Connect the Dots Ginger | Becky Allen

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Guilt Free Holiday Season- Best Tips

Be Prepared this Christmas! Here are my best tips to help you stay on track and avoid feeling guilty after the holiday! 

Remember Your Why: 

You embarked on this healthy journey for a reason. You do not need to indulge for weeks on end and then feel miserable. You and your body deserve more than that! You have willpower and a goal, remember that and don’t give in to temptation after temptation! 

Plan Your Treats! 

We are not here to tell you to deprive yourself. This is a lifestyle and in life we have treats! It is totally ok! What is not ok is to have treat after treat until you feel miserable and defeated. Plan out your treats and stick to your plan. For example, I plan to stay on track and then enjoy my Thanksgiving meal, dessert and all, guilt free. After, I will jump right back on track! 

Is it Worth it? 

Treats have consequences. Salty, sugary, and fatty foods are seriously addicting and leave us craving more. Often, this means falling far from our goals so think to yourself, “Is this really worth it or do my goals mean more to me?” Yes, that fried gooeyness may taste good for a moment, but what does it do for you in the the long run? 

Move Your Body! 

This is such an important time to get your body moving! Do not start slacking off in your workout routine. Working out gives you endorphins and a clean mind to make good decisions. Schedule it in! Make it a priority! If you are traveling, take your DVD’s with you or get some good use out of your walking shoes. Be proud of the choices you are making, don’t be embarrassed to show off your movies in front of family. Wake up early and get it done! You will feel a million times better if you stay on track. Remember, we want to go into 2016 feeling incredible and confident in our bodies, not stuck starting over for another year in a row!

Be sure to follow me over on FACEBOOK for more daily motivation and inspiration! See you over there! 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Start This Week With The Decision To Try

Yeah, Christmas is Friday. And the last thing on your mind is probably getting in your workout or ditching the sweets and goodies. Here is the thing though guys. Spend the next 4 days eating as clean as possible and be sure to get in 30 minutes of some exercise in every day so that you can enjoy your Christmas and not feel guilty about eating yummy food, filling up your plate, and going back for seconds. 

Last year at this time. I didn't care what I ate. I had already gained weight since Thanksgiving. I was feeling sluggish. Gave up on Running. Gave up on myself. I didn't really care. I just wanted to enjoy the holiday and not deny myself what I know I like. But I felt awful. I had more to lose after the holidays and I was heavier than I had ever been not pregnant. Then I found out I was pregnant. Starting my pregnancy so heavy it scared me. 

This year I am taking care of myself. I know I am worth it to take care of myself. To give my body good foods that make me feel healthy. No more excuses. I am taking care of me and it is the best feeling in the world!

Who is going to join me for the next 4 days? Come on over to my Facebook page and if you want to join my 4 days of Fitmas Challenge, click here to join! Reindeer games begin tomorrow along with the crockpot exchange! Who knows you might even enjoy it so much that you are going to make a change in your life that lasts longer than the next 4 days. But all you have to do is TRY! You can do this. You are worth it. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Reduce Holiday Stress With Exercise

It is the last weekend before Christmas. Many of us are going to be out and about today getting the last things we need for a spectacular Christmas! In the midst of running around, take time to get your workout in during the day. It will help tone down the surrounding stressors.

30 minute walk
30 minute run
Strength Training
21 Day Fix Workout Routines
Hammer and Chisel (ordering mine this week!)
Just do something! 

The best way to reduce stress is by sticking to your health and fitness routine. We often drop our exercise program during the holidays because we're so busy with errands and to-do lists when, in actuality, we need more exercise than ever.

It is more important than ever to schedule in your calendar, just as an errand or doctor's visit would be scheduled.

When you take the time to take care of yourself, you're ensuring that you'll have the energy and peace of mind to get all your tasks done efficiently and timely. Besides that, exercise releases those feel good endorphins and who can't use a little of that this time of year?

Comment below with what time or a picture of your scheduled workout time for this week!

Even Santa is getting his workouts in to haul all those presents around! ;)
wink emoticon

Friday, December 18, 2015

4 Days of Fitmas

YEA! It is time for the 4 Days Of Fitmas! Join me in my FREE health and fitness support group! Are you ready to have fun and enjoy your Christmas guilt free? Holiday Survival guide and recipes included along with fun Reindeer Games to play! Oh, and for an even bigger party, we are including a Crockpot Recipe Exchange!

If everyone in the group shared just 3 of their favorite healthy crockpot recipes then we would have over 75 new recipes to choose from!

Click to fill out the application and join us!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Holiday Season Have You Feeling Overwhelmed?

How many of you have or are currently feeling OVERWHELMED with the holiday season. This is the first year ever that I have not had my Christmas decorations all up the day after thanksgiving. I just haven't been able to. I am finally just taking my time, not stressing and just trying to do a little at a time. I am done feeling overwhelmed with things in my life. And really overwhelmed just means that there are too many things going on, at the same time. I don't want to be stressed. I don't want to feel inadequate. I don't want to just lose my marbles this holiday season. And it has actually been quite freeing. Matt just asked me last night, "When can we have the dinning room cleaned up?" I said, "I'm not done decorating yet." "Babe, it is Dec 16..." I just gave him my "shut up I will get to it when I am good and ready to" stare. I love him. But I also know that I have to take care of me. And I just don't want a whole lot of stress and drama in my life right now!

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your workout, your eating, fitting all this into your life during the holidays. Sit down and take a look at everything that is going on in your life. Have you agreed to go to not 1 but 3 cookie exchanges or holiday parties this season? Are you having guests over and feel overwhelmed with the idea of cleaning your house? Are you running out of time to get everything perfect for Christmas?
If you are feeling overwhelmed with workouts, think about what you have going into your workouts. The Time you are working out. Or look at your schedule. Find a time that works for you because when you start to doubt yourself with workouts excuses come flying in and it is hard to say no to them and easy to stop!

It is ok to say "no" to holiday parties. I did. I backed out of two at the last minute because I just couldn't do it. 

My house will be as clean as I can get it before my parents get here. Thankfully Matt is picking up the slack more to help me but I just don't have the energy to do it all anymore.
Christmas will never be perfect. I still might not get all the decorations up. But I will have a rocking Christmas because I will see my boys faces and excitement they have towards everything they are getting from us and family. It is ok to put your family first and maybe back off on some things to keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

Do what you can. You do not have to be perfect. You just need to enjoy life, live it and make memories! And heck if you decide to ditch the ornaments on your Christmas tree, you might even remember that more than the year you decked your house out with a million lights! Keep it simple. Keep it smart!
You are in charge of your life and how it is. Don't let the season be the reason to give up on you. You are worth more than that and the season is worth more than a few decorations or parties. It doesn't have to be perfect, it is about making memories. Remember the season and remember your why!
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