!

Now a year later, exercise is part of my daily habit just as much as brushing my teeth is. My day actually feels off when I don't exercise because my body and my mind need those happy making endorphins in  my system. Even just last week, I took some extended rest from exercising because I pulled my achilles tendon, and I started to suffer from my depression. Exercising helps me function better, be a better mom and be able to handle the stress of the day a little easier. I make it a goal to workout at at least 5 days a week depending on which program I'm following.

My workout time has change to earlier in the day, because honestly, I started making excuses why I couldn't workout at 12:30, and it was becoming more difficult to get myself to do it. So I moved it to earlier in the day. Technically my new workout time at 7:15 am is more inconvenient because I have at least 1 child around and I only have a little wiggle time before I have to get my second son off to school. But, having a small of time kind of makes me focus harder and get the job done instead of blowing it off until later.

In the end, you have to make time daily to get your workout in, commit to doing it and actually do your workout at that time, and do it consistently and before you know it, it will be part of your normal every day life. A big help for me was following the hottest workout on the market right now, 80 Day Obsession. It's a 6 workouts a week program that were filmed in real time and with a total of 80 separate workouts to follow. It comes with a complete meal plan that tells you exactly what to eat, exactly how much to eat and when to eat to help you not only lose fat but totally change your body shape. Check out this link to learn more about it! This is my BEST PICK to get you what you need to be successful! And if you do decide to opt in, you not only get access to over 700 workouts, exclusive trainer tips, meal plans and the healthy cooking show, but you get to work with me directly to help you reach your goals in my exclusive groups! Any questions you can always send me a message on Facebook or email me!

Stay consistent. And trust your gut that you can do this! Because you can!

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