
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bump Update: 30 Weeks

It's the final countdown! (cue synthesizer!) After this week I will be in the single digits of how many weeks are left until my due date. So mentally I am celebrating the fact that I can say 10 weeks, but I am also getting nervous. Not about birth or labor but about how much our lives are going to change with #3 here in the house. (I am one of the crazy ones that actually like birthing a baby, unmedicated. I feel strong and even more empowered and it is a total Badass moment for me!) But life is going to change so much. One more mouth to feed. One more direction to be pulled. One more child to love. It is exciting, but so very surreal at this point thinking of it.

Her nursery is almost done! YAY! I know she won't be using it for awhile, but it is still nice to have it set up and ready. And honestly, I didn't plan on doing as much as I am. like new crib sheets. I wasn't planning on getting new ones, but when you find some that are the exact theme, you have to get them! I can't wait to show you how it looks! I just sit in there after I put the boys down for bed and just soak it all in. Seeing my vision of 5 years on how I would decorate my little girls room come to life is pretty amazing!  
Nesting has definitely set in. Remember when I mentioned that I just didn't care to clean or do anything? Well, I care now! My house is actually looking pretty dang good. Kitchen is being kept up with. Basement is picked up. I just can't stand messes right now. If it is cluttered it gets under my skin. We just have a couple more rooms left to organize and the house will be ready to go for Elyse to join the family, and family to visit! (10 weeks, family will be here! WOW!) 

Total Weight Gain: Gained 16.7 pounds total. Weight as of this morning 254.4 pounds. Up .4 from last week! YAY! Trying to be Junk Free in July is WORKING! (it is our theme for this month in my exclusive health and fitness support group)

Symptoms: Minor heartburn this week. Trying not to eat too close to bed time. We are eating dinner around 5:30 pm most night instead of an hour later, like we do when I am teaching. So that has helped a lot. Peeing a ton! But I am making sure I am drinking tons of water though so I don't get dehydrated. My new rule, after every time I go to the bathroom I drink more water.
Baby’s Size: Butternut Squash (~17 inches inches, 3.1 pounds)
Maternity Clothes: Yes, bottoms need to wear maternity or stretchy pants. Tops I wear maternity now and my bigger t-shirts. Wearing my new Fabletics sports bra in these pictures and LOVE THEM and the fun colors! A ton more coverage and super comfy!
Stretch Marks: I already have a ton that I got when I gained weight years ago. So nothing new. I am using Honest Company belly balm right now though to help my belly stretch so I do not get any new ones.
Gender: GIRL!!! 
Sleep: Sleep is like never ending for me. I am up at 11:30pm, 1:30am, and 3:30am without fail to use the bathroom. Then I have a hard time falling asleep again, and then Matt is up for work around 5am so I get up then too. Basically I am up every 2 hours to pee! Nights just seem to drag since I can't get comfy, or back to sleep easily. Oh and she likes to move A TON around the 11:30-midnight wake up. It is crazy how active she gets! 
Miss Anything: Sleeping comfortably flat on my belly or back! Sleeping through the night. 
Cravings: Veggies. Are really the only thing I really have to have with my meals. I really don't have any cravings of things that "I have to have". I just really enjoy eating good foods. 
Aversions: Sweets taste too sweet for me, so I can only handle a little at a time. I guess that is my only aversion.
Excited About: This is the last week in the double digits for counting down the weeks. 10 weeks until my due date. It is getting real. I did get some of the nursery set up. Just waiting for a few more pieces and I will share with you what I did and what it looks like. Still trying to force myself from getting my go bag ready and setting up the pack-n-play. But waiting a little longer before I do that.
Workouts: Okay this week! I only got in 4 days this past week. My regular Workouts include: 21 Day Fix yoga & pilates Beachbody On Demand Active Maternity and Diary Of A Fit Mommy's Fit For Two 2nd Trimester workouts in daily. Still trying to get in walks everyday for the kiddos at night, but it didn't happen every night with the rain and thunderstorms.
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