Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2017 Year End Review

2017 I set some big goals that I really wanted to accomplish. Some of them I accomplished, some of them I wasn't able to do and others I hadn't fulfilled by the end of the year.

Goals I set for 2017:
Check out what I rocked for the year! Some things I have moved to my 2018 goals, like getting my NASM Personal Training Certification. I believe that there is a LOT of power in writing down, and envisioning  your goals to help inspire and motivate you to move towards them. Do you have goals you want to set for 2018? Spend some time today and write them down, or make a vision board. Keep your paper or vision board in a place you can see your goals. Make a deadline for as many as you can so that you have a specific date you are working towards. Write it on your calendar. And EVERY DAY do something that will get you one step closer to your goals.

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy and HEALTHY 2018!

HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU GUYS! Can you believe that it is the year TWO THOUSAND EIGHTEEN! CRAZY!

The greatest thing about a new year, and a new day is that it is a fresh start to be better than you were the previous year. I know many of us have wishes and goals to reach for this year. And many of those goals may even be to reach your goal weight or fitness level. But wishing and hoping will only get you so far. You have to put in the work, consistency and dedication to reach those goals. And when you work so hard, strive every single day and stay focused on what you want, YOU WILL BE UNSTOPPABLE AND REACH WHATEVER GOAL YOU WANT!

Take some time today to write out your goals you want for this year. I believe in the power of writing down your goals to help manifest them. A year ago, I wrote down that I wanted to take my family to Disney World, and in just a couple of weeks, we are going to Disney World. Anything is possible as long as you work for it! Happy new year! I hope that this year is your year to reach your health and fitness goals and that we can get there together! Be sure to join me in my FREE ONLINE COMMUNITY on Facebook! You can go at your own pace in your own workout program but still get daily motivation, info tips and a community to help support you on the way! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Friday, December 29, 2017

You Are NOT Too Fat To Get Fit!

Don't ever let your current starting point stop you from taking that first step in your journey. I used to let this define me. A few years ago I said to myself, "I'll never be able to do that workout. It's too hard." I have been doing that workout this month! AND I LOVE IT! I actually hear all the time, "I'm x amount, I can't do those kinds of exercises!" I am here to tell you, YES YOU CAN!  I am 247 pounds right now. You see me doing my workouts. You see me breaking the stereotype of what can and cannot be done. Here's the thing. You might not right from the get go be able to do some exercises, but eventually, as you are consistent you will be able to do a downward dog split. Or Surrenders with weights. Or a bear crawl. I say these 3 specific exercises because at one point, I told myself, "I will never be able to do that." Take the I can't, or I will Never out of your vocabulary RIGHT NOW! Because sister, you can do anything you put your mind to!

I get it. Exercising as a plus size person is WAY harder than most would believe. I personally have excess belly fat that actually gets in my way doing some exercises. It actually takes a lot of strength to just hold a plank. Getting up and down can be a challenge. I am here to tell you, as a plus size sister, YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR FOR EVEN STARTING! Your body is already way stronger than you think. And doing extra things can be challenging but, you can do them. Follow these simple rules to help you get started, keep going and ultimately reach your goals.

Rule #1: Max Effort of 70% Only! 

Week 1 of your new workout program DO NOT go full out. Do not go the same speed as the people in the program do. DO NOT lift the same weights as they do. Start at your speed, your strengths and just keep going. Aim to give 6-0-70% max effort in all aspects of the workout to allow your body to adjust to what you are doing. This allows you to go at a slower speed, take more rests to catch your breath and to see what your starting point is. Plus you won't be so sore the next day so you will be able to get in your next workout! (Consistency is key!)

Rule #2: Do What You Can For As Long As You Can

Can't do the full 30 minute workout. That's okay. Do what you can for as long as you can. If you have to start with doing just 10 minutes. The goal is to KEEP GOING and DO WHAT YOU CAN! At any time if you feel dizzy or short of breath, pause your video, take a seat and rest for a bit until you feel like you can keep going.

Rule #3: It's A Must To Modify If You Have To

MODIFY the moves only when you have to. Modification is the key when you are first starting. Take now shame in it! But when you feel stronger and are able to move past modifying or can do some of the original move, DO IT! This one still gets me. I still modify because I am still working on my strength in my core, but I also get comfortable not pushing myself as much as I can. Don't let yourself plateau in your progress of your workout. This is part of the reason why I am so excited for 80 Day Obsession. Yes it is an intermediate to advanced workout but...Each workout every day is totally different. It won't allow me to do the same workout over and over and modify the same moves over and over. It will push me to the next level which is exactly what I need a program to do for me.

Rule #4: Use What You Have Already

Use what you have around you if you don't have the equipment. Don't have weights, use soup cans or water bottles. Use your baby (safely. check out this post with how I did my Total Body Workout with my baby) if your baby refuses to be put down. Use toys, use books, use your flour container, use what you have. There are tons in your house that can be used as a weight. Or you can get a single set of weights for a great low price. You don't have to get a full set right away. Get what you can and then build from there.

Rule #5: Listen to your body

If something hurts when you are lunging, don't lunge as deep. If a weight is too much for you, use something smaller. If your body is telling you to rest. REST. Your body doesn't want to get hurt just as much as you don't want to hurt it. Your body will tell you when something is not right. But this is not to be confused with "I'm already feeling sore" If you are sore in your muscles from yesterdays workout, sometimes working out again today will help to loosen those muscles. My mantra, "Super sore, workout more!"

Don't let your current weight, size or shape define what you can and can not do. You are so much stronger than you think you are. Getting started is the first step in your journey. Just take that first step! Need support and help along the way? Be sure to join my FREE online Community for daily motivation, tips and info to help you out! The new year starts Monday. This is your year! 

// YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE! // Only 18 days until the launch of the new program that is going to totally change my body! I’m in serious prep mode now getting ready for it. But just like anyone else I get those doubts in my head, like “I could never do that!” Including this move with the floor sliders and even just push ups. But look at me now. It’s time to cut off those “I can’ts” or “I could never” excuses. Because you can do anything. It just takes consistent work to build up to harder moves. And before you know it. You will be stronger and more capable then you ever thought possible! If you want to join me on this 80 Day journey, msg me and let’s chat! 1:1 coaching with me and an Exclusive group to help you succeed! We can do this! . . . #workout #wod #exercise #fitness #plussize #plussizefitness #weightloss #weightlissjourney #mombod #lowerbody #aaa #strongbod #fitfam #mom #momlife #strongmom #selflove #goaldogger #alittleobsessed #alo #believeinyou #womenwhoinspire #ginger #fitginger #fitnotfat #learntobeobsessed #challenge #workoutvideo #fitmom #bbg
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Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Reclaim The Right Mindset To Rock Your Goals

Exercising daily and eating right are just a couple parts of the battle to losing weight. I used to think that the only way to lose weight was to exercise more and eat less. But. A huge part of your success to not only reach your goals but to maintain them is all about your MINDSET! If you want lasting results, you have to change how you think about yourself and your relation to food and exercise.

Check out my top 3 picks to help you have a rockstar mindset and to help you lose weight and keep it off! 

HOW TO BUILD SELF-DISCIPLINE TO EXERCISE: Practical Techniques and Strategies to Develop a Lifetime Habit Of Exercise


THE GODDESS REVOLUTION: Make Peace With Food, Love Your Body and Reclaim Your Life


Not sure which one to start with? Pick the one that you struggle with the most right now. Then make it a goal to read all of these this next year. Just think, how amazing your mindset will be after you read all of these books!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Your Weight Loss Journey: Make This Time Different

What makes this time different in your weight loss journey? YOU HAVE ACCESS TO ME! In the past have you tried to go it alone? Have you picked a program, gone in stronger but lost interest or motivation within a few weeks? Have you struggled to stay on track with your eating? Do you struggle with wanting to exercise daily?

Did you have someone cheering you on, providing motivation or support to help you along the way? This is one of the reasons why I  know I have been successful. I have online communities to help me. I have women working on the same things I want. And we are working TOGETHER!
You don't have to go this alone. JOIN my FREE ONLINE COMMUNITY with daily motivation and tips to help you along the way as you work at your own pace.

Want to take it a step further and get 1:1 coaching with me to get the support you need and have always wanted? Plus get access to the BEST programs available. Meal plans, nutrition guides, learn portion sizes to help you lose weight. Plus get the support from the women my exclusive group  who are SERIOUS and DETERMINED to reach their goals because they invested in their health and fitness journey with the best products. EMAIL ME and let's chat to find the best program that fits your lifestyle and goals!

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey! Don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK!
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