Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Beginning Walking or Running Tips

I was up early before the sun this morning with my Shakeology in hand to help volunteer at our local Woman's 4 Miler Training Program! It is a program that helps women of all levels train for our 4 miler race in just 11 weeks! Have you been looking into getting into a new walking or running routine? Check out these 5 tips to help you get started the right way, to avoid frustration, pain and injury! 



Do not plan on running 3 miles on your very first day. Not only is it not safe, but you are setting yourself up for injury and frustration. You will be sore the next day and not want to run/walk the next few days while you recovery from your run. If you haven't walked/ran in a long time (months) Start with half a mile or whatever feels comfortable! 


Start small in speed. It is totally ok to walk too! Do not expect to be running at a 6 minute mile when you are untrained. YOU WILL GET INJURED! Start with a warm up walking, then do your half a mile or mile at a faster speed and don't forget to cool down taking things back to a slower speed. YOU NEED TO WARM UP AND COOL DOWN YOUR BODY! A 6 minute mile and a 15 minute mile is still 1 mile. The fact that you are doing anything is awesome! Just get up and do it! 


It is the summer time and things get hot fast. As hard as it is to wake up early, WAKE UP EARLY! The earlier the better to avoid the heat. General rule of thumb if the heat index (Feels like Temp) is 100+ best to go earlier in the day. Your body will heat up to 15 degrees while running and you do not want to get over heated. 


Don't forget to drink a large glass of water before, during and after you run. You need to stay hydrated while you exercising. Make sure you take water with you so that you don't get dehydrated. 


Find a group of friends to walk/run with and it will be so much more fun! You will want to do it. Come back. And Keep doing it. Bring music, but only use 1 ear bud when walking on the street or sidewalks for safety to you hear cars coming your way. 


Even if you only did half a mile, or not as much as you had planned. TAKE TIME TO STRETCH OUT YOUR BODY! So that you don't get extra sore the next day. It just takes a little time after your run to stretch your body! It is so worth it and the best thing you can do to keep your muscles and body healthy after exercising! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Love To Workout?

How do you see your workout? As a daily chore that has to get done? As a daily rewards/point system? Meaning do your workout and get a treat later? Or as something that you look forward to and love? 

The goal for the mindset for working out needs to be something to look forward to and that you enjoy doing. If you don't enjoy it, excuses happen and exercise will take a backseat. 

As a pregnant momma, there are times that I don't want to workout. I would rather stay in bed, however, I love the way my body feels after I exercise. I love the feeling I get from it. And I love how it is keeping me and my baby healthy. So...I do my workout. Because I love it and what it does for my body. If you don't love the exercise you do, then let's find you something that you can love. 21 Day Fix is my soul mate program. I look forward to doing it because it is fun and even though it is the same thing every week, I DON'T CARE! I love it! It challenges me every time but I feel amazing after! 
How to start working out when you don't want to: 

1) Just start...Often when you get started you don't want to stop
2) Think of your WHY. Why you started your journey in the first place. Let that drive you.
3) Find a fun workout to do. You have to love it to do it.
4) Join a friend. Invite a friend to workout with you, or go with a friend. It is always better when yo have someone to talk to.

So...what workout are you doing today, and do you really love it and love doing it? Need help finding your perfect workout? Let's chat because I am love matching people with their perfect fit program! You can email me here and get started TODAY

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Surviving the Pregnancy Glucose Test

The one test that I am terrified of...THE GLUCOSE TEST! Since I am overweight, and I have PCOS, I am "more likely" or prone to develop diabetes in my lifetime. Or so I have been told by my docs. I have taken 5 glucose tests. 2 before I was pregnant at the very start of our fertility treatment back in 2004. I failed the 1 hour test (I had a cookie before I went in. I didn't really understand what it was for!) And I had to do the 3 hour fasting test. It was awful. I was starving, and my veins kept rolling so they stuck me about 7 times instead of the typical 3. I was covered in bruises on my arms because of the test for weeks! I passed it just fine and was relieved to know that I wasn't any where near being considered pre-diabetic. Turn that to pregnancy though where 1 in 10 women develop Gestational Diabetes and I am still over weight...Needless to say I have been a bit nervous to get my test done! 

Gestational diabetes is a condition in which blood sugar control gets worse during a woman's pregnancy. The test is generally given between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy. The screening test most commonly used in the United States is an initial 50-gram 1-hour glucose challenge test. If the result on the GCT is abnormal (greater than 140 after one hour), the expectant mom will be given a 100-gram 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test. Where the blood is drawn multiple times over a 3 hour period to see how the sugar is absorbed by the body.

My doc gave me a little sheet of paper with the dos and don'ts before the test. So first of all...listen to your doc. All docs are different. Some might have you fast before the 1 hour test, some might not. Do what your doc says. But if you are looking for info with what it is like, or about...keep reading! 

Plus Size Pregnancy Guide To Surviving The Glucose Tolerance Test

What To Expect: 
You will arrive at your doctors office or out patient facility and be given a super sugary drink and then have to wait 1 hour for your blood to be drawn. The drink has different flavors; orange, fruit punch and lime. The office might not have the different flavors to choose from. I have only had the orange flavor and was never offered a choice in flavor. To me it tastes like a flat orange soda from McDonalds. Overly sweetened and just blah. You have 5 minutes to drink the entire drink. I chug it as fast as I can because I just don't like the orange flavor. The other two flavors would be similar to flat Hawaiian punch for the fruit punch and sprite for the lime. 

What to do:

1) EAT
Depending on the test you are taking and If allowed and doc approved. EAT SOMETHING in the morning. I will do whatever I can to make sure that I have my test first thing in the morning so that I don't have to fight any temptations during the day or the foods that I do eat don't affect my levels. I made sure to wake up at 7am, have a nice big glass of water, and I made 2 eggs over medium and that was it. I don't drink coffee and I didn't want to eat any carbs at all. Good or bad. If you see below here is what my doc said to do and do not do.

Ok to eat: 
black coffee
peanut butter on a whole wheat muffin

Do Not eat: 
Sweets, treats. 
White bread 
Fruit (I know, but fruit has sugar in it and you don't want it to affect your score)

2) Drink Water
Did you know that drinking water before a blood draw helps the blood come out easier. I have hard veins to find. Thanks to fertility treatment and the hundreds of blood draws I had to take, I learned the perfect vein that we have called "Old Faithful". You can tap that vein multiple times and it will always be faithful. But I have to always point it out and tell the tech, "it is super deep but it won't let you down." And every time I am right!  I was told during my fertility treatment to always drink water before blood draw to help make it easier for it to be drawn. Blood is about 50% water so the more water you drink the plumper your veins are and can be easier for the tech or nurse to locate your vein and draw your blood! 

3) Bring A Book
Come prepared to sit and wait for awhile. First of all you have to register, and often times you are allowed to pre-register for labor and birth at the hospital. Which can take some time. I was lucky this time around that they brought me my drink before I was registered. Because it took 45 minutes for them to call my name and register me. 

4) Use The Bathroom
If you have to go, go. Since you already had a big glass of water before you arrived chances are you are going to have to need to pee again, and hey you are pregnant. So if you need to go, tell the attendant that you need to go and go! 

5) Be ok with whatever happens
Trust your body and your baby. As nervous as this test makes people there really isn't anything you can do to ensure that you pass. The only thing you can do is to not eat sugar before the test to ensure that the results are as correct as possible. But it is your body that does the processing of the sugar in your blood stream and it will do what it does no matter what you do. You might be average weight, eating a healthy diet and still not pass the 1 hour test. And have to do the 3 hour test where you pass. Our bodies all respond in different ways when we are pregnant. Regardless of what happens it is best to adopt a healthy diet for you and your baby eating protein, good carbs, fruits and veggies and limiting the sweets that you do eat while pregnant. That will help you control your weight gain while pregnant and make it easier to lose the weight after baby arrives.

6) Prepare for the rest of the day
You might not feel too well the rest of the day. Don't plan anything strenuous throughout the day. Take it easy and eat sugar less foods and drink lots of water. I honestly ate more protein following my test and didn't have really any carbs. I just didn't want any more sugar. 

What If I Fail the 1 Hour test? 
Then you will be asked to come back in and take a fasting 3 hour test. Where they will draw your blood, then have you drink the drink and check your blood levels 1 hour and 2 hours after the drink has been consumed. Based on the levels presented during the following draws will determine if you have Gestational Diabetes. Gestational Diabetes can be maintained through a healthy diet and implementing exercise for the remainder of the pregnancy to even possibly testing your blood sugar levels throughout the day. You might have extra appointments and even ultrasounds to watch the growth of your baby and to make sure things are going as planned. And often Gestational Diabetes only affects the mom while pregnant and insulin levels can return to normal after the baby is born.

Alternatives to the test: 
I have heard, but haven't talked to my own doctor about possible alternatives to taking the test. By doing a banana challenge, eating a bunch of bananas and then having your blood drawn the same way. Or through other blood draws. If you don't want to take the test you can always discuss with your doctor if there are alternative tests you can do to avoid drinking the drink. Talk with your doc and see what they say!

Hope this helps! Oh...I never did say, but I passed my glucose test. I found out yesterday! I have now passed with all 3 of my pregnancies. YAY! I am living proof that you can have a fit and healthy plus size pregnancy! 

Good luck to all you mommas. Just know that your body is going to do what it does. And remember your body is already doing amazing things. It is making your baby for you! Eat right, exercise and know that you are doing everything you can do to have a healthy and fit plus size pregnancy! 

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Bump Update: 26 Weeks

 Here we are! It is kind of flying by which is weird because the first 14 weeks crawled by and now it is like it is super hyper speed. I am sure that the last 10 weeks will crawl by too. It is just how it works I guess. I found out this morning that I passed my Glucose Tolerance Test! YAY! You have no idea how happy that makes me. It is seriously the one test in my entire pregnancy that I worry about. Since I am overweight and have a higher BMI I am pre-disposed to develop it but with all 3 of my pregnancies, I have never had it! YAY! I will have a post on how to survive the test up soon!!!

This week, I have been suffering from my pulled round ligament that I pulled while pregnant with Collin. As my belly is growing the round ligament is getting more and more stretched. I just get these super sharp pains that suck! They really are horrible. I have to take it easy when I squat down to pick stuff up. I just have to be careful when I move sometimes. I am also not pushing my body as much during yoga so that I don't over stretch it. I feel so flexible right now (thank you to the hormone relaxin!) but I know that if I overdo it again, then I won't be able to MOVE! Listen to your body! That is the best advice!

Total Weight Gain:  13 pounds total weighing in at 250.6 pounds.

Symptoms: Lack of sleeping well. Tired a lot of the day, and round ligament pain from my pulled ligament from my last pregnancy. It sucks! 
Baby’s Size: Eggplant (~9.2 inches, 2 pounds)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts. I am really on the hunt for good pregnancy exercise pants to wear, as I don't have any and I just stretch into my old ones. Oh and a good nursing sports bra. Yeah, I'm on the hunt! (Wearing my new Fabletics tank and sports bra in these pictures.)
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones.
Gender: GIRL!!! 
Sleep: HORRIBLE! I have been tossing and turning, and I have restless leg syndrome. I am just kicking like crazy while I sleep. Plus she is starting to move at night more and it wakes me up, or when I flip over it wakes her and she kicks me to tell me to go back to sleep. She is a feisty one! I have been trying to combat poor sleep with listening to my hypnobirthing as I fall asleep. It seems to be helping, I am having better nights than bad.
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Veggies. Anything with lots of veggies looks amazing to me. It is kind of insane that I have turned into a veggie craving lady! I mainly have just been trying to make sure I am eating what I am supposed to be eating. Shakeology everyday. Enough veggies, protein, fruits and right kinds of carbs and so forth. And some indulgent treats here and there.
Aversions: nothing yet
Excited About: 3rd Trimester! We are getting so close to the final stretch! 
Workouts: Got in almost all my workouts 4 days a this past week, which is awesome! Still trying to get in the nightly walks. Workouts included: 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity and Diary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts in daily.
Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Fit Tip Tuesday

Think about this just for a second. Because it really is true! If you stay committed in what you want to achieve you can! You just have to be disciplined! 

So...what workout are you doing today, and do you really love it and love doing it? Need help finding your perfect workout? Let's chat because I am love matching people with their perfect fit program!You can email me here and get started TODAY

Want more daily motivation and inspiration? Click here get free advice, support and encouragement + a free copy of my Clean Eating guide to help you get started on your health and fitness journey!
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