
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Mom & Baby Hospital Bag Packing List- Third Time Around

I am so behind in writing this post! EEK! I am 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow and just getting everything together. I blame the hubs. He has been making me wait and wait and wait until I was in my final month, meant to do it last week but it just didn't happen! But here it is! If you are not sure what to pack for the hospital, well here you are, and with an easy way to pack too! 

I like to get super organized and make it easy. I will group thing together in Ziploc bags for easy to find, store and pack! When I was in labor with Collin (#2) I had my hospital bag in our room and we had to move fast. I had my laboring sports bra/nursing bra and my labor gown right on top. I just pulled them out without thinking about it and threw them on. Grabbed my chargers and put them in the ziploc bag we already had near them and it was so easy and fast. Everything else was already packed and I didn't have to think about it. Being organized and ready makes a huge difference. Just a little advice on making it easier to pack.

WHAT TO PACK: Mommy & Baby: Starting from bottom of bag up.

-Going home outfit for you and for new baby and socks and mittens for baby. Bring your comfy sweat pants. No jeans here cause you won't want to pull them on. And bring a pregnancy top too as you will have a bump still. (see Kate Middleton pix of Prince George meeting the world)

-Washed blanket from home for baby to get used to smell of home while in the hospital. I love using the Aden & Anais Swaddle blankets in the hospital instead of the blankets they provide. 

-Clothing to wear for your hospital stay. 2 tops and 2 bottoms (sweat pants again or capris or loose fitting non tight stuff). I'm wearing a black nursing dress (similar to this) because it is just so comfy! PJ's would be great. If you are going to wear bottoms I would do dark bottoms because of the after birth bleeding that happens, and you have a leak in the lovely hospital undies. I love these rolled gauchos pants from Old Navy! I have 2 pairs! You always have the option to wear the hospital gown too.

~Nursing bras (2, just in case). I love these from Motherhood Maternity for sleeping and pads, along with nipple cream or coconut oil in a small container

~Cheap flip flops for the showers, plus you have the flip flops or shoes you wore in. Also you can pack slippers if you want. I don't they take up too much room but here is where you would put them in your bag.

~Toiletries- toothbrush, hair brush, hair tie, face wash, shampoo and conditioner, glasses case, contacts and solution and makeup.

~Chapstick and hair tie easily accessible for use while laboring. You will need it. Put it in a Ziploc baggie to keep together and easy for the hubs to find.

~Charger for phone, tablet and all electric things you are bringing. (make sure your camera if bringing one that is not your phone, has a fully charged battery prior to being packed.)

~Insurance card, birth plan, pre-registered hospital card, picture ID and list of what you packed to make sure you bring it all home in a pocket folder so that you can check into the hospital and also add the hospital paperwork to before you leave the hospital too.

-Don't forget to bring a robe with you so you can walk around the hospital if you have to during labor.


~Birthing sports bra or nursing bra- I have a black one from Motherhood Maternity that I love that I will use again to give birth in. It is easy to throw on in a hurry and isn't too tight, and it can be pulled to the side easily to nurse right away. Keep in mind this one will get messy from when you meet your baby as they will place the baby on your chest or belly when they are born. That is why black. My cousin did hot pink though.

~Birthing gown (I choose not to use the open butt gowns the hospital has and I bring a night dress that goes down to my knees and has thin straps. More comfy. Check with doc and hospital to see if allowed.)

I am hoping to do most of my laboring at home prior to the hospital again. And when I get to the hospital I want to be all work no play basically. But if getting induced, bring a good book or crossword puzzle or a game with you and make sure you rest because inductions can take some time and it can get boring just sitting there watching the clock, which you will do even if you bring a book, game or rest.

Other women bring their Boppy pillow with them or a pillow from home. I don't, because that is just more stuff to take home when your hands are going to be full of stuff, including your new baby!

These are my essentials. If I think of anything else to add between now and DD I will update this post!

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